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When it happens to you or your family will you finally W T F U???

When you , or your wife, or daughter are raped by an illegal alien, will you W T F U???

  • Nope, as a liberal i dont give a shit about women, why else do i like Bill Clinton?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, as a liberal US men rape women too, so it is all right for illegals to do it also.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I am tired of this bullshit given by the left that illegals only want to be here for work.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • As a Conservative, i already knew it was a bad idea with illegals, and will gladly help remove them.

    Votes: 11 68.8%

  • Total voters
Teens who 'raped girl in Maryland' recently immigrated | Daily Mail Online
Two immigrant high school students who 'raped a fourteen-year-old girl in a bathroom' arrived in America just months ago from El Salvador and Guatemala
  • Jose Montano, 17, and Henry Sanchez, 18, have been charged with first-degree rape and sexual offense in attack at Rockville High School in Maryland
  • The two arrived in the US from Central America less than a year ago
  • Police say Montano and Sanchez first approached a 14-year-old girl in the school hallway and propositioned her, but she refused
  • Teens then allegedly forced her into a boys' bathroom stall, and raped her.

Typical, this is not the full account of the "rape". The account leaves out some very important details like the girl (slut) was wearing hip huggers and a crop top. If Americans were more understanding about Latin cultures, we'd all know that a girl dressed like that in Central America is basically asking males to drag her into a men's bathroom room and pleasure her. These innocent boys were simply doing what they were raised to do. As Americans we need to be more accepting of our immigrant's culture.
Teens who 'raped girl in Maryland' recently immigrated | Daily Mail Online
Two immigrant high school students who 'raped a fourteen-year-old girl in a bathroom' arrived in America just months ago from El Salvador and Guatemala
  • Jose Montano, 17, and Henry Sanchez, 18, have been charged with first-degree rape and sexual offense in attack at Rockville High School in Maryland
  • The two arrived in the US from Central America less than a year ago
  • Police say Montano and Sanchez first approached a 14-year-old girl in the school hallway and propositioned her, but she refused
  • Teens then allegedly forced her into a boys' bathroom stall, and raped her.
10 charged in gang - related death of Md. teen | WTOP
FAIRFAX, Va. — Nine people have been arrested and charged in connection with gang activity and the disappearance of a 15-year-old Gaithersburg girl, who was found dead in a Virginia industrial park on Saturday.
Police are still looking for a tenth suspect, a 16-year-old girl. The four adults and six teens have been charged with abduction and gang participation in connection with the disappearance and death of Damaris Alexandra Reyes Rivas
Tick tock, tick tock, just a matter of time when something like this happens to one of you liberals. As of right now, I could care less, if you get hurt, because I don't give a shit for people like a liberal. You deserve all the shit that Obama has let into this country...
Typical liberal talking points. They are here because they get paid under the table, so they don't pay their FAIR share of taxes. Then when they commit a crime like raping or killing a US citizen, if they don't get caught they run back across the border Joe, leaving US to pay the price for their crimes, Joe. These people who come here, Joe, hate US, Joe which is why you seem them raping and killing US, without a care, Joe. Don't you care, Joe? Or are you the Sociopath, Joe, that I think you are? Don't you have any feeling for the 14 year old girl who was raped by illegals or the poor woman that was killed by an illegal, Joe? Would you be upset if Obama and his family got killed by an illegal Joe? Or how about your family Joe, would you be a little pissed off if one of your family got killed or raped by an illegal, Joe?

Are you done bubbling your menstruation, dude...

Most people who came here come for the same reason our grandparents came here... to make a better life for themselves.

Most of them don't commit crimes. Otherwise, we should totally take away rights from gun owners for what a few of you do.
Tick tock, tick tock, just a matter of time when something like this happens to one of you liberals. As of right now, I could care less, if you get hurt, because I don't give a shit for people like a liberal. You deserve all the shit that Obama has let into this country...

Guy, I worry a lot more about frustrated white guys like you going on a shooting spree, to be honest.
Suspected gang rape of Chicago teen streamed on Facebook Live
Aamer Madhani , USA TODAYPublished 1:04 p.m. ET March 21, 2017


(You do know Trumps going to come here and do yo job...)

CHICAGO — Police on Tuesday said they are searching for five to six men suspected of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in an attack that was streamed on Facebook Live.

The girl, who had been missing since Sunday, was found by Chicago detectives Tuesday — the day after the girl’s mother approached Superintendent Eddie Johnson as he was leaving a news conference and showed him screen grabs of the attack, according to police.

The video, which has been removed from Facebook, was viewed by dozens of people, but no one called authorities.

“The superintendent was visibly upset when he saw the pictures of the girl and was dismayed when he learned that people were watching the incident live and no one called police,” police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.


Suspected gang rape of Chicago teen streamed on Facebook Live

People hurt by illegal immigrants lives matter? Well I think ALL lives matter.

They don't.

Their lives don't matter at all once they decide to break our laws.

Fuck them.

I hope they all die...
^ Looks like somebody's grumpers from not enough sleepy time. Have some coffee rooster :itsok:

Eat a dick.

These animals break our laws to come here and then many of them ramp up their criminal activity and end up killing and raping innocent Americans.

Only another piece of shit would suggest that the lives of those pieces of shit matter...
After Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 9th Grader, Superintendent Says Allowing Them into School System ‘Beneficial’ to Other Students
Unfortunately, it’s the law of the land.


Trey Sanchez


superintendent of Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools held a news conference Tuesday, a full five days after a 14-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped by two (now-confirmed) illegal aliens in a boy’s bathroom on school property, and defended allowing illegal immigrants into the school system, saying it “benefits the students and community.” And most unfortunately, it’s actually Maryland and federal law.

The tepid response of Superintendent Jack Smith over such an egregious crime is shocking, to say the least. In multiple media appearances, he has bent over backwards to keep this from turning into a political debate on immigration. His initial press conference was no different. He said:


After Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 9th Grader, Superintendent Says Allowing Them into School System ‘Beneficial’ to Other Students
Most people who came here come for the same reason our grandparents came here... to make a better life for themselves.

My ancestors (my grandparents were born here) came here for a better life, yes. The difference between my ancestors (and likely yours) and the pieces of shit we're dealing with now is that our ancestors came here legally.

Why are liberals too fucking stupid to wrap their pointed little heads around the fact that conservatives don't have a problem with legal immigration? LET THEM COME IN! But the better fucking come here LEGALLY...

Most of them don't commit crimes. Otherwise, we should totally take away rights from gun owners for what a few of you do.

Such ignorant, liberal blathering.

What the fuck do you mean "most don't commit crimes"? Every single fucking one of them does when they enter the country illegally.

And your comparison to gun owners is stupid. I have a Constitutionally protected right to own and carry a firearm. These pieces of shit don't have a Constitutionally protected right to break our laws and come here illegally.

Gun the fuckers down at the border and let the vultures and coyotes devour the carrion...
'Long Island Man' Charged With Sexually Assaulting Toddler, Stabbing a Woman, Was Deported 4 Times
"This is, in 28 years, probably the most heinous criminal act I've ever seen, and it really is nauseating."


Mark Tapson


Police have arrested a violent illegal alien described as a "Long Island man" for sexually assaulting a toddler and stabbing the child's mother and another woman on the same night. He has been deported four times previously.

A local ABC News station reports that Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, 31, of Hempstead, is a self-admitted gang member with an extensive criminal history, including possession of drugs, assault, resisting arrest, DWI and disorderly conduct. He has now been charged with predatory sexual assault of a child, attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon. He is being held without bail.


'Long Island Man' Charged With Sexually Assaulting Toddler, Stabbing a Woman, Was Deported 4 Times
My ancestors (my grandparents were born here) came here for a better life, yes. The difference between my ancestors (and likely yours) and the pieces of shit we're dealing with now is that our ancestors came here legally.

No, the difference is, until fairly recently, we didn't have rules trying to keep people out. When your ancestors (and mine, for that matter) got here, they just got here.

Why are liberals too fucking stupid to wrap their pointed little heads around the fact that conservatives don't have a problem with legal immigration? LET THEM COME IN! But the better fucking come here LEGALLY...

The thing is, half of "illegals" did come here legally on work, student or other legal visas...But Biffenfuhrer is going after legal immigrants, too.

And your comparison to gun owners is stupid. I have a Constitutionally protected right to own and carry a firearm.

No, you have a constitutionally protected right to have a well-regulated militia. The words "Gun" and "Firearm" are mentioned nowhere in that amendment.

What the fuck do you mean "most don't commit crimes"? Every single fucking one of them does when they enter the country illegally.

You commit a crime when you go over the speed limit, fudge your taxes or take a pen home from work... but no one is saying they should...

Gun the fuckers down ... let the vultures and coyotes devour the carrion...

Because that would be harsh.

Here's the thing. Most illegals... not committing crimes and actually are providing a benefit by doing unpleasant, unsafe jobs that Americans don't want to do.

But Biffenfuhrer has convinced stupid people like you they are the reason you are unhappy in life.
My ancestors (my grandparents were born here) came here for a better life, yes. The difference between my ancestors (and likely yours) and the pieces of shit we're dealing with now is that our ancestors came here legally.

No, the difference is, until fairly recently, we didn't have rules trying to keep people out. When your ancestors (and mine, for that matter) got here, they just got here.

Okay, then so what? Because we "didn't have rules" then we should shitcan the ones we have now? What a load of bullshit...

The thing is, half of "illegals" did come here legally on work, student or other legal visas...

Again, so what? Because they came here legally for a specific period of time we should permit them to stay after that time expires? How fucking stupid. Regardless of how they came here, if they don't belong here now they need to get the fuck out...

But Biffenfuhrer is going after legal immigrants, too.

Oh, you're one of those dipshits who makes up names for politicos you don't like. What are you, 12?

I know plenty of legal immigrants who aren't the least bit worried about Trump coming after them...

No, you have a constitutionally protected right to have a well-regulated militia. The words "Gun" and "Firearm" are mentioned nowhere in that amendment.

No, but the phrase "keep and bear arms" is.

So I do...

You commit a crime when you go over the speed limit, fudge your taxes or take a pen home from work...

Jesus H. Fucking Christ.


You're essentially taking the position that, because I drive 72mph in a 65mph zone that some fucking scumbag illegal alien should be allowed to come here and suck our system dry.

Do you tie your own shoes?

Because that would be harsh.

Don't really give a fuck...

Here's the thing. Most illegals... not committing crimes and actually are providing a benefit by doing unpleasant, unsafe jobs that Americans don't want to do.

If they're here illegally, they're committing a crime. Period. We're in the state we're in because idiot liberals think they illegal scumbags are doing jobs Americans won't do. Not every illegal is picking lettuce, Dumbass...

But Biffenfuhrer has convinced stupid people like you they are the reason you are unhappy in life.

I'm actually quite happy. The candidate I voted for is now President. If I were any happier I'd have to be twins.

Meanwhile, dipshits like you are left to make up stupid names for him because you were too fucking stupid to get your candidate elected...
It's sad that people like JoeB131 are so willing to accept rapes and murders at the hands of illegal scumbag aliens.

What a disgusting excuse for a human being...
Okay, then so what? Because we "didn't have rules" then we should shitcan the ones we have now? What a load of bullshit...

Well, when you realize rules are silly and not working, yeah... We have immigrants today for the same reason we had them then, there were a lot of bottom rung jobs that Americans don't want to do.

I know plenty of legal immigrants who aren't the least bit worried about Trump coming after them...

Then they are stupid. Biffenfuhrer is doing what Nazis do...finding someone to blame for the problems rather than solving them.

If they're here illegally, they're committing a crime. Period. We're in the state we're in because idiot liberals think they illegal scumbags are doing jobs Americans won't do. Not every illegal is picking lettuce, Dumbass...

No, you see, "a crime" is something that is actually harmful. "A legal technicality", well, not so much. You technically commit a crime when you get on here when you ought to be working...

It's sad that people like JoeB131 are so willing to accept rapes and murders at the hands of illegal scumbag aliens.

It sad when racist pieces of shit like Rooster (or should we just call him Cock) try to use an unfortunate incident to rationalize their racism.

What these two boys did was wrong. I suspect they were the products of brutal environments (you know, ones that we helped create) but they should still be punished for their wrongdoing.

Collective guilt. Not so much. Unless you want to execute the executive board of the NRA for the next mass shooting.
Okay, then so what? Because we "didn't have rules" then we should shitcan the ones we have now? What a load of bullshit...

Well, when you realize rules are silly and not working, yeah...

The reason they're not working is because they're not being enforced. The reason they're not being enforced is because dick-eating idiot libs like you stand in the way of that at every turn. Sanctuary cities? They should be seized, militarily, by the federal government...

We have immigrants today for the same reason we had them then, there were a lot of bottom rung jobs that Americans don't want to do.

No, we have immigrants now because we're the greatest fucking country on the planet.

I have zero issue with immigrants. None. Illegal immigrants? Cut them down at the border...

Then they are stupid. Biffenfuhrer is doing what Nazis do...finding someone to blame for the problems rather than solving them.

No, they're not worried because they've come here legally, that's why.

You're pretty fuckin' stupid, you know that?

No, you see, "a crime" is something that is actually harmful.

Um, no. You're wrong.

It's a crime for a retailer to pull the tag off a mattress, yet no one is harmed if he does...

"A legal technicality", well, not so much.

Parse it anyway you want. Illegal is illegal. Period...

You technically commit a crime when you get on here when you ought to be working

Depends on what rules the employer has in place regarding that. So, don't be a dickhead and try to come across as smart...

It sad when racist pieces of shit like Rooster (or should we just call him Cock) try to use an unfortunate incident to rationalize their racism.

Call me whatever you want, Nancy. You wanna' call me "Cock"? That's fine, because it's impressive (well, YOU'D probably like it).

Idiot dipshits like you fail in this discussion when you start whining "racism". I don't give a flying fuck what someone's skin color is. If they're not supposed to be here, they need to get the fuck out. I don't care if they're white, red, brown, green; I don't fucking care.

But, because pinheads like you realize you can;t rationally make a case FOR illegal immigration, you start screaming "racism" in the hopes that it's make someone back down.

I don't back down...

What these two boys did was wrong. I suspect they were the products of brutal environments (you know, ones that we helped create) but they should still be punished for their wrongdoing.

Shoulder that guilt all you want, Dummy. I didn't help create their brutal environment. If you want to take that blame, that's on you.

If this were the only example of heinous crimes being perpetrated by illegal scumbag fucks, I might agree that the solution would be to deal with just these two illegal scumbag fucks. The problem, though, is that it's rampant. You'll die of old age before you read all of the accounts of all of the horrible crimes these animals commit.

So, we need to hit them at the source. We need to gun them down at the border. I'd even support gunning down those Americans who would aid and abet these scumbags in coming into our country. You want to stop illegal immigration? Make the penalties so overwhelmingly harsh that no one dare chance it...

Collective guilt. Not so much. Unless you want to execute the executive board of the NRA for the next mass shooting.

Another stupid liberal tactic.

How many NRA members have been convicted of a gun crime compared to those convicted of gun crimes who weren't NRA members?

The reason they're not working is because they're not being enforced. The reason they're not being enforced is because dick-eating idiot libs like you stand in the way of that at every turn. Sanctuary cities? They should be seized, militarily, by the federal government...

And then what? I mean, I'm sure that makes you all hard and stuff, but you really haven't solved the problem. We don't have enough troops to seize all our cities and most of us wouldn't want that, anyway. Also, a lot of those guys in the military are...y ou know, Hispanic. Good luck getting them to hunt down their relatives.

Let's see what other angry stupidity there is here to mock

No, we have immigrants now because we're the greatest fucking country on the planet.

Naw, guy, we have immigrants because we are next to a third world country we've spent the last two centuries exploiting... and now it's coming back to bite us in the ass.

Idiot dipshits like you fail in this discussion when you start whining "racism". I don't give a flying fuck what someone's skin color is. If they're not supposed to be here, they need to get the fuck out. I don't care if they're white, red, brown, green; I don't fucking care.

But, because pinheads like you realize you can;t rationally make a case FOR illegal immigration, you start screaming "racism" in the hopes that it's make someone back down.

Again, you guys never whine about the hundreds of thousands of Poles and Russians who are here illegally... because they are white. It's only the brown people that have you pissing your pants.
And then what? I mean, I'm sure that makes you all hard and stuff, but you really haven't solved the problem. We don't have enough troops to seize all our cities and most of us wouldn't want that, anyway. Also, a lot of those guys in the military are...you know, Hispanic. Good luck getting them to hunt down their relatives.

Let's see what other angry stupidity there is here to mock

Where and when did I say anything about race or skin color? Right, I didn't. You know why? Because illegal immigration has nothing to do with skin color or race, and everything to do with people being here illegally. As lnog as you insist on trying to make it about race and skin color, a glaring light of stupidity will shine upon you.

As for seizing cities, smaller ones can be subsumed by nearby cities which aren't inhabited by illegal scumbag alien loving pieces of shit like you...

Naw, guy, we have immigrants because we are next to a third world country we've spent the last two centuries exploiting... and now it's coming back to bite us in the ass.

No, we have ILLEGAL "immigrants" (hereafter known as "illegal scumbag aliens") because we're next to a piece of shit third world country...

Again, you guys never whine about the hundreds of thousands of Poles and Russians who are here illegally... because they are white. It's only the brown people that have you pissing your pants.

Get them the fuck out!

Again, I defy you to find where I've made a single reference to skin color or race. You can't do it. Period. You can't do it because I haven't done it, but that doesn't keep you from resorting to being a piece of shit liar to try to make your ignorant "points".

These scumbag aliens should be gunned down when they try to enter our country illegally. Gun down the white, black, brown, pink, green, red, yellow, blue; gun them all the fuck down...
Where and when did I say anything about race or skin color? Right, I didn't. You know why? Because illegal immigration has nothing to do with skin color or race, and everything to do with people being here illegally. As lnog as you insist on trying to make it about race and skin color, a glaring light of stupidity will shine upon you.

again, nobody ever whines about white people who are here illegally.

so, yeah, it's about race.

or do you think Peter King was talking about the Poles when he made his "Someone else's babies' comment.

But the fact you spend a bunch of times whining about how not racist you are just proves you're racist.
[QUOTE="JoeB131, post: 16882131, member: 31057"[/QUOTE]

again, nobody ever whines about white people who are here illegally.

so, yeah, it's about race.

or do you think Peter King was talking about the Poles when he made his "Someone else's babies' comment.

But the fact you spend a bunch of times whining about how not racist you are just proves you're racist.[/QUOTE]

When liberals are getting the intellectual shit kicked out of them, they resort to racism and lies.

I defy you to find a single post where I've made reference to skin color. Just one, Dickhead. You seem to be having a difficult time wrapping your pointed little head around the fact that I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT SOMEONE'S SKIN COLOR IS. The reason I spend so much time explaining this to you is because, apparently, you possess the intellectual capacity of a soiled rubber and can't understand a simple fucking concept.

I don't know what Peter King meant. I don't know what he said. I know what I say, and I say exactly what I mean. Like this:

ALL illegal scumbag aliens need to get the fuck out of our country, regardless of skin color


JoeB131 is a lying little racist fuck who's too goddamn stupid for the internet...

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