When Is enough Enough?

When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter

See here where I posted about the Huber appointment and their mission.

What exactly did they do?

There are other things going on that requires deals be made. And that takes time in the swamp. The biggest issue is to avoid acknowledging that the NSA Big Brother Domestic Spy Machine was hijacked under phony pretenses and turned into a political weapon. 90% of congress critters love them some domestic spying capabilities that can collect and store virtually every E- transactions in the country. So do most of the agencies.

Either we END domestic spying like we did in the 70s when it was abused. OR there are gonna be deals to minimize this as a issue and limit the EXPOSURE of that fact in trials. That means that some of FISA abuses and "unmaskings" of innocent Americans will probably NOT be punished.

But we got to agree across the political spectrum that this system is TOO DANGEROUS to have in the proximity of elected politicians and uber partisans. The NEXT time it's abused, it could be make some folks very rich by using it as an ECONOMIC weapon. Or attempting to shut down legitimate media operations. Or Gawd knows what else.

I am somewhat hysterical about that issue. I spent 7 years in the general area of E-surveillance and Intelligence. And I'm appalled at the type of folks who got access to this AWESOME vacuum cleaner of a collection system. When I served -- there WAS NO domestic spying by the Intel agencies outside of the FBI. It was strongly prohibited until after 9/11...
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When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
When is enough- enough???



no more of the Obama Banana Hussein leftovers... and no more of the witch Clinton corrupt scum leftovers!

Enough is enough NOW!
Name some left in any leadership positions in the FBI or DOJ.
The President trusted the FBI to be a professional trustworthy agency. He, like the rest of us, did not expect to find Obama, his administration, and his holdovers to be exposed as the most criminal / treasonous in US history...
This is fake news.
When is enough- enough???



no more of the Obama Banana Hussein leftovers... and no more of the witch Clinton corrupt scum leftovers!

Enough is enough NOW!
Not according to Trumps FBI Director who says the investigation is legit. Oops, hard to argue with your own team
You mean WRAY, the inbred FBI agent who grew up inside the FBI, is loyal to the FBI, and who has also withheld evidence while protecting proven criminal agents who should be in prison today? THAT Wray?

Hand picked by dOnald tRump.
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
So you're just going to keep your head in the sand and refuse to see what's been uncovered?
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
So you're just going to keep your head in the sand and refuse to see what's been uncovered?
See that's just it, nothing has actually been uncovered. There has been much wringing of republican hands, and many attempts to make mountains out of molehills, but nothing has ever actually been wrong, or falsified, or omitted. None of it is real. There is nothing for me to hide from.

When will you be able to admit that this has never been real, that the justice department is only doing it's job, and acting within it's remit to enforce the law?
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

Trump’s All-Out Attack on the Rule of Law

The constitutional crisis is here

Trump's Directives to the FBI Really Are a Threat to Democracy
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
Lol, you tRumpkins can make a mountain out of every single molehill you find and it will never be enough for you.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.
You call it fake news, yet what has proven to be false?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.
You call it fake news, yet what has proven to be false?
Proven to be false? Isn't it your claim? You have to prove it to be true. Otherwise it's just you blowing smoke up our collective ass.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.
You call it fake news, yet what has proven to be false?
Proven to be false? Isn't it your claim? You have to prove it to be true. Otherwise it's just you blowing smoke up our collective ass.
I linked articles to my OP. YOU claim it's fake news yet offer nothing to disprove it. Where I'm from, if you accuse someone of lying, you better be able to prove that they have. Ball's in your court.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.
You call it fake news, yet what has proven to be false?
Proven to be false? Isn't it your claim? You have to prove it to be true. Otherwise it's just you blowing smoke up our collective ass.
I linked articles to my OP. YOU claim it's fake news yet offer nothing to disprove it. Where I'm from, if you accuse someone of lying, you better be able to prove that they have. Ball's in your court.
Lol, the opinion pieces you posted aren't evidence of anything.
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter

But, that doesn't change the fact that Your guys were already on a watch list, and then showed up as national security concerns.
So you're not all concerned over the inconsistencies that have been shown in the justice system? How comfortable would you feel trusting the fate of someone you cared about to that system? Have you taken the partisan glasses off and actually looked at what became of our justice system during the Obama administration? Can you really say that it's been fair and impartial?
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.

No.. The problem is --- the morons YOU are relying on for YOUR news are keeping you mushrooms fat and happy feeding you hooker/porn star shit instead of ACTUAL news.

True story bro'... :ack-1:
When will there be enough irregularities exposed in the FBI's and DOJ's procurement of the F.I.S.A warrant against Carter Page to make trump haters set aside their personal preferences and stand up for justice? A corrupt justice system is step one to a banana republic.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions - Sara A. Carter

But, that doesn't change the fact that Your guys were already on a watch list, and then showed up as national security concerns.

"your guys were on watch list"??? Not true. The only one with a relationship to the US Intel community was Carter Page. And HE was actually used as an ASSET for his work with the Russians. You've been TOLD he was "under our watch". But you were not told -- that was LARGELY BECAUSE he was providing info to NAIL several actual Russian infiltrators and "commercial intel spies".

He's former Naval Intel officer. He's understands that when you travel to Russia even AFTER you leave your post, you SHOULD BE EXPECTED to be "under the watch". It's LARGELY for YOUR protection. So that you can be warned about associations you should not have.

General public and press morons don't know this. I and everyone else who was subject to travel restrictions because of clearances or former clearances DO know this.
The so called "inconsistencies" are nothing more than fake news. The fisa warrant, no matter what Alex Jones has told you, was properly executed and nonpartisan. The FBI and DOJ are not on anybody's "side", they are doing their job.
Calling it fake news doesn't make it so. As to the F.I.S.A warrant, it's looking more and more likely that it was not properly filed for and that the information sources used will not stand up to scrutiny. Just because you don't like information doesn't make it any less real. I'll remember that you said that the FBI and DOJ are "just doing their job" if we see indictments of former FBI and Obama administration members.
You should take your own advice. Look at it objectively. Do you really believe numerous judges, FBI investigators, and other checks and balances were all involved in some huge conspiracy just on the off chance that they could get some dirt on somebody?

Don't have to believe it. That's EXACTLY what happened. The spies inserted into the campaign before the official investigation INSTIGATED the appearance of Russian collusion. The phony POS Hillary/Russian dossier was SOLD and MARKETED by Clapper/Brennan/FBI as a genuine US Intel article. And access to the NSA Big Brother machine was achieved thru misrepresentations of that Hillary/Russian dossier to probe EVERYONE involved in the campaign..

True story. Coming to a MSNBC/CNN/NYTimes/WashPo theater near you soon..
If you truly believe that, I don't know what to say. You have completely fallen for the fake news.

No.. The problem is --- the morons YOU are relying on for YOUR news are keeping you mushrooms fat and happy feeding you hooker/porn star shit instead of ACTUAL news.

True story bro'... :ack-1:
I'm afraid not. You seem to have fallen for the fake news again.

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