When I first truly realized that God exists.......

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This just shows what an underachiever Bluzman is. He didn't even pray for a B-.
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This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
You're gifted, rw, you're gifted. At least THAT'S what your parents told you. Your teachers? Not so much.......
Lol, that was pretty funny, bluz. There is something about rw that can be humourous and I posted once he was my favorite liberal. I forgot that Toro actually is which puts my rw in 2nd place but hey! still a medal. ;) Toro earns the GOLD in my heart because on two or more occasions he had my back when he didn't have to. I am very loyal to him for not only doing that but for going against his liberal base here in spite of them. lol Have to admire him forever. He is a friend. :thup:
I like Toro AND rw, as well. I truly believe rw posts his crap JUST to get others worked up. His posts on political threads are always SO bad and SO off the mark, they're actually quite funny. I really think he does this on purpose. And I don't think he's as dumb as he appears to be on the political threads because he's posted some intelligent and insightful replies on sports threads.
I think you're right. He is talented, really. He has fun here. Maybe that is why I have always read anything he posts on the infrequent occasions I am on board for long. Plus, he is another one with but with an avatar that makes me smile. :)
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This just shows what an underachiever Bluzman is. He didn't even pray for a B-.
Instead, he received an A+. He saw the light?
Thanks, AquaAthena, you really ARE a special one on here. I just laugh off EVERYTHING Aaron posts on here, he's pretty much like that with everyone on this site. But he CAN be amazingly funny at times. He tends to be vulgar and profane in his humor, but he somehow usually makes it funny. So yes, I believe one CAN be vulgar or profane AND funny at the same time. It takes a certain skill and cleverness to do it, and most of the time Aaron is able to do this.
This just shows what an underachiever Bluzman is. He didn't even pray for a B-.
Instead, he received an A+. He saw the light?
Thanks, AquaAthena, you really ARE a special one on here. I just laugh off EVERYTHING Aaron posts on here, he's pretty much like that with everyone on this site. But he CAN be amazingly funny at times. He tends to be vulgar and profane in his humor, but he somehow usually makes it funny. So yes, I believe one CAN be vulgar or profane AND funny at the same time. It takes a certain skill and cleverness to do it, and most of the time Aaron is able to do this.
Well, thanks, sweetheart. I'll have to start checking out his posts! I totes LOVE to laugh out loud and chuckles work wonders, too.
This just shows what an underachiever Bluzman is. He didn't even pray for a B-.
Instead, he received an A+. He saw the light?
Thanks, AquaAthena, you really ARE a special one on here. I just laugh off EVERYTHING Aaron posts on here, he's pretty much like that with everyone on this site. But he CAN be amazingly funny at times. He tends to be vulgar and profane in his humor, but he somehow usually makes it funny. So yes, I believe one CAN be vulgar or profane AND funny at the same time. It takes a certain skill and cleverness to do it, and most of the time Aaron is able to do this.
Well, thanks, sweetheart. I'll have to start checking out his posts! I totes LOVE to laugh out loud and chuckles work wonders, too.
You're quite welcome. But fair warning - Aaron CAN be quite vulgar or profane at times.
  • Funny
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Don’t let them get to you. They don’t understand revelation because they would prefer to live in darkness.
No, i can turn on lights. No thanks to Jebus and his iron aged magical hooha...
Actually it is kind of thanks to “Jebus and his iron aged magical hooha.”

Western Civilization was built on that “iron aged magical hooha.”

whereas your people - the militant atheists - were as totalitarian and inept as you are.

lastly, the only one expecting God to do magical things for them is you. The rest of us understand it is up to us to take care of our business.
Western Civilization was built on that iron aged magical hooha.
Yes, the backwards one early on, with horrible morality, slavery, etc. They followed those iron aged instructions very well.

Then , quite in spite of religion, secular ideas -- scientific enlightenment, classical liberalism, and secular government -- brought us the great western society we see today. We had to put the child's toy of religion aside to achieve this and finally grow up.
Western Civilization was built on that iron aged magical hooha.
Yes, the backwards one early on, with horrible morality, slavery, etc. They followed those iron aged instructions very well.

Then , quite in spite of religion, secular ideas -- scientific enlightenment, classical liberalism, and secular government -- brought us the great western society we see today. We had to put the child's toy of religion aside to achieve this and finally grow up.
It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
And yet it is recognized that the Jews established standards that were heads and shoulders above that of their neighbors.

no wonder incompetent immoral atheist boobs opposed them.
Thinking about it some more why else would an incompetent ignorant militant atheist boob throw rocks at a people that raised standards of the world. Standards which still challenge us today.

I guess it’s because incompetent ignorant militant atheist boobs are opposed to raising standards of conduct.
It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
Haha...."militant".... Oh ding, clutch those pearls, you'll get the vapors...

No, this all happened quite in spite of the iron aged, magical hooha.
It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
Haha...."militant".... Oh ding, clutch those pearls, you'll get the vapors...

No, this all happened quite in spite of the iron aged, magical hooha.
You fit the bill 100%.

Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.

you’d rather be able to kill people discriminately because you are a discriminator. You are an aggressor. You are offensive. You are a nazi.
It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
Haha...."militant".... Oh ding, clutch those pearls, you'll get the vapors...

No, this all happened quite in spite of the iron aged, magical hooha.
You attack others for their beliefs because basically that’s your nature. It’s in your dna.

but in the real world you are a coward. You only have keyboard courage.
Militant atheists like FF will eventually Darwinism themselves out of existence.
The guy just runs around here insulting people. If he behaved like that in real life, how long do you believe he would get away acting like that.

which is why I think he’s a coward in real life he takes out all of his frustrations in life on an anonymous Internet forum behind the safety of his keyboard.

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