When has socialism ever worked?

Of course, a video.
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

FOX sure didn't report it, they saw it, heard it, recorded it and............................buried it.

Got a video?

Trump lives rent free everywhere, he never pay's rent, bills or his employees.
Poor Rudy.

Those that push for corporate socialism, like republicans have since Reagan, has been a complete failure, added nothing but deficits and debt.
Not corporate tax cut has paid for itself.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.

So, replace the constitution?
Figures, coming from a Trumptard, when they lose.

Yeah, that worked so well with Trump.

March 3 2020
President Trump
on Monday urged governors to secure their own medical supplies to fight the coronavirus, saying it would be faster that way.

State officials facing a shortage of masks and ventilators have asked Washington for help getting the supplies to protect health care workers and treat patients with the deadly coronavirus.

"They can get them faster by getting them on their own," Trump told reporters at the White House. "In other words, go through a supply chain that they may have because the governors, during normal times, the governors buy a lot of things, not necessarily through the federal government."

Numerous health care officials and state leaders have reported instances in which federal authorities have intervened on local agencies' agreements with PPE vendors. In several cases, state officials reported the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) confiscated supplies within the last minute of deals with no explanation, while others reported the agency outbid them for the equipment.
YAWN. Obama didn't replace them after using them on the Swine Flu. And States didn't prepare.

In regards to increasing supply Trump did all that was possible to increase them and find innovative ways to increase the supplies.

In asking the States. It was find a way to get them as well which is good advice. States can push for increased production in their state as well. Doesn't matter.

WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN and destroyed our country for this virus. It DIDN'T STOP A DAMNED THING. Here we are still going Tyrant over it and it isn't gone. We PROLONGED it by shutting down. And these Leaky vaccines are BS. This virus spreads like the Flu and mutates around the vaccines.

YOU ARE GOING TO GET COVID EVENTUALLY. It's not a matter of IF BUT WHEN. If you haven't already got it already.
YAWN. Obama didn't replace them after using them on the Swine Flu. And States didn't prepare.

In regards to increasing supply Trump did all that was possible to increase them and find innovative ways to increase the supplies.

In asking the States. It was find a way to get them as well which is good advice. States can push for increased production in their state as well. Doesn't matter.

WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN and destroyed our country for this virus. It DIDN'T STOP A DAMNED THING. Here we are still going Tyrant over it and it isn't gone. We PROLONGED it by shutting down. And these Leaky vaccines are BS. This virus spreads like the Flu and mutates around the vaccines.

YOU ARE GOING TO GET COVID EVENTUALLY. It's not a matter of IF BUT WHEN. If you haven't already got it already.

Obama ordered them.Trump cancelled as soon as he took office.
What is your point? So none of the George Floyd crowd were "protesters?" I agree with that theory, but you don't.
Again you're FOS.










YAWN. Obama didn't replace them after using them on the Swine Flu. And States didn't prepare.
No, he didn't.
Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave forced the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

Among the victims of those partisan fights was the effort to keep adequate supplies of masks, ventilators, pharmaceuticals and other medical equipment on hand to respond to a public health crisis.

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting.

Republicans blame Obama for short changing him.

The Obama administration had put detailed plans and systems in place — for both refilling the stockpile and stocking up quickly in the event of a pandemic — that weren't maintained or used by the Trump administration.

"When we left, there was a pandemic plan," Lurie said. "There was a checklist about where you're supposed to do when. All of that stuff was in place, and it was quite comprehensive.

"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

She said that the Obama administration had left a crucial contract in place to speed the production of masks but that the contract was dropped after Trump took office in 2017.

Again Trump blames Obama for his stupidity.

In regards to increasing supply Trump did all that was possible to increase them and find innovative ways to increase the supplies.
No, he didn't.

State officials facing a shortage of masks and ventilators have asked Washington for help getting the supplies to protect health care workers and treat patients with the deadly coronavirus.

"They can get them faster by getting them on their own," Trump told reporters at the White House. "In other words, go through a supply chain that they may have because the governors, during normal times, the governors buy a lot of things, not necessarily through the federal government."
In asking the States. It was find a way to get them as well which is good advice. States can push for increased production in their state as well. Doesn't matter.
WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN and destroyed our country for this virus. It DIDN'T STOP A DAMNED THING. Here we are still going Tyrant over it and it isn't gone. We PROLONGED it by shutting down. And these Leaky vaccines are BS. This virus spreads like the Flu and mutates around the vaccines.
You're FOS.
Trump and his cult prolonged the virus, and still are.
US covid cases-48,835,216
Deaths- 796,319

Australia covid cases-202,114

Mini-Trumps state population- 22 million
Texas population 28 million
Australia's population 25 million.

Florida covid cases- 3,730,014
Deaths- 61,147

Texas covid cases- 4,292,386
YOU ARE GOING TO GET COVID EVENTUALLY. It's not a matter of IF BUT WHEN. If you haven't already got it already.
No, he didn't.
Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave forced the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

Among the victims of those partisan fights was the effort to keep adequate supplies of masks, ventilators, pharmaceuticals and other medical equipment on hand to respond to a public health crisis.

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting.

Republicans blame Obama for short changing him.

The Obama administration had put detailed plans and systems in place — for both refilling the stockpile and stocking up quickly in the event of a pandemic — that weren't maintained or used by the Trump administration.

"When we left, there was a pandemic plan," Lurie said. "There was a checklist about where you're supposed to do when. All of that stuff was in place, and it was quite comprehensive.

"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

She said that the Obama administration had left a crucial contract in place to speed the production of masks but that the contract was dropped after Trump took office in 2017.

Again Trump blames Obama for his stupidity.

No, he didn't.

State officials facing a shortage of masks and ventilators have asked Washington for help getting the supplies to protect health care workers and treat patients with the deadly coronavirus.

"They can get them faster by getting them on their own," Trump told reporters at the White House. "In other words, go through a supply chain that they may have because the governors, during normal times, the governors buy a lot of things, not necessarily through the federal government."


You're FOS.
Trump and his cult prolonged the virus, and still are.
US covid cases-48,835,216
Deaths- 796,319

Australia covid cases-202,114

Mini-Trumps state population- 22 million
Texas population 28 million
Australia's population 25 million.

Florida covid cases- 3,730,014
Deaths- 61,147

Texas covid cases- 4,292,386
Australia is 10 times the size of Texas
Australia is 10 times the size of Texas

President Donald Trump has repeatedly complained that he inherited an empty national stockpile from the Obama administration, hamstringing his pandemic response because of a lack of emergency supplies.

"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

It's a sweeping claim Trump has made several times when faced with criticism that the government was slow to help states hit hard by the coronavirus and in dire need to supplies like personal protective equipment for front line workers and ventilators for an influx of patients — and one that former Obama administration and past news reports dispute.

Trump says he has 'a lot going on' when asked about empty stockpile
MAY 6, 202001:27
Former federal officials argue that the Trump administration dropped the ball on stocking up at the first signs of a pandemic. (We've previously fact checked Trump's claim of a broken test — it's false.)

"It's not accurate to say the shelves were empty," said Dr. Nicole Lurie, who was assistant secretary of health and human services for preparedness and response under Obama.

NPR toured one of the Strategic National Stockpile's warehouses in June 2016, describing a massive warehouse with rows of supplies, including ventilators; it noted a locked section for addictive medicines and a freezer full of temperature-controlled supplies. According to the report, an official valued the stockpile at $7 billion.
"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

LOLOL. Trump is an incredibly stupid liar... There was NO TEST for Covid when Obama was in office .. Covid came along in 2020.. Obama's term was OVER in 2016.
No, he didn't.
Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave forced the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

Among the victims of those partisan fights was the effort to keep adequate supplies of masks, ventilators, pharmaceuticals and other medical equipment on hand to respond to a public health crisis.

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting.

Republicans blame Obama for short changing him.

The Obama administration had put detailed plans and systems in place — for both refilling the stockpile and stocking up quickly in the event of a pandemic — that weren't maintained or used by the Trump administration.

"When we left, there was a pandemic plan," Lurie said. "There was a checklist about where you're supposed to do when. All of that stuff was in place, and it was quite comprehensive.

"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

She said that the Obama administration had left a crucial contract in place to speed the production of masks but that the contract was dropped after Trump took office in 2017.

Again Trump blames Obama for his stupidity.

No, he didn't.

State officials facing a shortage of masks and ventilators have asked Washington for help getting the supplies to protect health care workers and treat patients with the deadly coronavirus.

"They can get them faster by getting them on their own," Trump told reporters at the White House. "In other words, go through a supply chain that they may have because the governors, during normal times, the governors buy a lot of things, not necessarily through the federal government."


You're FOS.
Trump and his cult prolonged the virus, and still are.
US covid cases-48,835,216
Deaths- 796,319

Australia covid cases-202,114

Mini-Trumps state population- 22 million
Texas population 28 million
Australia's population 25 million.

Florida covid cases- 3,730,014
Deaths- 61,147

Texas covid cases- 4,292,386
The last part is true. What I said. You WILL GET THIS EVENTUALLY. It spreads like the Flu, mutates like the Flu and adapts .........aka mutates........to infect you anyway.

We have destroyed our economy for NOTHING. But hey. The politicians in bed with Pharma are getting filthy rich off of dying people.

I've shown the data over and over again. India is the example we should follow. NOT THE CDC who's people are in on the patents for experimental vaccines THAT DON'T WORK.

The last part is true. What I said. You WILL GET THIS EVENTUALLY. It spreads like the Flu, mutates like the Flu and adapts .........aka mutates........to infect you anyway.

We have destroyed our economy for NOTHING. But hey. The politicians in bed with Pharma are getting filthy rich off of dying people.

I've shown the data over and over again. India is the example we should follow. NOT THE CDC who's people are in on the patents for experimental vaccines THAT DON'T WORK.


You're an idiot.

India COVID: 34,499,925 Cases and 465,349 Deaths - Worldometer
Nov 20, 2021 · India Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly complained that he inherited an empty national stockpile from the Obama administration, hamstringing his pandemic response because of a lack of emergency supplies.

"The cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration, left us nothing," Trump told ABC News' David Muir on Tuesday. "We didn't have ventilators. We didn't have medical equipment. The tests were broken — you saw that. We had broken tests. They left us nothing. We've taken it and we've built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before."

It's a sweeping claim Trump has made several times when faced with criticism that the government was slow to help states hit hard by the coronavirus and in dire need to supplies like personal protective equipment for front line workers and ventilators for an influx of patients — and one that former Obama administration and past news reports dispute.

Trump says he has 'a lot going on' when asked about empty stockpile
MAY 6, 202001:27
Former federal officials argue that the Trump administration dropped the ball on stocking up at the first signs of a pandemic. (We've previously fact checked Trump's claim of a broken test — it's false.)

"It's not accurate to say the shelves were empty," said Dr. Nicole Lurie, who was assistant secretary of health and human services for preparedness and response under Obama.

NPR toured one of the Strategic National Stockpile's warehouses in June 2016, describing a massive warehouse with rows of supplies, including ventilators; it noted a locked section for addictive medicines and a freezer full of temperature-controlled supplies. According to the report, an official valued the stockpile at $7 billion.

You're right! Australia is actually 11 times the size of Texas! Thank you for pointing that out
The last part is true. What I said. You WILL GET THIS EVENTUALLY. It spreads like the Flu, mutates like the Flu and adapts .........aka mutates........to infect you anyway.
That true, it will mutate like the regular flu.
We have destroyed our economy for NOTHING. But hey. The politicians in bed with Pharma are getting filthy rich off of dying people.
I agree.
I've shown the data over and over again. India is the example we should follow. NOT THE CDC who's people are in on the patents for experimental vaccines THAT DON'T WORK.

Rather listen to them, than politicians, facebook, you tube, etc.
You're right! Australia is actually 11 times the size of Texas! Thank you for pointing that out
Meanwhile, the population of Australia is ~25.5 million people (320,898 fewer people live in Texas).

Australia has covid restrictions in place Texas doesn't.
The entire US doesn't.
The last part is true. What I said. You WILL GET THIS EVENTUALLY. It spreads like the Flu, mutates like the Flu and adapts .........aka mutates........to infect you anyway.

We have destroyed our economy for NOTHING. But hey. The politicians in bed with Pharma are getting filthy rich off of dying people.

I've shown the data over and over again. India is the example we should follow. NOT THE CDC who's people are in on the patents for experimental vaccines THAT DON'T WORK.


25 Is there a surge in covid cases in india | Anything I Know
Nov 26, 2021 · India tops 200000 dead amid coronavirus surge. Indias COVID tally climbed to 13205926 132 crore 132 million with a record spike of 145384 the Union Health Ministry said on Saturday in what many say is a second wave that is surging. According to the union health ministry India reported 47092 new Covid-19 cases the biggest single-day rise in two.
Why can't we be more Fascist like Australia?

National emergencies are a different proposition.

Definition. Exigent circumstances - " circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to believe that entry (or other relevant prompt action) was necessary to prevent physical harm to the officers ...
National emergencies are a different proposition.

Definition. Exigent circumstances - " circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to believe that entry (or other relevant prompt action) was necessary to prevent physical harm to the officers ...

A "National Emergency" for the flu.


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