When has socialism ever worked?

Socialism per se cannot work because of human nature.
Socialism must work to the extent we want to accomplish this:

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
The city had been burning for about 2 days before he showed up, doofus. He worked there, he father, grandmother and cousins lived there....
These progs are so fucking dumb and ignorant, it' amazing that they have enough brainpower to make their lungs function.
You've never been to Norway, Denmark or Sweden either. Social democracies usually have strong free market economies.
In other words, they aren't socialist. Thanks for admitting that you don't know what the word means.
No they weren't. ALL the country's wealth was centered on oil and the elite. VZ failed to diversify their economy or invest in healthcare and education.

When a country fails to invest in its people, it will fail.
In other words, it fails when it adopts socialism.
Socialism per se cannot work because of human nature.

We need human beings to be altruistic. Good luck with that!

So basically speaking, the only system that works more or less is a mixture of capitalism and socialism, something like what we now have.

The Dems want to extend the socialism part.

Sweden, I hear, acknowledged some decades ago that pure socialism does not work.

In China, people got tired of them all wearing Mao suits. People do not want to look like everyone else.
Wrong. Pure capitalism works.
"....... the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school...... fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
Yeah, I like those guys at our local firehouse.
I recognize they are a defining part of socialism here in the States, but you know what?........I still want them to come when I call.
Tho I have never done so to date.
Even though I pay for 'em.
Same thing for those darn EMS guys

That damn socialism stuff. Takes money from us even if we never get to use what its spent on.
Yeah, I like those guys at our local firehouse.
I recognize they are a defining part of socialism here in the States, but you know what?........I still want them to come when I call.
Tho I have never done so to date.
Even though I pay for 'em.
Same thing for those darn EMS guys

That damn socialism stuff. Takes money from us even if we never get to use what its spent on.
If you are paying for a service it isn’t socialism.
They are not Chinese or Russian ideals. Nor are they Communist. Maybe a little bit of socialism. You need to bone up on:
1) the definition of words
2) The governmental systems that are in place in China and Russia.
It’s very simple, you either believe in a capitalist economy or you believe in a socialist economy. Both China and Russia have / are socialist economies. I understand you are unable to “bone up” to this fact or better yet, you are unwilling to admit this. Have you been to either one of these countries?

You asked for one single Democrat that wanted this economy, I gave you 5, yet you have no clue. This indicates several characteristics you have, the simple truth is easy to understand, but leave it to Socialist and the Government control version of Socialist known as totalitarian control, that would be a Communist. History provides the clearest indication of the future, Capitalism is and has proven to be the best and most productive for society as a whole. The idea that these Democrats that I named are not interested in replacing Capitalism with Socialism or the totalitarian version known as Communism, clearly indicates how naive and probably lazy you are…

One thing historically proven is that we are made up with leaders and followers, you are obviously a follower, “bone up” on human nature, you might learn something…
Indeed, but they're not going to do that.

They just want to scream SOCIALISM and COMMIE to scare themselves and each other. Obviously, that's a very effective tactic. They are petrified.

I've tried MANY times to get them to provide clear definitions, and they never respond. Not sure why they don't.
Now you’re the authority? Please enlighten us????
"If you are paying for a service it isn’t socialism."

Well then, I shouldn't like those guys at the firehouse so much. 'Cause in all these years of paying they have never provided me a "service".

Same for those mokes at EMS (tho I don't know those folks).

Same goes for the public transportation folks.

Same goes for all those teachers and janitors at the school system.

Where is the received "service" there?
I mean, I pay and pay. But no service.

You sure that's not your version of 'socialism'?
In other words, it fails when it adopts socialism.

VZ had already failed.. Chavez did a lot of good until the ppb collapsed. He invested in healthcare, education and business development.

Do you have a clue why Spain was a rich powerhouse that collapse into abject poverty for nearly 200 years?
Well then, I shouldn't like those guys at the firehouse so much. 'Cause in all these years of paying they have never provided me a "service".

Same for those mokes at EMS (tho I don't know those folks).

Same goes for the public transportation folks.

Same goes for all those teachers and janitors at the school system.

Where is the received "service" there?
I mean, I pay and pay. But no service.

You sure that's not your version of 'socialism'?
You pay for insurance don't you?
VZ had already failed.. Chavez did a lot of good until the ppb collapsed. He invested in healthcare, education and business development.

Do you have a clue why Spain was a rich powerhouse that collapse into abject poverty for nearly 200 years?
VZ was already headede down the rode when Chaves ascended the thrown.
Mogadishu already fell.

That was feudalism, not capitalism.

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