When I first truly realized that God exists.......

Western Civilization was built on that iron aged magical hooha.
Yes, the backwards one early on, with horrible morality, slavery, etc. They followed those iron aged instructions very well.

Then , quite in spite of religion, secular ideas -- scientific enlightenment, classical liberalism, and secular government -- brought us the great western society we see today. We had to put the child's toy of religion aside to achieve this and finally grow up.

You're wrong about what the Bible teaches. The "horrible morality, slavery, etc." came from the ungodly. Exactly as it does today. The Bible is a record of the ungodly as well as the godly. You should try reading it for yourself instead of making the kinds of silly statement as you made above.
Western Civilization was built on that iron aged magical hooha.
Yes, the backwards one early on, with horrible morality, slavery, etc. They followed those iron aged instructions very well.

Then , quite in spite of religion, secular ideas -- scientific enlightenment, classical liberalism, and secular government -- brought us the great western society we see today. We had to put the child's toy of religion aside to achieve this and finally grow up.

You're wrong about what the Bible teaches. The "horrible morality, slavery, etc." came from the ungodly. Exactly as it does today. The Bible is a record of the ungodly as well as the godly. You should try reading it for yourself instead of making the kinds of silly statement as you made above.
He doesn’t care about any of that. He’s on a mission.
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000+ years to overcome in order even to begin to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelian thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.
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It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
Haha...."militant".... Oh ding, clutch those pearls, you'll get the vapors...

No, this all happened quite in spite of the iron aged, magical hooha.
You attack others for their beliefs because basically that’s your nature. It’s in your dna.

but in the real world you are a coward. You only have keyboard courage.

He's an unbeliever. It's what we should expect.
Western Civilization was built on that iron aged magical hooha.
Yes, the backwards one early on, with horrible morality, slavery, etc. They followed those iron aged instructions very well.

Then , quite in spite of religion, secular ideas -- scientific enlightenment, classical liberalism, and secular government -- brought us the great western society we see today. We had to put the child's toy of religion aside to achieve this and finally grow up.

You're wrong about what the Bible teaches. The "horrible morality, slavery, etc." came from the ungodly. Exactly as it does today. The Bible is a record of the ungodly as well as the godly. You should try reading it for yourself instead of making the kinds of silly statement as you made above.
He doesn’t care about any of that. He’s on a mission.

Yeah, I can tell. A modern day Pharisee.
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
You’re a Bills fan so a C+ is impressive
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000 years to overcome in order to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelean thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.
Christians built Western Civilization.

militant atheists like your self built communism. It was for good reason Karl Marx said communism is naturalized humanism.
It would have been worse under incompetent militant atheists such as yourself.
Haha...."militant".... Oh ding, clutch those pearls, you'll get the vapors...

No, this all happened quite in spite of the iron aged, magical hooha.
You attack others for their beliefs because basically that’s your nature. It’s in your dna.

but in the real world you are a coward. You only have keyboard courage.

He's an unbeliever. It's what we should expect.
He’s worse than that. He’s a militant atheist.
His only objective is to subordinate religion. He hates religion and he hates peoples who practice religion. Specifically, Christianity. But if he had his way he would attack the other religions if he were ever able to abolish Christianity. Dudes a nazi.
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000 years to overcome in order to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelean thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.

Apparently you have never actually read the Old Testament. That's okay. Very few people have done more than pick and choose. Sin entered the world when Adam sinned. You'll see a lot of sin in the OT. Just as you see a lot of sin today. If you think man has somehow improved in this modern world, then you are simply living in LaLa Land.

Yes, quite the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT we're seeing all around us. ;)
This happened in, of all places, in an English class I was taking in the fall/winter semester of 1980. It was an interesting class, and the professor was quite good. We read famous plays from a textbook designed for the class, then we wrote essays on each play. I was doing pretty well in the class, I had a solid B average going into the semester final. Well, the final was on Romeo and Juliet, and you had to write an essay on that play. And you were allowed to use the textbook or any notes you may have made to help with your essay. Well, we had known for a week what the final would be on, and I had come up with absolutely NO ideas for the essay. The good thing about the final is that we were allowed to use the whole 50-55 minutes of the class to write our essay. After staring at the textbook, my notes, and passages highlighted in yellow, for about 10 minutes, I STILL had no idea what I was going to write. I made an earnest prayer to God, asking for help. Moments after praying, and I'm NOT making this up, an electric current seemed to go through my body, and a CHANDELIER of light bulbs went off in my head! I looked at my highlighted passages, and suddenly I had an idea for my essay. It wasn't a GREAT idea, but it was an idea, nonetheless. I got a C+ for the essay. Our professor offered us something quite original, something I had never heard of before then, and never heard again in my later college classes. He offered us the choice of meeting with him, I believe later that day, and discuss how we could make our essays better, and get a higher grade. I, of course, took his offer, and he generously suggested HOW I could make my essay better. I re-wrote it and he upped my grade to B+. So, in parting, I KNOW some of the atheists that post on here will sneer at and debunk my experience. But that's OK, I don't take these people seriously anyway. There's my strange, wonderful, and TRUE story of how I first truly realized that God exists.
I am an atheist and I have gotten C+ without God’s help
Glad the devil is there for you!
You're wrong about what the Bible teaches. The "horrible morality, slavery, etc." came from the ungodly. Exactly as it does today. The Bible is a record of the ungodly as well as the godly.
Why are you telling me this? They are the ones who held slaves and pointed right to the bible for full justification for, even instruction in, the practice. They sure thought they were being godly. Go yell at them.

But now, you know better than them. Strange. You carry the same Bible they carried. What changed?

Not the Bible. Your morality derives chiefly from the genetic accident of where and when you were born. This is how you come to see this as "ungodly". And what you are practicing isn't "godliness", it is classical liberalism. You owe your knowledge that it is ungodly to the quite secular philosophy of classical liberalism. Had you been born in the dark ages before classical liberalism, you almost certainly would not be so enlightened.

Think about that.
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Actually they were indentured servants. And the passages describe raising the standard of how they were to be treated. They did not have forced slavery like their neighbors and their neighbors did not have the high standards for how they treated their forced slaves or indentured servants.

leave it to a militant atheist to lie about this.
His only objective is to subordinate religion. He hates religion and he hates peoples who practice religion. Specifically, Christianity. But if he had his way he would attack the other religions if he were ever able to abolish Christianity. Dudes a nazi.

Just remember. The harder a person fights against something the more he is fighting the DRAW. Look how hard the Apostle Paul kicked against the goad.

Acts 9
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: ...
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000 years to overcome in order to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelean thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.

Apparently you have never actually read the Old Testament. That's okay. Very few people have done more than pick and choose. Sin entered the world when Adam sinned. You'll see a lot of sin in the OT. Just as you see a lot of sin today. If you think man has somehow improved in this modern world, then you are simply living in LaLa Land.

Yes, quite the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT we're seeing all around us. ;)
The Enlightenment can be described as the period of time when the waning influence of the Christian Church in Europe allowed for the blossoming expression of music, arts, literature and science. The Church literally held back western civilization for 800 years.

BTW, you should actually read the Genesis fable. Sin already existed before that fruit theft incident. You have never taken the time to read the fable or make any attempt to understand the contradictions. Given the story, man did not commit the first sin-- Lucifer did, and thus became Satan. Religionists literally don't understand that before man was created, there had to be a conflict that allowed Lucifer to become the tempter in the test the gods offers to his unenlightened creations, Adam and Eve. Clearly, the gods have created evil, and allowed it to flourish even before Man is created. Per the fable, the tree of knowledge of good and evil already existed before the appearance of A&E.
You're wrong about what the Bible teaches. The "horrible morality, slavery, etc." came from the ungodly. Exactly as it does today. The Bible is a record of the ungodly as well as the godly.
Why are you telling me this?

Because it's clear you're mistaken. I would hope you'd like to know the truth.

They are the ones who held slaves and pointed right to the bible for full justification for, even instruction in, the practice. They sure thought they were being godly. Go yell at them.

But now, you know better than them. Strange. You carry the same Bible they carried. What changed?

What Bible did they carry? Moses wrote the first five books, and the rules given the Jews were anything but immoral. Slavery was a fact of life...both for those in poverty and for stealing. But the Jews had laws to treat slaves fairly and were to give them freedom after six years. They were not starved or mistreated. If it was a woman slave they were to be taken or given in marriage. God's laws were always the most "civilized" of the time.

Not the Bible. Your morality derives chiefly from the genetic accident of where and when you were born. This is how you come to see this as "ungodly". And what you are practicing isn't "godliness", it is classical liberalism. You owe your knowledge that it is ungodly to the quite secular philosophy of classical liberalism. Had you been born in the dark ages before classical liberalism, you almost certainly would not be so enlightened.

No, all men were created with a conscience to know right from wrong, and the things of God are ingrained in us. It's only as we work hard to sear our own conscience that we put aside what we know to be right.

Think about that.

Okay. You too. :)
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000 years to overcome in order to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelean thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.

Apparently you have never actually read the Old Testament. That's okay. Very few people have done more than pick and choose. Sin entered the world when Adam sinned. You'll see a lot of sin in the OT. Just as you see a lot of sin today. If you think man has somehow improved in this modern world, then you are simply living in LaLa Land.

Yes, quite the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT we're seeing all around us. ;)
The Enlightenment can be described as the period of time when the waning influence of the Christian Church in Europe allowed for the blossoming expression of music, arts, literature and science. The Church literally held back western civilization for 800 years.
Yet, Christianity and FAITH have remained the same.

The "Church" is not the same as the Christian faith. Unless you understand that, you won't understand.

BTW, you should actually read the Genesis fable. Sin already existed before that fruit theft incident. You have never taken the time to read the fable or make any attempt to understand the contradictions. Given the story, man did not commit the first sin-- Lucifer did, and thus became Satan. Religionists literally don't understand that before man was created, there had to be a conflict that allowed Lucifer to become the tempter in the test the gods offers to his unenlightened creations, Adam and Eve. Clearly, the gods have created evil, and allowed it to flourish even before Man is created. Per the fable, the tree of knowledge of good and evil already existed before the appearance of A&E.

If you would read more carefully, you'd see I said that "SIN ENTERED THE WORLD" when Adam sinned. Sin and death entered the world when Adam sinned.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Romans 5:12

Clearly, you are under the impression that there are "gods"....proving you are not really enlightened at all.
Which is why you try to discredit the fact that the Jews raised standards heads and shoulders above their contemporaries.
Sure they did. Christians, too. They finally set us on a path of prosperity that led to great minds arising (a.phenomenon delayed by a good 1000+ years by religious nonsense in the dark ages). Now, whether the early empires did this for baby jesus, or for yahweh, or for power and wealth is its own discussion. But a short one.

Their handicap -- mysticism-fueled immorality and ignorance -- took 1000 years to overcome in order to recover the hellenistic and classical ideas they had, themselves, squashed. Then secular philosophies based on socratic and aristotelean thought once again began to emerge. This brought us the enlightenment. No, the religions that stood there and didn't just not help, but even pushed back against this for 1600 years, get zero credit for this enlightenment. Zilch. Nada.

Apparently you have never actually read the Old Testament. That's okay. Very few people have done more than pick and choose. Sin entered the world when Adam sinned. You'll see a lot of sin in the OT. Just as you see a lot of sin today. If you think man has somehow improved in this modern world, then you are simply living in LaLa Land.

Yes, quite the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT we're seeing all around us. ;)
The Enlightenment can be described as the period of time when the waning influence of the Christian Church in Europe allowed for the blossoming expression of music, arts, literature and science. The Church literally held back western civilization for 800 years.
Yet, Christianity and FAITH have remained the same.

The "Church" is not the same as the Christian faith. Unless you understand that, you won't understand.

BTW, you should actually read the Genesis fable. Sin already existed before that fruit theft incident. You have never taken the time to read the fable or make any attempt to understand the contradictions. Given the story, man did not commit the first sin-- Lucifer did, and thus became Satan. Religionists literally don't understand that before man was created, there had to be a conflict that allowed Lucifer to become the tempter in the test the gods offers to his unenlightened creations, Adam and Eve. Clearly, the gods have created evil, and allowed it to flourish even before Man is created. Per the fable, the tree of knowledge of good and evil already existed before the appearance of A&E.

If you would read more carefully, you'd see I said that "SIN ENTERED THE WORLD" when Adam sinned. Sin and death entered the world when Adam sinned.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Romans 5:12

Clearly, you are under the impression that there are "gods"....proving you are not really enlightened at all.
I'm not so sure that Christianity and faith have remained the same. There are dozens of sects / subsects of Christianity, many of them hostile to one another.

You need to actually study your Bible'ology. Sin had already entered the world (the tree of knowledge of good and evil), before A&E. It's spelled out for you but you have never taken the time to actually understand the candle.

Quiz: What was the punishment for fruit theft?

Thouest shall actually readeth them-there Bibles": Romans 5:12(a)

Clearly, you are not understanding the triune nature of the gods... proving you are not a true Christian at all.
The guy just runs around here insulting people. If he behaved like that in real life, how long do you believe he would get away acting like that.

which is why I think he’s a coward in real life he takes out all of his frustrations in life on an anonymous Internet forum behind the safety of his keyboard.
The guy just runs around here insulting people.
grow up bing, nothing compares to the desert books of forgeries and falacies not even you can out do them.

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