When Liberals Control Education....

"Freire is one of the most important educators of the 20th century and is considered one of the most important theorists of "critical pedagogy" - the educational movement guided by both passion and principle to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, empower the imagination, connect knowledge and truth to power and learn to read both the word and the world as part of a broader struggle for agency, justice and democracy. His groundbreaking book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," has sold more than a million copies and is deservedly being commemorated this year - the 40th anniversary of its appearance in English translation - after having exerted its influence over generations of teachers and intellectuals in the Americas and abroad."
Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich
"And his example is more important now than ever before: with institutions of public and higher education increasingly under siege by a host of neoliberal and conservative forces, it is imperative for educators to acknowledge Freire's understanding of the empowering and democratic potential of education. Critical pedagogy currently offers the very best, perhaps the only, chance for young people to develop and assert a sense of their rights and responsibilities to participate in governing, and not simply being governed by prevailing ideological and material forces."

Now who would want that, certainly not you little morons.

How many would want it, knowing that what the words say, are irrelevant to the purpose the words serve; meaning that it is actually designed to produce precisely the opposite effect, of what it claims to produce?

That would be the sum total of Relativism... meaning you morons, incapable of discerning truth, by virtue of your addled means to reason.
"Freire is one of the most important educators of the 20th century and is considered one of the most important theorists of "critical pedagogy" - the educational movement guided by both passion and principle to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, empower the imagination, connect knowledge and truth to power and learn to read both the word and the world as part of a broader struggle for agency, justice and democracy. His groundbreaking book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," has sold more than a million copies and is deservedly being commemorated this year - the 40th anniversary of its appearance in English translation - after having exerted its influence over generations of teachers and intellectuals in the Americas and abroad."
Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich
"And his example is more important now than ever before: with institutions of public and higher education increasingly under siege by a host of neoliberal and conservative forces, it is imperative for educators to acknowledge Freire's understanding of the empowering and democratic potential of education. Critical pedagogy currently offers the very best, perhaps the only, chance for young people to develop and assert a sense of their rights and responsibilities to participate in governing, and not simply being governed by prevailing ideological and material forces."

Now who would want that, certainly not you little morons.

How many would want it, knowing that what the words say, are irrelevant to the purpose the words serve; meaning that it is actually designed to produce precisely the opposite effect, of what it claims to produce?

That would be the sum total of Relativism... meaning you morons, incapable of discerning truth, by virtue of your addled means to reason.
Without even asking, I know that your "truths" will be dogma but just to be fair present them anyway and I will show you how you didn't arrive at them by objective means but you are instead a defender of them because of your subjectivity. All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for? You will not be able to answer that simple question honestly because to do so you'd have to reject your dogma and be highly rational. What you believe about yourself, and about relativism, are incorrect.
Seems my pal, the one with the IQ of a bulldog, isn't satisfied with the revelation that Marxist Paulo Freire is the most required book that prospective teachers are forced to study.....


But Freire is simply one more in a line of communist-inspired influence that permeate government schooling, since Liberals and Progressives have taken charge.

While these "innovations" under the auspices of Liberals/Progressives have come in lock-step with the disintegration of education, as judged by the scores that American students get on international tests.....it would be remiss not to remind all of an earlier relationship:

9. John Dewey was a 'Potemkin Progressive,' completely taken in by Soviet Communist ideology. And this man is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren; his books have been used to train generations of teachers. Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Dewey’s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.

    1. 1918, “School’s of Tomorrow,” published in Russian.
    2. 1919, “How We Think,” published in Russian.
    3. 1920, “The School and Society,” published in Russian.
    4. 1921, “Democracy and Education,” published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacher’s College.

10. In 1928, Dewey, on his trip to the Soviet, was given the full Potemkin treatment. He laughed off the possibility of his being manipulated…”the warning, which appears humorous in retrospect by my kindly friends is that I would be fooled by being taken to show places…”

Of course, immediately upon returning, he wrote a six part series for The New Republic, the political ‘font of all knowledge’ of the American left. “My mind was in a whirl of new impressions in those early days in Leningrad. Readjustment was difficult, and I lived somewhat dazed….” Impressions of Soviet Russia by John Dewey.

So you admit your hyperbolic claim about one book was just more unfounded ramblings of a right winger? Great.
As far as our schools scores comparing with the rest of the world, the difference is mainly in math and science skills. Of course, the right is working diligently to replace what science is taught with biblical teachings, and trying to discredit science as a whole. After I show you to be misguided in your beliefs about Dewey, and what you claim is his part in destroying education, who will you try to blame next?
"Freire is one of the most important educators of the 20th century and is considered one of the most important theorists of "critical pedagogy" - the educational movement guided by both passion and principle to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, empower the imagination, connect knowledge and truth to power and learn to read both the word and the world as part of a broader struggle for agency, justice and democracy. His groundbreaking book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," has sold more than a million copies and is deservedly being commemorated this year - the 40th anniversary of its appearance in English translation - after having exerted its influence over generations of teachers and intellectuals in the Americas and abroad."
Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich
"And his example is more important now than ever before: with institutions of public and higher education increasingly under siege by a host of neoliberal and conservative forces, it is imperative for educators to acknowledge Freire's understanding of the empowering and democratic potential of education. Critical pedagogy currently offers the very best, perhaps the only, chance for young people to develop and assert a sense of their rights and responsibilities to participate in governing, and not simply being governed by prevailing ideological and material forces."

Now who would want that, certainly not you little morons.

How many would want it, knowing that what the words say, are irrelevant to the purpose the words serve; meaning that it is actually designed to produce precisely the opposite effect, of what it claims to produce?

That would be the sum total of Relativism... meaning you morons, incapable of discerning truth, by virtue of your addled means to reason.
Without even asking, I know that your "truths" will be dogma but just to be fair present them anyway and I will show you how you didn't arrive at them by objective means but you are instead a defender of them because of your subjectivity. All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for? You will not be able to answer that simple question honestly because to do so you'd have to reject your dogma and be highly rational. What you believe about yourself, and about relativism, are incorrect.

All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

Sweet Mother... was anyone hurt in the execution of that train-wreck?

Take a moment to try and convert it to something closer to intelligible and get back to me.
"Freire is one of the most important educators of the 20th century and is considered one of the most important theorists of "critical pedagogy" - the educational movement guided by both passion and principle to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, empower the imagination, connect knowledge and truth to power and learn to read both the word and the world as part of a broader struggle for agency, justice and democracy. His groundbreaking book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," has sold more than a million copies and is deservedly being commemorated this year - the 40th anniversary of its appearance in English translation - after having exerted its influence over generations of teachers and intellectuals in the Americas and abroad."
Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich
"And his example is more important now than ever before: with institutions of public and higher education increasingly under siege by a host of neoliberal and conservative forces, it is imperative for educators to acknowledge Freire's understanding of the empowering and democratic potential of education. Critical pedagogy currently offers the very best, perhaps the only, chance for young people to develop and assert a sense of their rights and responsibilities to participate in governing, and not simply being governed by prevailing ideological and material forces."

Now who would want that, certainly not you little morons.

How many would want it, knowing that what the words say, are irrelevant to the purpose the words serve; meaning that it is actually designed to produce precisely the opposite effect, of what it claims to produce?

That would be the sum total of Relativism... meaning you morons, incapable of discerning truth, by virtue of your addled means to reason.
Without even asking, I know that your "truths" will be dogma but just to be fair present them anyway and I will show you how you didn't arrive at them by objective means but you are instead a defender of them because of your subjectivity. All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for? You will not be able to answer that simple question honestly because to do so you'd have to reject your dogma and be highly rational. What you believe about yourself, and about relativism, are incorrect.

All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

Sweet Mother... was anyone hurt in the execution of that train-wreck?

Take a moment to try and convert it to something closer to intelligible and get back to me.
It's more than plain enough. If you can't play at my level, don't.
Seems my pal, the one with the IQ of a bulldog, isn't satisfied with the revelation that Marxist Paulo Freire is the most required book that prospective teachers are forced to study.....


But Freire is simply one more in a line of communist-inspired influence that permeate government schooling, since Liberals and Progressives have taken charge.

While these "innovations" under the auspices of Liberals/Progressives have come in lock-step with the disintegration of education, as judged by the scores that American students get on international tests.....it would be remiss not to remind all of an earlier relationship:

9. John Dewey was a 'Potemkin Progressive,' completely taken in by Soviet Communist ideology. And this man is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren; his books have been used to train generations of teachers. Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Dewey’s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.

    1. 1918, “School’s of Tomorrow,” published in Russian.
    2. 1919, “How We Think,” published in Russian.
    3. 1920, “The School and Society,” published in Russian.
    4. 1921, “Democracy and Education,” published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacher’s College.

10. In 1928, Dewey, on his trip to the Soviet, was given the full Potemkin treatment. He laughed off the possibility of his being manipulated…”the warning, which appears humorous in retrospect by my kindly friends is that I would be fooled by being taken to show places…”

Of course, immediately upon returning, he wrote a six part series for The New Republic, the political ‘font of all knowledge’ of the American left. “My mind was in a whirl of new impressions in those early days in Leningrad. Readjustment was difficult, and I lived somewhat dazed….” Impressions of Soviet Russia by John Dewey.

So you admit your hyperbolic claim about one book was just more unfounded ramblings of a right winger? Great.
As far as our schools scores comparing with the rest of the world, the difference is mainly in math and science skills. Of course, the right is working diligently to replace what science is taught with biblical teachings, and trying to discredit science as a whole. After I show you to be misguided in your beliefs about Dewey, and what you claim is his part in destroying education, who will you try to blame next?

So you're stating that you know that the teaching of objective science is failing in the US, even as you deny that 'education' in the US has succumbed to the inevitable consequences of subjective reasoning?


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.
I'd like to see one that shows when Conservatives control anything but since liberals run everything and poor cons are powerless *wink wink* they can only complain
Seems my pal, the one with the IQ of a bulldog, isn't satisfied with the revelation that Marxist Paulo Freire is the most required book that prospective teachers are forced to study.....


But Freire is simply one more in a line of communist-inspired influence that permeate government schooling, since Liberals and Progressives have taken charge.

While these "innovations" under the auspices of Liberals/Progressives have come in lock-step with the disintegration of education, as judged by the scores that American students get on international tests.....it would be remiss not to remind all of an earlier relationship:

9. John Dewey was a 'Potemkin Progressive,' completely taken in by Soviet Communist ideology. And this man is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren; his books have been used to train generations of teachers. Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Dewey’s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.

    1. 1918, “School’s of Tomorrow,” published in Russian.
    2. 1919, “How We Think,” published in Russian.
    3. 1920, “The School and Society,” published in Russian.
    4. 1921, “Democracy and Education,” published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacher’s College.

10. In 1928, Dewey, on his trip to the Soviet, was given the full Potemkin treatment. He laughed off the possibility of his being manipulated…”the warning, which appears humorous in retrospect by my kindly friends is that I would be fooled by being taken to show places…”

Of course, immediately upon returning, he wrote a six part series for The New Republic, the political ‘font of all knowledge’ of the American left. “My mind was in a whirl of new impressions in those early days in Leningrad. Readjustment was difficult, and I lived somewhat dazed….” Impressions of Soviet Russia by John Dewey.

So you admit your hyperbolic claim about one book was just more unfounded ramblings of a right winger? Great.
As far as our schools scores comparing with the rest of the world, the difference is mainly in math and science skills. Of course, the right is working diligently to replace what science is taught with biblical teachings, and trying to discredit science as a whole. After I show you to be misguided in your beliefs about Dewey, and what you claim is his part in destroying education, who will you try to blame next?

I fully admit without reservation that you blur the line between stupid and ignorant.
It's more than plain enough. If you can't play at my level, don't.

If you believe that to be true, then you're an imbecile and should avoid any activity which relates to public discourse.

All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

Do you want me to tell you what the objective thing to do is, for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain? Or are you tying that scenario into the inevitable death, concluding that nothing can be done for such?

At first glance, it seems you're searching for an answer to a simple, open and honest query... but then you sensed correctly that the answer was readily obvious: Comfort the child to the best of your ability, doing what you can to prevent further harm to the child as it squirms and riles in agony... all the while seeking qualified medical treatment... .

But your sense that the objective conclusion was obvious, sent you to seek irrational qualifications wherein the scenario requires death to be imminent, which is a deliciously ironic twist, in that it demonstrated your subjective nature.

Now was THAT what you were going for? I ask because I sense that it probably wasn't.
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It's more than plain enough. If you can't play at my level, don't.

If you believe that to be true, then you're an imbecile and should avoid any activity which relates to public discourse.

All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

Do you want me to tell you what the objective thing to do is for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain? Or are you tying that scenario into the inevitable death, concluding that nothing can be done for such?

At first glance, it seems you're searching for an answer to a simple, open and honest query... but then you sensed correctly that the answer was readily obvious: Comfort the child to the best of your ability, doing what you can to prevent further harm to the child as it squirms and riles in agony... all the while seeking qualified medical treatment... . But your sense that the objective conclusion was obvious you sought to qualify the scenario where death of imminent, which is a deliciously ironic, in that it demonstrated your subjective nature.

Now was THAT what you were going for? I ask because I sense that it probably wasn't.
As I said, you would not be able to answer rationally. Instead your dogma, human life is sacred, overwhelmed your ability to state the obvious, which is you don't let the infant suffer, you kill it like any other suffering and dying creature, if you are rational and moral that is, but you are neither, as I said.
So you actually think teachers are banned from putting desks in a row...... math is no longer taught, but students are just issued calculators instead, ......and red ink is no longer used in schools? And furthermore, that "liberal" and "unionized teachers" are the reason that our country's schools are all required to follow these rules? Ridiculous.

No, you dope.....because communism is the impetus in government school today, rather than real education.

And what would one expect to be taught at Columbia, and other teacher's colleges that were under the influence of the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School?


7. "At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.

This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

8. But rather than dealing with the education of children, Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students. This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies."
Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

It's all about 'social justice' rather than about academics.

And the only way to avoid it in America today is private school, or homeschool.

So you say public school is all about communism, and pick one book out of literally hundreds of thousands of books used to demonstrate that? I read Tom Sawyer in school when I was kid. Does that mean the government was pressing kids to ride a raft and not wear shoes? Perhaps it had more to do with helping the fence painting industry. It's easy to find scary monsters everywhere if you first convince yourself they are real. The right wing crazies have done just that, and your silly post proves it.

How dumb are you???

I mean, really.

Did you notice that it is the book used in more teacher's ed courses than any other?????

  1. "Freire never intends “pedagogy” to refer to any method of classroom instruction based on analysis and research, or to any means of producing higher academic achievement for students. [H]e relies on Marx’s standard formulation that “the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat [and] this dictatorship only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.” In one footnote, however, Freire does mention a society that has actually realized the “permanent liberation” he seeks: it “appears to be the fundamental aspect of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.”
  2. The pedagogical point of Freire’s thesis : its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society. One of Freire’s most widely quoted metaphors dismisses teacher-directed instruction as a misguided “banking concept,” in which “the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing the deposits.” Freire proposes instead that teachers partner with their coequals, the students, in a “dialogic” and “problem-solving” process until the roles of teacher and student merge into “teacher-students” and “student-teachers.”
    Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

So. tell me, clueless.....is this the 'education' you'd want for your children???

Is it??

You got a creditable link to show that the "MOST USED BOOK" is this one, and that everything in that book is presented as undeniable truth? For it to be that central to education, you should easily find lot's of references for that.

You doubt me?????

You double-dope.

"Freire is one of the most important educators of the 20th century and is considered one of the most important theorists of "critical pedagogy" - the educational movement guided by both passion and principle to help students develop a consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, empower the imagination, connect knowledge and truth to power and learn to read both the word and the world as part of a broader struggle for agency, justice and democracy. His groundbreaking book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," has sold more than a million copies and is deservedly being commemorated this year - the 40th anniversary of its appearance in English translation - after having exerted its influence over generations of teachers and intellectuals in the Americas and abroad."
Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich

I don't doubt you. I categorically claim that your statement was wrong. That one book is not the "Most used one" .

If you believe everything said in the particular article you link to is unassailable gospel, then you should agree with this paragraph from the same author

With George W. Bush’s presidency coming to an end, religious fundamentalism in the US seems once again to be in overdrive in its effort to define politics through a reductive and somewhat fanatical moralism, this time centered on its support for Sarah Palin, the newest light in the evangelical quest to make religion the ultimate measure of one’s politics. This kind of religious zealotry has a long tradition in American history extending from the arrival of Puritanism in the seventeenth century to the current spread of Pentecostalism. This often ignored history, imbued with theocratic certainty and moral absolutism, has been quite powerful in providing religious justification to the likes of the Ku Klux Klan, the parlance of the Robber Barons and the patriarchy-imbued discourse of “family values.”
Dr.Henry A. Giroux-Online Articles

I don't doubt you have a link to any silly thing you might want to say, but I prefer a creditable source.
11. Well....how about the obverse?
What is the result when Dewey, Freire, and all the other dwarfs of communism are removed?
What is the correct methodology....assuming one wished to form a smart, knowledgeable student body???

Answer: The traditional methods.
That's right: the communists what to lead the world in education. One can only assume that the communists in this nation wish for failure.

The apparatchiks communism, our Liberals/Progressives should be banned from both politics in general, and, specifically, from control of the education of children.

And proof comes from a surprising source: Communist China.
"American Students Fall in International Academic Tests, Chinese Lead the Pack"
American Students Fall in International Academic Tests Chinese Lead the Pack - US News

In China, the teacher is back in the center of the classroom, as the expert he/she is hired to be.
Content, factual information, memorization!

The anti-Freire method!

a. " Seventy teachers from the UK were sent to Shanghai to study classroom methods to investigate why Chinese students perform so well. Upon their return, the teachers reported that much of China’s success came from teaching methods the UK has been moving away from for the past 40 years.

b. The Chinese favour a “chalk and talk” approach, whereas countries such as the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand have been moving away from this direct form of teaching to a more collaborative form of learning where students take greater control.

c. Given China’s success in international tests such asPISA,TIMSS and PIRLS, it seems we have been misguided in abandoning the traditional, teacher-directed method of learning where the teacher spends more time standing at the front of the class, directing learning and controlling classroom activities." MercatorNet 8216 Chalk and talk 8217 teaching might be the best way after all

So....wadda ya' think? Have we been "misguided in abandoning the traditional, teacher-directed method of learning where the teacher spends more time standing at the front of the class, directing learning and controlling classroom activities."

Or do you smell a traitorous rat?
It's more than plain enough. If you can't play at my level, don't.

If you believe that to be true, then you're an imbecile and should avoid any activity which relates to public discourse.

All I have to do is to ask you to tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

Do you want me to tell you what the objective thing to do is for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain? Or are you tying that scenario into the inevitable death, concluding that nothing can be done for such?

At first glance, it seems you're searching for an answer to a simple, open and honest query... but then you sensed correctly that the answer was readily obvious: Comfort the child to the best of your ability, doing what you can to prevent further harm to the child as it squirms and riles in agony... all the while seeking qualified medical treatment... . But your sense that the objective conclusion was obvious you sought to qualify the scenario where death of imminent, which is a deliciously ironic, in that it demonstrated your subjective nature.

Now was THAT what you were going for? I ask because I sense that it probably wasn't.
As I said, you would not be able to answer rationally. Instead your dogma, human life is sacred, overwhelmed your ability to state the obvious which is you don't let the infant suffer, you kill it like any other suffering and dying creature, if you are rational and moral that is, but you are neither, as I said.

May I ask, 'What color is the sky in your world?'.

Folks, you've just been given a marvelous demonstration of Relativism. Such that what you just witnessed amounts to nothing less than: RELATIVISM ON PARADE.

To review:

Relativism is defined as: the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in only in relation with, thus is only relative to, one's culture, society, historical and personal context, and as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

As such, Relativism rests entirely upon one's own subjective needs, axiomatically rejecting objectivity.

The problem comes in the fact that objectivity is the essential element of truth.

Truth, is the essential element of trust.

Truth and trust
are the essential elements required for the recognition and acceptance of a soundly reasoned morality.

Truth, trust and a soundly reasoned morality are the essential elements of Justice.

Where the school rinses from the individual all senses required to know truth, which strips the individual of the means to trust, they've no means to discern a distinction from right and wrong. The best they can do is to conclude that what's right for one person, may or may not be right for another... .

All of which is the formula for cultural demolition. And THAT is the purpose of and for this idiocy.

In short, it's nothing less than Old Testament evil; the intentional perversion of human reasoning.

Now the scenario was advanced:

evil said:
tell me the objective, moral, and rational thing to do for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain and soon to die that we can do nothing for?

A response was provided, which disassembled the respective elements of the query, so as to clarify the specific and respective elements:

sound reason said:
Do you want me to tell you what the objective thing to do is for an infant suffering in uncontrollable pain? Or are you tying that scenario into the inevitable death, concluding that nothing can be done for such?

At first glance, it seems you're searching for an answer to a simple, open and honest query... but then you sensed correctly that the answer was readily obvious: Comfort the child to the best of your ability, doing what you can to prevent further harm to the child as it squirms and riles in agony... all the while seeking qualified medical treatment... . But your sense that the objective conclusion was obvious you sought to qualify the scenario where death of imminent, which is a deliciously ironic, in that it demonstrated your subjective nature.

Now was THAT what you were going for? I ask because I sense that it probably wasn't.

In response to that, the irrational contributor simply fabricates elements which do not exist in the record, thus have no bearing on reality, therefore do not serve anything remotely connected to truth:

evil said:
As I said, you would not be able to answer rationally. Instead your dogma, human life is sacred, overwhelmed your ability to state the obvious which is you don't let the infant suffer, you kill it like any other suffering and dying creature, if you are rational and moral that is, but you are neither, as I said.

Now I ask you, of the two concepts: Good and Evil... which do you suppose would axiomatically conclude that 'human life is not: worthy of the recognition that such is worthy of high esteem, precious and fleeting and that such should be given every opportunity for it to be fulfilled?

The Relativist considers its own convenience... 'Childs wailing, nothing to be done, so kill it'.

Where the objective reasoning requires that given the absence of choices, all that is left to be done is to let the natural process work themselves out, knowing that the pain the child is in, will be deleted from its consciousness, where it lives and where it does not, such is irrelevant.

The choice being to take the child's life, or leave to nature which created it, the determination as to whether it lives or dies.

The Relativist considers only its own subjective needs... to remove the inconvenience of a crying child. Such is quite literally the same reasoning on which Abortion rests... .

I leave it to you the reader to answer for yourselves. Please take the time to provide your reasoning, if you're so inclined.

Thank you for your consideration.
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Whats the conservative method of education?
Plowing the fields while praising Jesus.

Yet another example of Relativism... What is NOT true is advanced as truth.

What the member advances is known as 'reasoning fabricated from straw' or The Strawman.

Such represents the perversion of human reasoning and as such it does not qualified for consideration by reasonable people.
Whats the conservative method of education?
Plowing the fields while praising Jesus.

Yet another example of Relativism... What is NOT true is advanced as truth.

What the member advances is known as 'reasoning fabricated from straw' or The Strawman.

Such reasoning is the perversion of human reasoning and as such it does not qualified for consideration by reasonable people.
Believing Jesus is Lord is not for rational and reasonable people but that doesn't stop you. And it's a dig with much truth behind it. Let's mush on.

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