When has socialism ever worked?

Socialism in the Uk. : JordanPeterson

Socialism in the Uk. People in the Uk, and particularly in Scotland, enjoy free education to university level and free health care on the NHS, brought in by Labour in the 1940s but also variously supported by the Conservatives and the Nationalists, these three being the traditional leadership parties in the Uk.

Is Britain a socialist country? - Quora
Democratic socialism is the system that balances the left and right that the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, and many other countries use. That balance creates a much better way of life than the American extreme right culture or the socialist extremist countries.

"democratic socialism," is simply the violent mass murder socialism slowly metastasizing...............they are less free, not more free as the government takes over more and more of their lives....
You and the other racists from the democrat party really need to warm up thoroughly before you stretch so far to make this a race issue.....

He shot 3 white felons who attacked him...race had nothing to do with it....you dumb shithead

So Kyle knew they were felons before he shot them?
Don't exaggerate.. It makes you look like an hysterical old woman.

Shithead.......the riots started on the 23rd......he didn't shoot the child rapist and the other two felons till the 25th.......
"democratic socialism," is simply the violent mass murder socialism slowly metastasizing...............they are less free, not more free as the government takes over more and more of their lives....

Have you ever been out of the US?
Shithead.......the riots started on the 23rd......he didn't shoot the child rapist and the other two felons till the 25th.......

well yeah.. They had a curfew so most protestors went home before dark.
So Kyle knew they were felons before he shot them?

Nope......he did know that the child rapist was insane and out of control.....since he had been acting insane and out of control all night, and had threatened to murder Kyle and his associates earlier in the evening....

And when someone kicks you in the face, and another tries to kill you with the edge of their skateboard, and the last shithead points a gun at you.......that is more than enough to let you know they are violent assholes trying to kill or maim you.........their previous crimes of raping young boys, beating grand mothers and burglary don't have to be known....
well yeah.. They had a curfew so most protestors went home before dark.

Yeah....the violent, arsonists and looters ignored the curfew so they could attack and beat any innocent people they found on the streets...
Have you ever been out of the US?

What does my travel have to do with the not socialist countries like Norway and Denmark...the ones who specifically state they are not socialist countries......

A more precise observation would have been that Denmark has built a free-market democracy that works for Danes.
In addition to having stayed very open to free trade, among other notable policy measures, Denmark has kept its minimum-wage-free labor market flexible by allowing employers to adjust their workforces rapidly—in both hiring and dismissing—in response to changing market conditions.

That kind of free-market policy mix has earned Denmark an economic-freedom ranking as the eighth-freest country, according to The Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2020 Index of Economic Freedom. The Index cites as reasons for the country’s high resilience and competitiveness its free-market policies, such as a competitive corporate tax rate (which is lower than America’s), regulatory efficiency, market openness, and the rule of law that Denmark has long institutionalized.

Yeah....the violent, arsonists and looters ignored the curfew so they could attack and beat any innocent people they found on the streets...

Police are supposed to arrest or shoot arsonists, vandals and looters... not welcome crackpot, untrained militias. Encouraging vigilantes is always stupid.
Police are supposed to arrest or shoot arsonists, vandals and looters... not welcome crackpot, untrained militias. Encouraging vigilantes is always stupid.

Exactly....then why did the democrat party mayors in all of the cities that burned for 7 months tell their police to not arrest the arsonists, looters and vandals?
What does my travel have to do with the not socialist countries like Norway and Denmark...the ones who specifically state they are not socialist countries......

A more precise observation would have been that Denmark has built a free-market democracy that works for Danes.
In addition to having stayed very open to free trade, among other notable policy measures, Denmark has kept its minimum-wage-free labor market flexible by allowing employers to adjust their workforces rapidly—in both hiring and dismissing—in response to changing market conditions.

That kind of free-market policy mix has earned Denmark an economic-freedom ranking as the eighth-freest country, according to The Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2020 Index of Economic Freedom. The Index cites as reasons for the country’s high resilience and competitiveness its free-market policies, such as a competitive corporate tax rate (which is lower than America’s), regulatory efficiency, market openness, and the rule of law that Denmark has long institutionalized.

You've never been to Norway, Denmark or Sweden either. Social democracies usually have strong free market economies.
Have you ever been out of the US?

Democratic socialism? Not for the Nordic countries...

Today, Nordic nations still have higher taxes and more generous welfare systems than most parts of the world. But since the 1990s, Sweden and other Nordic nations have focused on strengthening those norms of social responsibility again by increasing the control of public welfare systems, reducing generosity in the welfare models, and lowering taxes.

Indeed, many Nordic policies now promote free trade and free enterprise. The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, which measures how capitalist a country is by studying regulation and taxation in different areas of the economy, ranks Denmark and Iceland as the 10th and 11th most capitalist countries in the world. Finland comes in at 17th, Sweden at 21st, and Norway at 28th. By comparison, the United States is ranked 20th. Property rights, business freedom, monetary freedom, and trade freedom are strong in the Nordic nations.

You've never been to Norway, Denmark or Sweden either. Social democracies usually have strong free market economies.

Socialist countries do not...........they are not socialist countries.
VZ was suffering under a robust economy where the political leaders had to fend for themselves!

Thankfully Chavez righted that terrible injustice!
Socialist countries do not...........they are not socialist countries.

They claim they are.

Scandinavian 'Socialism': The Truth of the Nordic Model ...
Aug 03, 2020 · Scandinavia and the Nordic countries can be best described as social democracies. Effectively, they’re democratic countries in which its citizens are well cared for. Effectively, they’re democratic countries in which its citizens are well cared for.
Right.. The cops couldn't even enforce the curfew.

In Wake Of Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict, ACLU Says Authorities ...
19 hours ago · The ACLU reported that police had actually encouraged “white militia members” to become armed vigilantes during the unrest. ... The ACLU accused police in Kenosha of enabling “white
They were told not to enforce the curfew, dingbat.
Socialism per se cannot work because of human nature.

We need human beings to be altruistic. Good luck with that!

So basically speaking, the only system that works more or less is a mixture of capitalism and socialism, something like what we now have.

The Dems want to extend the socialism part.

Sweden, I hear, acknowledged some decades ago that pure socialism does not work.

In China, people got tired of them all wearing Mao suits. People do not want to look like everyone else.
VZ was suffering under a robust economy where the political leaders had to fend for themselves!

Thankfully Chavez righted that terrible injustice!

No they weren't. ALL the country's wealth was centered on oil and the elite. VZ failed to diversify their economy or invest in healthcare and education.

When a country fails to invest in its people, it will fail.
Socialism per se cannot work because of human nature.

We need human beings to be altruistic. Good luck with that!

So basically speaking, the only system that works more or less is a mixture of capitalism and socialism, something like what we now have.

The Dems want to extend the socialism part.

Sweden, I hear, acknowledged some decades ago that pure socialism does not work.

In China, people got tired of them all wearing Mao suits. People do not want to look like everyone else.

Is Sweden A Socialist Country? Capitalism And Socialism In ...
The Swedish economy is often defined as a “socialist democracy” and an open-market economy. The model involves the payment of higher levels of taxes from individuals, as well as lower taxes for companies and enterprises, which allows the country to grow.

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