When I first truly realized that God exists.......

I've seen souls rise in the mist of a battlefield

Then you should probably be on medication

You're in for a BIG SURPRISE fool.....the Old Testament said if you heard the Word and denied it you didn't get another chance. Good luck in Hell....not that there is any good luck in Hell....just eternal torment. Cheers!
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
You're gifted, rw, you're gifted. At least THAT'S what your parents told you. Your teachers? Not so much.......
Mother had me tested and the man said I was Special
You couldn’t muster anything higher than a C+ on a Romeo and Juliet essay? You were allowed to use the textbook and notes for fuck’s sake. Tell me, did the other students in this class wear helmets and eat paste? :lol:

But he has a very high IQ.

Just ask him.
You bet your sorry, DUMB ass I do. And just what is YOUR I.Q. again, ya knucklehead?
Good question. I believe it's the spirit of God that lives in ALL of us. And it's always there, and always receptive to your prayers.

Don't forget their is a Devil too...and he's never far away trying to temp you away from God's grace. I've seen souls rise in the mist of a battlefield so don't tell me there is nothing after your body is dead. I personally don't believe in Heaven which puts me at odds with Christians although I was raised Methodist. I asked for "Catholic" on my dog tags so if I wasn't dead, (I once got the dreaded "D" put on my forehead by a rookie medic with a magic marker) so they wouldn't zip me up in a body bag and suffocate me. I figured if they thought I was Catholic they'd have to wait until I got Last Rites and maybe I'd come to by then. So what is there instead of Heaven? I believe our souls drift around until there's a baby born without one and we join up with the kid and get another go-around. May sound crazy but that's what I think happens.
Nice post, thanks, Will.
I've seen souls rise in the mist of a battlefield

Then you should probably be on medication

You're in for a BIG SURPRISE fool.....the Old Testament said if you heard the Word and denied it you didn't get another chance. Good luck in Hell....not that there is any good luck in Hell....just eternal torment. Cheers!
Oh no!

A magical threat!

I haven't been this scared since i stole that little feller's lucky charms...
I believe our souls drift around until there's a baby born without one and we join up with the kid and get another go-around. May sound crazy but that's what I think happens.
I had a friend who thought that like water, our souls are gathered and mixed together and then an entirely new soul enters back into a baby (and not necessarily human).
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
No kidding!
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
No kidding!
Yep, NO kidding. It was one of THE strangest AND one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had.
I've seen souls rise in the mist of a battlefield

Then you should probably be on medication

You're in for a BIG SURPRISE fool.....the Old Testament said if you heard the Word and denied it you didn't get another chance. Good luck in Hell....not that there is any good luck in Hell....just eternal torment. Cheers!
Oh no!

A magical threat!

I haven't been this scared since i stole that little feller's lucky charms...
Gee, ANOTHER dumbass non-believing atheist heathen chimes in! AND this dumbass is unfortunately from the wonderful RED state I live in, Indiana. He's a total embarrassment to the fantastic state. Just dreadful.
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I can relate. I was supposed to give a talk at a retreat, a situation where no one else was available. It was getting down to the wire, and I was getting very upset. Then a voice in my head told me, "Write about _____ (an event in my life). So I did. It had absolutely nothing to do with the retreat, but I figured it was simply a writing exercise to get me to relax. After I was through with that episode, the voice again, "Write about ______ (another event in my life). And so it went on for perhaps six events. Then the voice said, "That's it, you're done. Read it." And there before me was the theme I needed for the retreat.

Yes, I understand people will think it was my own subconscious making itself known...but I know my subconscious. This time, it wasn't it. God is closer than we think. Then again, I don't know for a fact it was the voice of God. Perhaps it was a guardian angel. I only know that this time, it wasn't my inner self. I had outside help.
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I can relate. I was supposed to give a talk at a retreat, a situation where no one else was available. It was getting down to the wire, and I was getting very upset. Then a voice in my head told me, "Write about _____ (an event in my life). So I did. It had absolutely nothing to do with the retreat, but I figured it was simply a writing exercise to get me to relax. After I was through with that episode, the voice again, "Write about ______ (another event in my life). And so it went on for perhaps six events. Then the voice said, "That's it, you're done. Read it." And there before me was the theme I needed for the retreat.

Yes, I understand people will think it was my own subconscious making itself known...but I know my subconscious. This time, it wasn't it. God is closer than we think. Then again, I don't know for a fact it was the voice of God. Perhaps it was a guardian angel. I only know that this time, it wasn't my inner self. I had outside help.
Thanks for your wonderful post.
It's interesting how God gets our attention. It can be something small, and quite often is, but it's always profound. One of the best testimonies I ever heard was a fellow who was a biker and quite the drinker. He wasn't a pleasant fellow to his wife, either. One night he got really drunk and went out behind the tavern and laid down. Found himself laying his head on a railroad track that ran behind the tavern. After a time he heard a train coming in the distance. The closer it got the more he figured his life just totally sucked and he just laid there. As the noise grew louder and louder this fellow, Jim, just closed his eyes and waited. But, there happened to be two tracks there and the train rushed by on the other track. Jim heard a voice say, "Jim, you're on the wrong track." Well, Jim became a new man after that. He has been a believer for the last 50 years.

Me, I just heard a cymbal like sound that came when some Jehovah Witnesses had stopped by and read that "The Word was A god." from their Bible. I knew something was really wrong. I went in and dug out an old Bible and looked up the verse in John 1:1. That one simple "A" brought me to seek the Truth. That was also nearly 50 years ago.

Yes, it's amazing how something so small can open our eyes.
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
It wasn't the grade, it was the LIGHT. ;)

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