When is a military coup not a military coup? When it happens in Egypt, apparently

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
For the first time in the history of the world, a coup is not a coup. The army take over, depose and imprison the democratically elected president, suspend the constitution, arrest the usual suspects, close down television stations and mass their armour in the streets of the capital. But the word ‘coup’ does not – and cannot – cross the lips of the Blessed Barack Obama. Nor does the hopeless UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon dare to utter such an offensive word. It’s not as if Obama doesn’t know what’s going on. Snipers in Cairo killed 15 Egyptians this week from a rooftop of the very university in which Obama made his ‘reach-out’ speech to the Muslim world in 2009.

Is this reticence because millions of Egyptians demanded just such a coup – they didn’t call it that, of course – and thus became the first massed people in the world to demand a coup prior to the actual coup taking place? Is it because Obama fears that to acknowledge it’s a coup would force the US to impose sanctions on the most important Arab nation at peace with Israel? Or because the men who staged the coup might forever lose their 1.5 billion subvention from the US – rather than suffer a mere delay -- if they were told they’d actually carried out a coup.

And there is one salient fact about the events of the last 48 hours in Egypt. No one is happier – no one more satisfied nor more conscious of the correctness of his own national struggle against ‘Islamists’ and ‘terrorists’ -- than Assad. The West has been wetting itself to destroy Assad – but does absolutely nothing when the Egyptian army destroys its democratically-elected president for lining up with Assad’s armed Islamist opponents. The army called Morsi’s supporters “terrorists and fools”. Isn’t that just what Bashar calls his enemies? No wonder Assad told us yesterday that no one should use religion to gain power. Hollow laughter here -- offstage, of course.

But this doesn’t let Obama off the hook. Those Western leaders who are gently telling us that Egypt is still on the path to “democracy”, that this is an “interim” period – like the ‘interim’ Egyptian government concocted by the military – and that millions of Egyptians support the coup that isn’t a coup, have to remember that Morsi was indeed elected in a real, Western-approved election.

Israel, however, must be pleased. It knows a coup when it sees one – and it’s now back playing its familiar role as the only ‘democracy’ in the Middle East, and with the kind of neighbours it understands: military rulers. And if Egypt’s wealthy military king-makers are getting a nifty $1.5 billion dollars a year from Washington – albeit postponed -- they are certainly not going to tamper with their country’s peace treaty with Israel, however unpopular it remains with the people for whom it supposedly staged the coup-that-wasn’t.

When is a military coup not a military coup? When it happens in Egypt, apparently - Comment - Voices - The Independent
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true, good to see the military had the sense to beef-up their border with Palestine/Israel
"For the first time in the history [...] Egyptians demanded [...] The West has been wetting itself to destroy Assad – but does absolutely nothing when the Egyptian army destroys its democratically-elected president for lining up with Assad’s armed Islamist opponents. Israel, however, must be pleased."

hey, scrawnni-man, how's that world you live doin' ?
sunni-man how's that world you live doing?
Actually, pretty good.

Went to a 4th of July picnic with lots of BBQ

Then stayed around for the beautiful fire works display.

All in all, a very pleasant day.

Thanks for asking........ :cool:
Morsi was not the "Democratic" reformer that Egypt had in mind when they got rid of Murbarak.

This was a "soft" coup and hopefully remains that way.
I expect things to heat up today in Egypt.

Friday is mandatory congregation prayer day at the mosque.

So it will depend on the mood of the people after the prayer meeting. :cool:
I expect things to heat up today in Egypt.

Friday is mandatory congregation prayer day at the mosque.

So it will depend on the mood of the people after the prayer meeting. :cool:

The majority of Egyptians weren't looking for an Islamist state, and even those that wanted Islam as the national religion, weren't looking for strict adherence to Sharia Law.

Many who voted for Morsi were dismayed by his behavior.
Oh it's a coup d etat for sure.

but given that million of Egyptians were on the streets DEMANDING the outster of the current regime, this is not the STANDARD military takeover where the military supercedes the will of the people.

In this case I believe the military is responding TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Think of it this way...you know the sentiment of people in thour military calling themselves the "Oath Keepers"?

I think that Egypt's military just made that same kind of decision...

Their loyalty is to the PEOPLE, not the government.
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I expect things to heat up today in Egypt.

Friday is mandatory congregation prayer day at the mosque.

So it will depend on the mood of the people after the prayer meeting. :cool:

good point, sunni ----friday is devoted to FILTH------KHUTBAH JUMAAT---

keep us posted -----I do not want to step into a mosque again to hear
the "we are the greatest" "our 'god' wants us to mutilate and rape"
filth----but I am fascinated as to how this dirt will play out in egypt-----so long
as the filth stays here and HOPEFULLY does not spill over against the coptic
community over there
I wish this was just the beginning of the ME getting rid of the racists radical Muslims ...But I doubt it. You leave a people poor enough and the hate is easy to drum up... Just look at the ghettos in the USA and how easily the Democrats drum up the hate from them... The haters dont even care that it is the democrats that created their pain in the first place....Its the same thing in the Middle East it is the Mullahs that have made life miserable there and yet they use that to drum up hate and direct it to places like the Jews....Keep them poor and stupid and you have a quickly made mob.....I wonder if the the Progressives learned that from them or if it was vica versa?
Thanatos----sadly you are right---the people of Teheran did not put
the AYATOILETS in power-----the country side morons did.-----the
people of CAIRO will not put the MB criminals in power----the
moronic egyptians of the rest of the country will
Oh it's a coup d etat for sure.

but given that million of Egyptians were on the streets DEMANDING the outster of the current regime, this is not the STANDARD military takeover where the military supercedes the will of the people.

In this case I believe the military is responding TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Think of it this way...you know the sentiment of people in thour military calling themselves the "Oath Keepers"?

I think that Egypt's military just made that same kind of decision...

Their loyalty is to the PEOPLE, not the government.

Wrong again---the military responded to the intellectual elite----and
the elite in general-----when the vote goes to the general moronic
population of egypt-----the mullah criminals will win
Egyptians wanted freedom, and economic opportunity, instead they elected Morsi and the brotherhood who had but one objective, shove the Koran down their throats and create an autocratic government. Economic opportunity, jobs, and economic growth remains the primary concern of the youth, Morsi failed to understand what brought him to power, got side tracked, and failed to address the failing economy. Sound vaguely familiar?
Oh it's a coup d etat for sure.

but given that million of Egyptians were on the streets DEMANDING the outster of the current regime, this is not the STANDARD military takeover where the military supercedes the will of the people.

In this case I believe the military is responding TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Think of it this way...you know the sentiment of people in thour military calling themselves the "Oath Keepers"?

I think that Egypt's military just made that same kind of decision...

Their loyalty is to the PEOPLE, not the government.

So, next time Americans are unhappy with a democratically elected President. should we try this?
Oh it's a coup d etat for sure.

but given that million of Egyptians were on the streets DEMANDING the outster of the current regime, this is not the STANDARD military takeover where the military supercedes the will of the people.

In this case I believe the military is responding TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Think of it this way...you know the sentiment of people in thour military calling themselves the "Oath Keepers"?

I think that Egypt's military just made that same kind of decision...

Their loyalty is to the PEOPLE, not the government.

So, next time Americans are unhappy with a democratically elected President. should we try this?

Go ahead if you have the support. We were founded on a revolution.
Same happened in Iran 30 years ago. It was all the liberals, seculars, students, intellectuals, (meaning the forward thinking people) driven the revolution, than islamists declared victory. Military decided not to intervene and we all know what the result is.

If you let an islamist take control of anything, he will invade it to the last bit. He won't stop. Morsi doesn't care about democracy, he doesn't care about civil liberties nor fundamental human rights of people, he has no agenda to deliver anything to the people who actually did make the revolution happen in the first place. He just can use religion as a leverage point to acquire support of the poor, uneducated, illiterate people, just like in any other country in the middle east. He is just good at scaring people with god and his hell. He offers the most precious thing to a muslim in exchange to his vote, 72 virgins. Pretty much like pope selling indulgence, the only difference is, this is happening 500 years later :)

In Egypt or any other mid east country, nobody can match the 72 virgins an islamist will offer to the illiterate, uneducated, and sorry to say but idiot majority.
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