When I started becoming an agnostic.

If you are bored, go laugh at religion, Monty Python is a start. As for the whole we will never know concept, Christians can't prove their god is any more real or any more likely to be the true faith than any other religion; so if you believe in a religion it's like a lottery as you could have the right number or the right number could be an extinct religion; and so everyone burns in hell of another religion. Or you could just forget all that stuff, and enjoy your life, and spend the prayer time doing something more worthwhile like making a sandwich.
If you are bored, go laugh at religion, Monty Python is a start. As for the whole we will never know concept, Christians can't prove their god is any more real or any more likely to be the true faith than any other religion; so if you believe in a religion it's like a lottery as you could have the right number or the right number could be an extinct religion; and so everyone burns in hell of another religion. Or you could just forget all that stuff, and enjoy your life, and spend the prayer time doing something more worthwhile like making a sandwich.

Well said!
omg i am terrified of nuns......so i am at the farmer's market and suddenly there are 3 nuns headed my way....i am freaking...where the fuck did these nuns come from what the hell.....and i am thinking of simply running when another vendor points out the play at the local theater is sound of music and those are thespians.....i still kept them at a distance
omg i am terrified of nuns......so i am at the farmer's market and suddenly there are 3 nuns headed my way....i am freaking...where the fuck did these nuns come from what the hell.....and i am thinking of simply running when another vendor points out the play at the local theater is sound of music and those are thespians.....i still kept them at a distance

I havent' seen a nun in years. Some one told them it was really okay if they were Lesbians and they went with that.
We don't respect those women for just drowning their own children, much less everyone's children.

Ignore for the moment the thousands of logical fallacies of the Flood Story. Too numerous to list here. The very fact that a God would destroy his own creations because he "regretted making them" is kind of telling in itself. And he didn't even resolve the problem he set out to correct, because there was STILL evil in the world after the flood.

I tend to think that most Christians simply haven't thought through the logical ramifications of this myth. I certainly didn't, for most of my life.

In fact, I decorated my infant daughter's room in a Noah's ark theme, because in my head, it was a sweet story about God rescuing animals and Noah's family. The fact that, in the story, God drowns hundreds/thousands of innocent children and babies in that flood was something I never contemplated until I left Christianity. Then, I was kind of sickened by anything to do with Noah's Ark. I still have a ton of ark paraphernalia floating around my house because it's left over from my daughter's room. Some are keepsakes made by my mom and grandma. I'll probably keep them, hand them down to her, and let her figure out what to do with them.
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Why don't you ask Him?

This makes no sense – you can’t ask a question of something that doesn’t exist.

God is real. It doesn't matter if people believe or not. It doesn't matter if they want to believe or not. This is a fact.

Nonsense – it is indeed not a ‘fact.’

As time goes on I’m finding it more and more difficult to reject the notion that religion is a form of mental illness.
I merely suggested that if He wanted to find an answer to His question then the logical solution would be to ask God since He is supposedly the source of all knowledge. What he does with my counsel, if anything, is between him and God.

The problem with this strategy is that it appears to work equally well for Allah, Lakshmi, Jesus Christ and a number of additional deities. Thus, it's difficult to use your approach to narrow things down to a particular denomination. Of course, I'm not religious anymore, so this isn't a problem for me, because I don't think any particular faith has a corner on the truth market.
When I was a kid going to Catholic School in Chicago, we had this nasty old nun named Sister Mary Bonaventure. She must have been about 80 years old. Really, mean personality, the kids were terrified of her. Which is probably what happens when you are a frustrated lesbian living in a Convent for 60 years with other frustrated lesbians and not being able to touch the goodies.

Anyway, Sister Bonaventure was telling us all about Noah's Flood one day. And she said, "And God saw that people were WICKED! And he told Noah to build an Ark, and put the animals aboard, and he sent the rains to drown everyone because they were WICKED."

And being the soft-hearted kind of kid I was back then, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"


Well, not surprisingly, when it became kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in these holy orders dropped faster than Obama's approval rating, but it did get a few wheels rolling in my head.

Why would any God who drowned babies be considered "Good"? Why would God drown people for being the way he made them? Reading the original scripture didn't help clarify the matter. (They didn't let you at the original scripture until High School, usually.) It went on about angels having sex with women and creating giants, which was even more confusing, really.

I've discussed this matter over the years with Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Evangelicals, and frankly, as idiotic as Sister B.'s explanation was, their explanations were equally stupid.

What do your nun stories and your post here have in common. That all come from movies.

Sister Mary Bonaventure- Thunder on the hill, A murder mystery.

Sister Mary Butch, from Comedian Vic Dunlop of make me laugh.

How odd.

Thunder on the Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COMEDY : HE'S HAVING A PARTY : There's Nun Quite Like Vic Dunlop for Mischievous Fun - Los Angeles Time
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So you found another thread where you aren't going to answer the question, guy?

Anyway. You can look it up. Her name was Sister Mary Bonaventure and she taught at St. Symphorosa school in Chicago in the 1970's.... Not sure how detailed the Catholic Church's records are, but she was a real person.

("Sister Mary Butch" is a mock name I made up for nuns in general because they were all lesbians.)
So you found another thread where you aren't going to answer the question, guy?

Anyway. You can look it up. Her name was Sister Mary Bonaventure and she taught at St. Symphorosa school in Chicago in the 1970's.... Not sure how detailed the Catholic Church's records are, but she was a real person.

("Sister Mary Butch" is a mock name I made up for nuns in general because they were all lesbians.)


Noun: The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

Sad. So you are saying that you are indeed Vic Donlop ? Hit the L.A. Times link, you just quoted his skit.
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When I was a kid going to Catholic School in Chicago, we had this nasty old nun named Sister Mary Bonaventure. She must have been about 80 years old. Really, mean personality, the kids were terrified of her. Which is probably what happens when you are a frustrated lesbian living in a Convent for 60 years with other frustrated lesbians and not being able to touch the goodies.

Anyway, Sister Bonaventure was telling us all about Noah's Flood one day. And she said, "And God saw that people were WICKED! And he told Noah to build an Ark, and put the animals aboard, and he sent the rains to drown everyone because they were WICKED."

And being the soft-hearted kind of kid I was back then, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"


Well, not surprisingly, when it became kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in these holy orders dropped faster than Obama's approval rating, but it did get a few wheels rolling in my head.

Why would any God who drowned babies be considered "Good"? Why would God drown people for being the way he made them? Reading the original scripture didn't help clarify the matter. (They didn't let you at the original scripture until High School, usually.) It went on about angels having sex with women and creating giants, which was even more confusing, really.

I've discussed this matter over the years with Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Evangelicals, and frankly, as idiotic as Sister B.'s explanation was, their explanations were equally stupid.
There's a lot of stupid in your post.

The reason God wiped out all those people is because every once in a while he regrets having invented Republicans and other rightwingloons.
When I was a kid going to Catholic School in Chicago, we had this nasty old nun named Sister Mary Bonaventure. She must have been about 80 years old. Really, mean personality, the kids were terrified of her. Which is probably what happens when you are a frustrated lesbian living in a Convent for 60 years with other frustrated lesbians and not being able to touch the goodies.

Anyway, Sister Bonaventure was telling us all about Noah's Flood one day. And she said, "And God saw that people were WICKED! And he told Noah to build an Ark, and put the animals aboard, and he sent the rains to drown everyone because they were WICKED."

And being the soft-hearted kind of kid I was back then, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"


Well, not surprisingly, when it became kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in these holy orders dropped faster than Obama's approval rating, but it did get a few wheels rolling in my head.

Why would any God who drowned babies be considered "Good"? Why would God drown people for being the way he made them? Reading the original scripture didn't help clarify the matter. (They didn't let you at the original scripture until High School, usually.) It went on about angels having sex with women and creating giants, which was even more confusing, really.

I've discussed this matter over the years with Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Evangelicals, and frankly, as idiotic as Sister B.'s explanation was, their explanations were equally stupid.

Guy, you need to dig faster.
So you found another thread where you aren't going to answer the question, guy?

Anyway. You can look it up. Her name was Sister Mary Bonaventure and she taught at St. Symphorosa school in Chicago in the 1970's.... Not sure how detailed the Catholic Church's records are, but she was a real person.

("Sister Mary Butch" is a mock name I made up for nuns in general because they were all lesbians.)


Noun: The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

Sad. So you are saying that you are indeed Vic Donlop ? Hit the L.A. Times link, you just quoted his skit.
Here's where he got it from: Obamatizing the Church - Page 1 - Janice Shaw Crouse - Townhall Conservative

Scroll down and you can find it in the comments, without that stupid homophobic stupidity.

Romanlion says:

When I realized the whole Christianity thing was full of it?

Probably when I was 10 years old. We had this nasty old nun who taught religion, and she was telling us all about the Great Flood, and how God drowned everyone but Noah and his family because they were wicked. And being a somewhat sensitive 10 year old, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"

"Because they were WIIIIIIIIICKED babies. WIIIIIIIIIICKED!" the old crone rasped out.

Now, as asspoundingly stupid as that answer was to anyone with a shred of humanity, I've been discussing religion with people for much of the following 40 years after that, and I really haven't heard a one of you come up with a less stupid reason why God needed to drown...
So you found another thread where you aren't going to answer the question, guy?

Anyway. You can look it up. Her name was Sister Mary Bonaventure and she taught at St. Symphorosa school in Chicago in the 1970's.... Not sure how detailed the Catholic Church's records are, but she was a real person.

("Sister Mary Butch" is a mock name I made up for nuns in general because they were all lesbians.)


Noun: The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

Sad. So you are saying that you are indeed Vic Donlop ? Hit the L.A. Times link, you just quoted his skit.
Here's where he got it from: Obamatizing the Church - Page 1 - Janice Shaw Crouse - Townhall Conservative

Scroll down and you can find it in the comments, without that stupid homophobic stupidity.

Romanlion says:

When I realized the whole Christianity thing was full of it?

Probably when I was 10 years old. We had this nasty old nun who taught religion, and she was telling us all about the Great Flood, and how God drowned everyone but Noah and his family because they were wicked. And being a somewhat sensitive 10 year old, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"

"Because they were WIIIIIIIIICKED babies. WIIIIIIIIIICKED!" the old crone rasped out.

Now, as asspoundingly stupid as that answer was to anyone with a shred of humanity, I've been discussing religion with people for much of the following 40 years after that, and I really haven't heard a one of you come up with a less stupid reason why God needed to drown...

Actually, RomanLion was one of the screen names I used on TownHall... You can even see the writing style is similar...
So you found another thread where you aren't going to answer the question, guy?

Anyway. You can look it up. Her name was Sister Mary Bonaventure and she taught at St. Symphorosa school in Chicago in the 1970's.... Not sure how detailed the Catholic Church's records are, but she was a real person.

("Sister Mary Butch" is a mock name I made up for nuns in general because they were all lesbians.)

You stole the name and the story. To much in common.

Noun: The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

Sad. So you are saying that you are indeed Vic Donlop ? Hit the L.A. Times link, you just quoted his skit.
Here's where he got it from: Obamatizing the Church - Page 1 - Janice Shaw Crouse - Townhall Conservative

Scroll down and you can find it in the comments, without that stupid homophobic stupidity.

Romanlion says:

When I realized the whole Christianity thing was full of it?

Probably when I was 10 years old. We had this nasty old nun who taught religion, and she was telling us all about the Great Flood, and how God drowned everyone but Noah and his family because they were wicked. And being a somewhat sensitive 10 year old, I asked, "But why did God drown the babies?"

"Because they were WIIIIIIIIICKED babies. WIIIIIIIIIICKED!" the old crone rasped out.

Now, as asspoundingly stupid as that answer was to anyone with a shred of humanity, I've been discussing religion with people for much of the following 40 years after that, and I really haven't heard a one of you come up with a less stupid reason why God needed to drown...

Actually, RomanLion was one of the screen names I used on TownHall... You can even see the writing style is similar...
fyi, if you aren't plagiarizing, you are spamming and that is also against USMB rules.


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