When does Death begin???

based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Depending on the temperature around the body, the human heart can restart anywhere from a minute or two, out to maybe 7-8 minutes after it's stopped....warmer the environment, the quicker you're officially dead. The brain deprived of blood is a different matter...they may be resuscitating a vegetable. :cry:
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

When they no longer have vital signs.
bernie doesn't have vital signs.

These 18,000 disagree....And it's about what we think and believe, not science.

based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Glad you started a new thread with this, Nat. It was a good point on that other thread, too.

So let me put my rightwing idiot hat on and give you an answer:
Death begins at the rightful time of embalmment as established by law, not by cessation of respiration.
Until then no one can be sure that the person who stopped breathing isn't still thinking and feeling.
I am a death pro-lifer who will fight for the right to have all people who are dead still have the right to own property and vote until they are embalmed or cremated legally. No exceptions. Not even in the event they die from unnatural causes such as murder or a car accident.
Funeral directors who are caught embalming before everyone else who believes as I do shall be deemed as breaking the law.

Yes the embalming is done because in the past people woke up alive in their casket or on the funeral table...creepy

Some people do not do the embalming due to their religion or personal choices.

When my sister died a doctor came in and pronounced her dead, I signed the papers and she was gone.
So I feel doctors are trained much more than most folks to make the call of end of life.

In my opinion abortion should only be used for a life or death situation, otherwise so many people are looking to adopt these baby's.

The excerpt below is from 2014.......

Recent statistics show that approximately 14,000 newborns are adopted annually in the United States through voluntary placements, a number that has remained flat for about 20 years. Meanwhile, in 2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed—the lowest number in decades.

Currently, there are close to 400,000 children in state custody; only half have permanent plans for placement [into foster care]. Meanwhile, employees in protective services are underpaid and overworked, treading water to try to ensure that all of the children in their care are happy and healthy. Anyone who believes that adoption or foster care is a natural solution to growing restrictions on reproductive rights is kidding themselves.

Adoption Is Not a Universal Alternative to Abortion, No Matter What Anti-Choicers Say - Rewire

The process for adopting a child is very hard in America...they need to make the laws to adopt easier.
My cousin had to go to China to adopt her daughter.
I also know some young 18 year old girl who got pregnant, the adoption people were encouraging her to let them adopt the baby. She decided to raise the baby herself ...and of coarse went on welfare and is in that trap of low income.
I doubt if there are new born babies in the links statics , unless if they are cocaine/ drug baby's or mentally / physically handicapped .

When does Death begin???

For the GOP...precisely the moment they hand either Tiny Hands or the Canadian the nomination...
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

The issue isn't when life begins. Life is constant. It get's passed from one to another, but it never "begins." The issue is when does a person begin. To be specific, when does a life attain status as a human being with rights.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Taking the religionist view to its logical conclusion, it must begin as soon as one of our cells dies.

That's pretty much true. Death begins the day you are born. Your body begins to decay and die from that point.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Depending on the temperature around the body, the human heart can restart anywhere from a minute or two, out to maybe 7-8 minutes after it's stopped....warmer the environment, the quicker you're officially dead. The brain deprived of blood is a different matter...they may be resuscitating a vegetable. :cry:

From this, I hope you can appreciate my family's experience on this.

Eight years ago, my wife suffered a full cardiac arrest due to a sudden drop in her potassium caused by her blood pressure medication. Her heart stopped several times as she had cpr for nearly 45 minutes and was "shocked" nine times.

The problem was that she didn't have enough potassium in her system to keep her heart working after they would get it going again.

Subsequently, she didn't get enough oxygen to her brain and she was not expected to recover past the point of being a vegetable if at all.

Thankfully, long story short - she did recover to a point far beyond what the doctors expected. I was asked twice - when she was in her coma - how long I would be willing to leave her on life support.

Obviously, this ordeal has a major impact on my views about death and dying. Even on life itself.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Taking the religionist view to its logical conclusion, it must begin as soon as one of our cells dies.

That's pretty much true. Death begins the day you are born. Your body begins to decay and die from that point.

I think you are close but it's conception - not birth - when aging begins.

So, I think biologically, that's also when the clock starts ticking towards the individual's death as well.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???
When they declare themselves republicans!
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Taking the religionist view to its logical conclusion, it must begin as soon as one of our cells dies.

That's pretty much true. Death begins the day you are born. Your body begins to decay and die from that point.

How depressing...:frown:.... when babies are born they are still growing. I feel the decline starts in the 40's..



The issue isn't when life begins. Life is constant. It get's passed from one to another, but it never "begins." The issue is when does a person begin. To be specific, when does a life attain status as a human being with rights.

take it up with one of your ilk who phrased the inquiry as, "when does life begin?"

But I'll readily admit that your phrasing is much better.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

Taking the religionist view to its logical conclusion, it must begin as soon as one of our cells dies.

That's pretty much true. Death begins the day you are born. Your body begins to decay and die from that point.

Most of that "death" is apoptotic though. It's part of growing.

I was just being sarcastic.
The issue isn't when life begins. Life is constant. It get's passed from one to another, but it never "begins." The issue is when does a person begin. To be specific, when does a life attain status as a human being with rights.

take it up with one of your ilk who phrased the inquiry as, "when does life begin?"

But I'll readily admit that your phrasing is much better.

My "ilk" doesn't phrase it that way. I don't believe in making abortion illegal, if you really must know.
based on another thread's bantering with a right wing, anti a woman's right to choose, poster who kept on asking "when does life begin"?.......

I responded that life for an embryo officially begins when that embryo can breathe a FIRST breath on his/her own.

So, .I pose the opposite question.....

When do we declare someone DEAD ???

When they no longer have vital signs.
bernie doesn't have vital signs.

These 18,000 disagree....And it's about what we think and believe, not science.

They're all stupid. They don't even know what, "vital signs", are.
From this, I hope you can appreciate my family's experience on this.

Eight years ago, my wife suffered a full cardiac arrest due to a sudden drop in her potassium caused by her blood pressure medication. Her heart stopped several times as she had cpr for nearly 45 minutes and was "shocked" nine times.

The problem was that she didn't have enough potassium in her system to keep her heart working after they would get it going again.

Subsequently, she didn't get enough oxygen to her brain and she was not expected to recover past the point of being a vegetable if at all.

Thankfully, long story short - she did recover to a point far beyond what the doctors expected. I was asked twice - when she was in her coma - how long I would be willing to leave her on life support.

Obviously, this ordeal has a major impact on my views about death and dying. Even on life itself.

Thanks for you story. I take Lisinopril (40mg) for high BP and the doc monitors my potassium level. I had no idea how serious a drop is and will be eating a banana every day now. :banana:

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