When has socialism ever worked?

It’s very simple, you either believe in a capitalist economy or you believe in a socialist economy. Both China and Russia have / are socialist economies. I understand you are unable to “bone up” to this fact or better yet, you are unwilling to admit this. Have you been to either one of these countries?

You asked for one single Democrat that wanted this economy, I gave you 5, yet you have no clue. This indicates several characteristics you have, the simple truth is easy to understand, but leave it to Socialist and the Government control version of Socialist known as totalitarian control, that would be a Communist. History provides the clearest indication of the future, Capitalism is and has proven to be the best and most productive for society as a whole. The idea that these Democrats that I named are not interested in replacing Capitalism with Socialism or the totalitarian version known as Communism, clearly indicates how naive and probably lazy you are…

One thing historically proven is that we are made up with leaders and followers, you are obviously a follower, “bone up” on human nature, you might learn something…
Total horseshit. You can have both. Most Nordic countries, some other Northern European countries, Australia, NZ and Canada all have aspects of both socialism and capitalism. In all cases, their economies are definitely seen as capitalistic. And all those countries citizens are much higher on the 'happiness' index that you guys in the US. Want proof? Just read all the whinging and moaning going on on this board 24/7 from Americans about their country.

You mistake how some countries look after their weakest citizens as 'socialism'. As I said, and reiterate, you haven't got a fucking clue about what socialism and communism are if you think any of the people you mentioned support it. Most of us want a safety net at the bottom of the cliff, not a hammock. You think that those intergenerational families who get welfare all the time are the norm and are supported by the likes of Sanders etc. They are not. Nobody supports them. But in your narrative, it makes you feel better.

You want to live in a completely capitalistic society, there are plenty of examples of that around the world. Cuba before Castro (why do you think he came into power in the first place?). The sugar barons ran the country, paid minimal wages, there was fuck all infrastructure and 99 per cent of the population were dirt poor. That's your capitalism. Almost all the countries of central and South America were the same. Yeah, real utopias all of them.

Stop using knee-jerk hyperbole with nothing to back it up. Uber capitalists are nothing but selfish prigs who think that everybody is lazy and nobody wants to work.

I'll give you an example of how our health system works and I bet dollars to doughnuts you think it is socialist.
Now, my ex and I do have health insurance, but we have a mixture of public and private in Australia.

Six years ago she needed an operation on her foot. She had a choice of going private (but paying an excess of $3000, the rest covered by health insurance), or wait 9 months and get it done for 'free' on the public purse. That would cost about $9000 of tax payers money. She waited the 9 months. "Socialism" I hear you say. BULLSHIT. We have paid taxes for the past 30 years. She's paid her dues to be eligible to get it done on the public purse. I know that eventually I'll need it, so I don't mind paying my taxes into the public system and for 30 years other people getting the benefit of it if they need. Because I know eventually I (unless I drop dead from a heart attack) my turn will come. And if I don't 'cash in' and do drop dead before I get to the use the system, I guarantee some member of my family will get the benefit. Does that make me socialist? Not even close. I love aspects of capitalism and I hate parts of capitalism. But overall, it is a pretty good system. What the rest of the Western world has managed to do, but the US hasn't due to dogmatic conservatives, is find a balance between making the capitalistic system work, and making sure the poorest and weakest in our societies don't get stuck in the gutter.

The problem with conservative Americans, they think they are noble and morally upright looking after themselves and their immediate family and nobody else. Me? I see them as selfish fuckers. Period.
Total horseshit. You can have both. Most Nordic countries, some other Northern European countries, Australia, NZ and Canada all have aspects of both socialism and capitalism. In all cases, their economies are definitely seen as capitalistic. And all those countries citizens are much higher on the 'happiness' index that you guys in the US. Want proof? Just read all the whinging and moaning going on on this board 24/7 from Americans about their country.

You mistake how some countries look after their weakest citizens as 'socialism'. As I said, and reiterate, you haven't got a fucking clue about what socialism and communism are if you think any of the people you mentioned support it. Most of us want a safety net at the bottom of the cliff, not a hammock. You think that those intergenerational families who get welfare all the time are the norm and are supported by the likes of Sanders etc. They are not. Nobody supports them. But in your narrative, it makes you feel better.

You want to live in a completely capitalistic society, there are plenty of examples of that around the world. Cuba before Castro (why do you think he came into power in the first place?). The sugar barons ran the country, paid minimal wages, there was fuck all infrastructure and 99 per cent of the population were dirt poor. That's your capitalism. Almost all the countries of central and South America were the same. Yeah, real utopias all of them.

Stop using knee-jerk hyperbole with nothing to back it up. Uber capitalists are nothing but selfish prigs who think that everybody is lazy and nobody wants to work.

I'll give you an example of how our health system works and I bet dollars to doughnuts you think it is socialist.
Now, my ex and I do have health insurance, but we have a mixture of public and private in Australia.

Six years ago she needed an operation on her foot. She had a choice of going private (but paying an excess of $3000, the rest covered by health insurance), or wait 9 months and get it done for 'free' on the public purse. That would cost about $9000 of tax payers money. She waited the 9 months. "Socialism" I hear you say. BULLSHIT. We have paid taxes for the past 30 years. She's paid her dues to be eligible to get it done on the public purse. I know that eventually I'll need it, so I don't mind paying my taxes into the public system and for 30 years other people getting the benefit of it if they need. Because I know eventually I (unless I drop dead from a heart attack) my turn will come. And if I don't 'cash in' and do drop dead before I get to the use the system, I guarantee some member of my family will get the benefit. Does that make me socialist? Not even close. I love aspects of capitalism and I hate parts of capitalism. But overall, it is a pretty good system. What the rest of the Western world has managed to do, but the US hasn't due to dogmatic conservatives, is find a balance between making the capitalistic system work, and making sure the poorest and weakest in our societies don't get stuck in the gutter.

The problem with conservative Americans, they think they are noble and morally upright looking after themselves and their immediate family and nobody else. Me? I see them as selfish fuckers. Period.

Maybe. I think the problem with conservatives is ignorance. They just don't know anything about the rest of the world.
Total horseshit. You can have both.
I admire your patience, but you need to remember that these people are essentially calcified into binary thought process. Nuance and complexity, such as the obvious fact that most countries have a mixed economy, intimidate and scare them. So they just attack.

In their reality, you're either a proud pure capitalist patriot or an evil Hitler Soros Deep State Swamp commie. There is simply no intellectual room for the fact that most economies are mixed and must be approached as such.
This is Socialism:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We can't buy that.
I admire your patience, but you need to remember that these people are essentially calcified into binary thought process. Nuance and complexity, such as the obvious fact that most countries have a mixed economy, intimidate and scare them. So they just attack.

In their reality, you're either a proud pure capitalist patriot or an evil Hitler Soros Deep State Swamp commie. There is simply no intellectual room for the fact that most economies are mixed and must be approached as such.
I know and I get it, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. They think it admirable if they only look after their own and fuck everybody else. Like everybody was born on a level playing field.
I know and I get it, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. They think it admirable if they only look after their own and fuck everybody else. Like everybody was born on a level playing field.
Sure it's frustrating. And worse, it's no longer just the fringe thinking this way.

We should be far better than this. Maybe we're not.
Nazi Pisslosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Kamal Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Alexandra Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Elijah Cummins, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, John Kerry, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Gavin Newsom, Raphael Warnock, Dianne Feinstein, Ayanna Pressley, Jim Clyburn, Jane Napolitano, Patrick Leahy, yada, yada, yada.
'Name me ONE Democrat that supports a USSR/China type system of government'.
'Nazi Pisslosi, Obama, Sanders, bla, bla, bla.

No, retard.

That was your dear leader and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Chinese style.
'Name me ONE Democrat that supports a USSR/China type system of government'.
'Nazi Pisslosi, Obama, Sanders, bla, bla, bla.

No, retard.

That was your dear leader and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Chinese style.
Huff post lol

Show the video in full context or it doesn't exist. Doesn't matter with the topic. Biden has been making a mint in his lifetime off China.

So I really don't care about your Obsession with Trump. He lives Rent Free in your heads every day.

Those that push the mantra of SOCIALISM FOR ALL......Like California refuse to accept that the California experiment is a COMPLETE FAILURE. If it was as great as you say people would be flocking to it and not running.

Get rid of the Fed powers. Return the power to the States and do whatever the hell you like. Just don't try to force your ignorance on the rest of the country.
No they weren't. ALL the country's wealth was centered on oil and the elite. VZ failed to diversify their economy or invest in healthcare and education.

When a country fails to invest in its people, it will fail.


Stop snorting the Socialist KoolAid!

VZ worked PERFECTLY once Socialites took over. The suffering political elites became the wealthiest people in the nation at the expense of everyone else.

Learn that lesson!
Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.
They're just throwing the word around, like modern-day Archie Bunkers. It appears the actual definition of the word doesn't matter; it's more of an epithet for them, and a rhetorical device to keep themselves and those like them scared and motivated.

You'll notice how many of them bring Venezuela into it, when they know (I assume) that no one is advocating for that. No matter how many times this stuff is explained to them, clearly and simply, they just keep saying the same things. That's their world.

It's a terrible conundrum - we have to communicate, but communicating with people like this is all but impossible.
They're just throwing the word around, like modern-day Archie Bunkers. It appears the actual definition of the word doesn't matter; it's more of an epithet for them, and a device to keep themselves and those like them scared and motivated.

You'll notice how many of them bring Venezuela into it, when they know (I assume) that no one is advocating for that. No matter how many times this stuff is explained to them, clearly and simply, they just keep saying the same things.

It's a terrible conundrum - we have to communicate, but communicating with people like this is all but impossible.
California would be VZ if not for unlimited borrowing of the dollar. Hell our whole country would have fallen. But we have the biggest guns on planet earth so that isn't gonna happen.

Again. If your shit doesn't stink why are people running from your states. They are running because your side SUCKS.
Yeah, I like those guys at our local firehouse.
I recognize they are a defining part of socialism here in the States, but you know what?........I still want them to come when I call.
Tho I have never done so to date.
Even though I pay for 'em.
Same thing for those darn EMS guys

That damn socialism stuff. Takes money from us even if we never get to use what its spent on.

Try Schoolhouse Rock

Stop snorting the Socialist KoolAid!

VZ worked PERFECTLY once Socialites took over. The suffering political elites became the wealthiest people in the nation at the expense of everyone else.

Learn that lesson!

Have you ever spent any time in Scandinavia?
'Name me ONE Democrat that supports a USSR/China type system of government'.
'Nazi Pisslosi, Obama, Sanders, bla, bla, bla.

No, retard.

That was your dear leader and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Chinese style.
Of course none of them will admit to it, but every year we get closer and closer. We took a big step in that direction with Biden's so-called "infrastructure" bill
Of course none of them will admit to it, but every year we get closer and closer. We took a big step in that direction with Biden's so-called "infrastructure" bill

Trump sure admitted it and advocated it.

We took a big step in that direction with Biden's so-called "infrastructure" bill.
No, we didn't.

We came close January 6th.


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