When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

Rump Knelt For North Korea’s National Anthem After Saluting Kim’s General

Sources say president made major gaffes, also kissing Kim Jong-Un’s ring and curtsying before a photo of his father, Kim Jong-Il

>>... “I cringed when he saluted, felt sick when he knelt, nearly vomited when he kissed Kim’s ring, and broke out laughing when he curtsied,” said another U.S. official who witnessed the display. “But, honestly, none of it was funny.”

President Rump is now back at the White House where he has declared the Singapore Summit “a historic victory for potential investors and real estate developers ready to pounce on North Korean beachfront property.”


Rump appeared to know the lyrics to the N. Korean national anthem better than our own, and belted it out when the music started playing.

.... Mr. Rump will be traveling to Moscow next, where he is expected to pin American military medals on Russian officers, then lie prostrate in front of the despot Vladimir Putin and spit shine his shoes. <<​

So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Your admiration for Kim is evident.

The rest of us don't give a shit what he's thinking, because we recognize he is a psychotic freak, who happens to control the fate of millions of people.

Trump is reaching out to him in order to exert some control over him. And you fools jeer.

I seriously hope that when war comes, you are dragged screaming from your home by some glaze-eyed antifa turd and beat with a bat on your tiny patch of grass before being drafted at gunpoint.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I’d like to see someone, preferably a Trump supporter, show up at my door with a bat, I could use a little range time.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Your admiration for Kim is evident.

The rest of us don't give a shit what he's thinking, because we recognize he is a psychotic freak, who happens to control the fate of millions of people.

Trump is reaching out to him in order to exert some control over him. And you fools jeer.

I seriously hope that when war comes, you are dragged screaming from your home by some glaze-eyed antifa turd and beat with a bat on your tiny patch of grass before being drafted at gunpoint.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I’d like to see someone, preferably a Trump supporter, show up at my door with a bat, I could use a little range time.

I'm sure you're bristling with illegal weapons, like the criminal I'm sure you are.
It's amusing to see cons take the side of our enemies, because of Trump.

It's more amusing to watch you people lose your minds and make yourselves look stupid by pretending you know Military Protocol when you don't. I'll bet when Obambi bent over for the Sheikh all you wanted to was get you some o dat.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Your admiration for Kim is evident.

The rest of us don't give a shit what he's thinking, because we recognize he is a psychotic freak, who happens to control the fate of millions of people.

Trump is reaching out to him in order to exert some control over him. And you fools jeer.

I seriously hope that when war comes, you are dragged screaming from your home by some glaze-eyed antifa turd and beat with a bat on your tiny patch of grass before being drafted at gunpoint.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I’d like to see someone, preferably a Trump supporter, show up at my door with a bat, I could use a little range time.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit kid. You going to join BLM and ANTIFA in the streets?
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t telling but obviously it is lol. Only a handful of presidents have ever won the electoral college while losing the popular vote.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t telling but obviously it is lol. Only a handful of presidents have ever won the electoral college while losing the popular vote.

Yet the EC is all that counts. You kids need to move on.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t telling but obviously it is lol. Only a handful of presidents have ever won the electoral college while losing the popular vote.

Yet the EC is all that counts. You kids need to move on.
Oh please. If Hillary had lost the popular vote but won the election, you dumbasses would never shut the fuck about it and you know it.
ok------so trump made a mistake------BEYOND the usual hoof in mouth.
He can learn

Can he though? He's 72 and he's saluting a North Korean general, maybe he should have prepped but I'm pretty sure it should have been obvious to him that you don't do that.

what is wrong with 72 ? I HAVE A PERSONAL REASON FOR ASKING----

That at 72 he should know better, I'm not putting him down for his age.

Cons had a Red White and Blue Shit Fit over President Obama bowing, and that lying, cheating, Draft Dodging Piece of Shit 45 Salute's a Communist Gerneral and Cons fall to their knees in adulation.

Fucking Traitors, all of them.
Wow, really!? There is something called being polite, granted that may be a new term for some of you.

You don't have to kiss ass to be polite, a simple handshake will do.

Once again, watch the tape, he started with a handshake.

Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.

And the sobbing meltdown continues. How the hell can you give a shit? Obviously you don't. You just hear the word Trump and lose all perspective. This is so totally hurting the anti-Trump agenda, you're clearly identifying yourselves as dishonest whack jobs
Wow, really!? There is something called being polite, granted that may be a new term for some of you.

You don't have to kiss ass to be polite, a simple handshake will do.
So you dont have to blow obama?

No one can possibly actually care about the stupid crap you're melting down about

We're not talking about Obama here, you know this, right?

No one is melting down, it's just another sign that Trump is mentally deficient, negotiated nothing for the United States and went out of his way to praise the leader of North Korea, the salute is just one more thing. Something else that will now be normalized by the right.

Mentally deficient!? For being polite? As far as negotiating anything, that was not the purpose. The purpose was to get to the table and begin to have a discussion, develop some rapport. Sounds like you may be the mentally deficient one.

Sure, the purpose was not to negotiate but then why did Trump tell NK and possibly China (somebody told them) that we would suspend military training exercises in South Korea? The meeting was a negotiating point to begin with and we gave that away for free.

Now, what did we get? I mean other than the opportunity for our president to star in a North Korean propaganda movie?

If you in your twisted mind think you're serious, then answer my question. Name any treaty in history that was signed in only one meeting. That you're running away shows how fundamentally dishonest you are about this
Once again, watch the tape, he started with a handshake.

Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.
Once again, Trump is totally unprepared despite efforts to prep him beforehand

Trump has no patience for such details

Yep, he was specifically told not to salute, but Team Apology here on the board will go ahead and make any excuse for him.

No excuse, just don't give a shit. Just like you wouldn't have before you came down with that nasty case of Trump derangement syndrome
You don't have to kiss ass to be polite, a simple handshake will do.

Once again, watch the tape, he started with a handshake.

Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.

And the sobbing meltdown continues. How the hell can you give a shit? Obviously you don't. You just hear the word Trump and lose all perspective. This is so totally hurting the anti-Trump agenda, you're clearly identifying yourselves as dishonest whack jobs

Of course I care how a clueless moron negotiates peace on my behalf.
Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
/——-/ Having the most popular votes in the presidential race is a meaningless statistic. But I understand it’s all you clowns have. Sad and funny.

Like having the most hits and losing the world series.

Like the 1960 Yankees

View attachment 198844
/----/ A perfect analogy that Libtards can understand.
1960 World Series
Dates: October 5 - 13, 1960
New York Yankees 49 runs in 7 games
Pittsburgh Pirates 33 runs in 7 games
Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3)

Leftist don't do sports
/----/ Not true. They do Competitive Macrame and Synchronized swimming.
Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.
Once again, Trump is totally unprepared despite efforts to prep him beforehand

Trump has no patience for such details

Yep, he was specifically told not to salute, but Team Apology here on the board will go ahead and make any excuse for him.

No excuse, just don't give a shit. Just like you wouldn't have before you came down with that nasty case of Trump derangement syndrome

If I didn't give a shit, I wouldn't be posting about it. Trump is a self-centered idiot, chances are in 5-10 years you'll be claiming you didn't vote for him.
Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t telling but obviously it is lol. Only a handful of presidents have ever won the electoral college while losing the popular vote.

Yet the EC is all that counts. You kids need to move on.
Oh please. If Hillary had lost the popular vote but won the election, you dumbasses would never shut the fuck about it and you know it.

I can't speak for anyone else but I can for me.

1) I'm not a whiny assed Lib
2) The rules are the rules.

Whenever you people lose you want to change the rules. I don't have a dog in the hunt, Rump like all Presidents is simply playing a part.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")

The North Korean officer saluted trump first; Trump simply returned the salute. I've seen Bush and Obama return salutes before. This is a non-issue.
dude, it's how it was reported. the fake left posted the picture rather than run the video to make it look like our president saluted the officer with his hand out. soooooo fake, just exposes them again in their continued trump syndrome issues.
I've long thought what we have needed is an Amendment to the Constitution whereby for anyone to be elected to the office of president, who is by definition, the Commander-in-Chief of our military, he or she must have completed at least one tour in the military, honorably, regardless of rank, thus he or she would have a working knowledge of what the troops go through.
/----/ Anything to keep the girley men out like Obozo and Hildabeast.
Once again, watch the tape, he started with a handshake.

Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.

And the sobbing meltdown continues. How the hell can you give a shit? Obviously you don't. You just hear the word Trump and lose all perspective. This is so totally hurting the anti-Trump agenda, you're clearly identifying yourselves as dishonest whack jobs

Of course I care how a clueless moron negotiates peace on my behalf.

And I care what the results are, which we have no idea. The process just started.

And you don't care about the salute. You've just lost your sanity and you're babbling incoherently, Dreyfus.

Clouseau, Clouseau, I will kill you !!!
Yes, Trump started with a handshake and then fucked it all up by miming the general.

Yup, that's where being polite comes in...dumbass.

Once again, there was no need to salute, didn't appear like the general expected it in return and it would have been just fine to keep the hand down ready to shake. Trump being Trump though and not all that great with social cues decides to simply copy the general without putting any thought into it. And that folks is how you make a North Korean propaganda film.

And the sobbing meltdown continues. How the hell can you give a shit? Obviously you don't. You just hear the word Trump and lose all perspective. This is so totally hurting the anti-Trump agenda, you're clearly identifying yourselves as dishonest whack jobs

Of course I care how a clueless moron negotiates peace on my behalf.

And I care what the results are, which we have no idea. The process just started.

We can see the actions taken, but I'm glad you have patience, you know like with the Mueller investigation.

And you don't care about the salute. You've just lost your sanity and you're babbling incoherently, Dreyfus.

Clouseau, Clouseau, I will kill you !!!

I do care about the salute and every other mistake Trump makes.
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t telling but obviously it is lol. Only a handful of presidents have ever won the electoral college while losing the popular vote.

Yet the EC is all that counts. You kids need to move on.
Oh please. If Hillary had lost the popular vote but won the election, you dumbasses would never shut the fuck about it and you know it.

I can't speak for anyone else but I can for me.

1) I'm not a whiny assed Lib
2) The rules are the rules.

Whenever you people lose you want to change the rules. I don't have a dog in the hunt, Rump like all Presidents is simply playing a part.

Yep. No one campaigned for the PV, it's irrelevant

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