When it comes to the wall, what’s worth asking is then what?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Okay, so let’s the wall gets built. It won’t for several reasons, but let’s entertain the fantasy that it will get built. Then what? Illegal immigration from Mexico has been declining over the last 10 years. A wall wouldn’t do anything to improve the overall statistics but again, let’s pretend it would. Let’s say the wall drastically reduces illegal immigration from Mexico. Then what? What would happen? You could argue it would save on border security, but the wall will still cost 10s of billions of dollars initially and about 1 billion per year to maintain it. So, idk, I guess that could still save money? But so what? Why would this drastically improve the quality of life for us citizens?

Don’t you realize how ridiculous it is to obsess over this wall idea? I mean sure, I can see why republicans would support the idea, but what’s insane is believing it is the number one issue for public policy and the government must be shut down til our toddler president gets his way. The wall is a simple minded solution to a complex problem.

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