When has socialism ever worked?

The never ending "National Emergency"

The former national security adviser asked Donald Trump to use the military to force an election "rerun" in key states lost to Biden.

"There is no way in the world we are going to be able to move forward as a nation. [Trump] could immediately, on his order, seize every single one of these [voting] machines," Flynn said during an interview with Newsmax on Thursday in an apparent reference to the far-right conspiracy theory that voting software was rigged to skew Trump votes in favor of Biden.

"Within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place those in states and basically rerun an election in each of those states.
In the 3rd Reich, the National Socialist program stopped inflation and eliminated unemployment, there was an upsurge.
During Khruschev's time in the USSR (53-64), there was strong economic growth and household welfare, but this was a right-wing policy
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism
They always support socialism. The Bolsheviks were also liberals at first and allowed everything except pedophilia (although they themselves practiced it, judging by Beria)

When has socialism ever worked?​

It worked for Germany, but Hitler's Germany was organized to benefit the German People. And when Germany tried to save Russia from Stalin and his torturing murdering gangs, it was Communist USA that did it's best to protect Stalin & His gangs by firebombing almost all German cities. And of course, most Americans tell themselves that firebombing cities is an act of love.
American cities are in the process of being destroyed as part of America's well deserved Judgments and Punishments.
What is funny about it is that most Americans are unable to confess their wrongs, and repent, which prevents The Savior, YahvehShua, from saving them.
"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

LOLOL. Trump is an incredibly stupid liar... There was NO TEST for Covid when Obama was in office .. Covid came along in 2020.. Obama's term was OVER in 2016.
you are an idiot----Obama used up the stockpile of national medical supplies and did not replace them hence the shortage of medical equipment. This was mixed in with the CHINESE who invented and released the virus, quietly spreading the disease around the world while they bought up all the medical supplies that they could get their hands on often reselling them at a profit once the epidemic hit.

Trump didn't lie about it, but you certainly are trying to.

When has socialism ever worked?​

It worked for Germany, but Hitler's Germany was organized to benefit the German People. And when Germany tried to save Russia from Stalin and his torturing murdering gangs, it was Communist USA that did it's best to protect Stalin & His gangs by firebombing almost all German cities. And of course, most Americans tell themselves that firebombing cities is an act of love.
American cities are in the process of being destroyed as part of America's well deserved Judgments and Punishments.
What is funny about it is that most Americans are unable to confess their wrongs, and repent, which prevents The Savior, YahvehShua, from saving them.
It worked for GERMANY? SocialisM? ummmm Hitler did price controls and rationing---along with lots and lots and lots and lots slave labor followed by invading neighboring countries --stealing and enslaving them to help out the SOCIALISTS in Germany.
you are an idiot----Obama used up the stockpile of national medical supplies and did not replace them hence the shortage of medical equipment. This was mixed in with the CHINESE who invented and released the virus, quietly spreading the disease around the world while they bought up all the medical supplies that they could get their hands on often reselling them at a profit once the epidemic hit.

Trump didn't lie about it, but you certainly are trying to.

Obama ordered replacement 3 years earlier.. Some of it Trump gave to other countries.. some ventilators he cancelled. Remember.. as stupid as is sounds Trump actually whined loudly that Obama left him NO covid tests.
Obama ordered replacement 3 years earlier.. Some of it Trump gave to other countries.. some ventilators he cancelled. Remember.. as stupid as is sounds Trump actually whined loudly that Obama left him NO covid tests.
Reality...Hillary and her ilk would die in a week if not propped up by the peasants. Truth!

Most societies have some sort of consultative tradition.. Native Americans had tribal councils.. The Arabs have Majlis.. and so on. Petitioning the government seems pretty natural to me.

A world wide pandemic is a national emergency. ..Consider the Spanish flu and how many it killed.

Most societies have some sort of consultative tradition.. Native Americans had tribal councils.. The Arabs have Majlis.. and so on. Petitioning the government seems pretty natural to me.

A world wide pandemic is a national emergency. ..Consider the Spanish flu and how many it killed.

Our Founders covered that

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
] India has about a billion and a half people.

The current population of India is 1,398,939,141 as of Thursday, November 25, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
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'Name me ONE Democrat that supports a USSR/China type system of government'.
'Nazi Pisslosi, Obama, Sanders, bla, bla, bla.

No, retard.

That was your dear leader and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Chinese style.
Trump praises a Communist, democrats praise Communism.

See the difference?
Trump praises a Communist, democrats praise Communism.

See the difference?
Yes, because you claimed it.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Sounds like Trumptards are praising communism.
Yes the American flag.

Carried by Trumptards while attacking the capitol, if those flags, of course were bought on Trump's 'America first' website, were made in China.

As worthless as Trumptards are.
You're confused and drifting again, pops.
She and other women progs are nothing to me for survival. But they have the police state behind them. The guy who had his daughter raped and the fascists beating the shit out of him at the school board meeting told us all about the police state. In a war they deserve to go home and find their families slaughtered. They will understand that. Law Enforcement must make their decisions.
She and other women progs are nothing to me for survival. But they have the police state behind them. The guy who had his daughter raped and the fascists beating the shit out of him at the school board meeting told us all about the police state. In a war they deserve to go home and find their families slaughtered. They will understand that. Law Enforcement must make their decisions.

You have lost your mind,

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