When Obama first took over the White House in 2009 a gallon of gas was $1.87 and a can of corn was 33 cents.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 | CNSNews

When Joe XiBiden takes over, will he necessarily skyrocket energy prices like the Brown Turd Obammy did to once again reach $4.00 a gallon.
Thank Obama for $4 Gas | National Review

Back in 2009 a can of corn at Walmart was 33 cents, because there was plenty of food(not being burned for fuel) and energy costs to move that corn was low. But in 2012 that can more than doubled.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Pricing From 2002 to 2013 (delish.com)

When food prices to up, everything else goes up. Yet the prog slaves just voted in the very people who kept them in poverty. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote for their Democrat Masters.

When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then the prog slaves will have achieved what their dream has always been, to stick it to those who could take care of themselves....
Back in 2009 a can of corn at Walmart was 33 cents,
To be perfectly honest I hate canned corn, especially when I can buy an ear of corn on the cob and shuck it myself without even reaching for a can opener or cutting myself on sharp metal.

Smoked fish or corn meal in dry storage to make cornbread or grits for breakfast is okay, but I'm sick and tired of tin-can commercial fisheries and canneries.
The Dems nor the Repubs control the prices of commodities.

Their policies do. Obama banned much of the offshore and drilling on government land. He was even adamantly opposed to fracking. And the result was high gasoline prices.

Luckily a group of conservative and republican investors and oil people found a way to get around Obama's EPA, by fracking on private land instead. And naturally, that not only gave us the low gasoline prices we have today, but also made us a net exporter of gas and oil, for the first time in this country's history.

Of course, President Trump's deregulation had alot to do with up being a net exporter. But that appears to be over. I sincerely look forward to the misery people will be suffering at the gas pumps within the next few years. The Biden administration will no doubt ramp up the federal regulations, causing gasoline to skyrocket.

Tough shit, assholes. You're going to get the government you deserve.
CNS "news" :laughing0301:

For those in the real world, OP, I just filled up my car today for $1.74 a gallon, and I don't live in an especially cheap state.

CNS "news" holy SHIT desperation strikes deep.

Oh and by the way for what it's worth, and it's extremely little, gas six months before Bush left office (before the crash) was five bucks, an all-time high. You have no clue in the world what any of that means, do you.

CNS "news", Jesus Christ on a Cracker.
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 | CNSNews

When Joe XiBiden takes over, will he necessarily skyrocket energy prices like the Brown Turd Obammy did to once again reach $4.00 a gallon.
Thank Obama for $4 Gas | National Review

Back in 2009 a can of corn at Walmart was 33 cents, because there was plenty of food(not being burned for fuel) and energy costs to move that corn was low. But in 2012 that can more than doubled.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Pricing From 2002 to 2013 (delish.com)

When food prices to up, everything else goes up. Yet the prog slaves just voted in the very people who kept them in poverty. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote for their Democrat Masters.

When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then the prog slaves will have achieved what their dream has always been, to stick it to those who could take care of themselves....
I bet toilet paper was cheaper and in greater supply before trump, also.
The Dems nor the Repubs control the prices of commodities.

Their policies do. Obama banned much of the offshore and drilling on government land. He was even adamantly opposed to fracking. And the result was high gasoline prices.

Luckily a group of conservative and republican investors and oil people found a way to get around Obama's EPA, by fracking on private land instead. And naturally, that not only gave us the low gasoline prices we have today, but also made us a net exporter of gas and oil, for the first time in this country's history.

Of course, President Trump's deregulation had alot to do with up being a net exporter. But that appears to be over. I sincerely look forward to the misery people will be suffering at the gas pumps within the next few years. The Biden administration will no doubt ramp up the federal regulations, causing gasoline to skyrocket.

Tough shit, assholes. You're going to get the government you deserve.
Yet the banning did not decrease US oil production which is not the same thing as distilling the oil into fuel to use in different applications.
The Dems nor the Repubs control the prices of commodities.

Their policies do. Obama banned much of the offshore and drilling on government land. He was even adamantly opposed to fracking. And the result was high gasoline prices.

Luckily a group of conservative and republican investors and oil people found a way to get around Obama's EPA, by fracking on private land instead. And naturally, that not only gave us the low gasoline prices we have today, but also made us a net exporter of gas and oil, for the first time in this country's history.

Of course, President Trump's deregulation had alot to do with up being a net exporter. But that appears to be over. I sincerely look forward to the misery people will be suffering at the gas pumps within the next few years. The Biden administration will no doubt ramp up the federal regulations, causing gasoline to skyrocket.

Tough shit, assholes. You're going to get the government you deserve.
Yet the banning did not decrease US oil production which is not the same thing as distilling the oil into fuel to use in different applications.

Yes it did. In March 2015, the Obama administration issued a final agency rule regulating fracking on federal land. You can see in the screen cap down below where in 2015, the production began to drop.

In 2016, a federal judge overturned Obama's rule, and oil production rose dramatically...

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart


The slow steady rise before 2015 was due to companies fracking on private land.
Gas is 1.79 a gallon where I am now in the US. I am sure if Biden does cheat his way in gas will go back up past 3 bucks. Either that are driving will be banned for everyone because that is to much freedom.
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 | CNSNews

When Joe XiBiden takes over, will he necessarily skyrocket energy prices like the Brown Turd Obammy did to once again reach $4.00 a gallon.
Thank Obama for $4 Gas | National Review

Back in 2009 a can of corn at Walmart was 33 cents, because there was plenty of food(not being burned for fuel) and energy costs to move that corn was low. But in 2012 that can more than doubled.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Pricing From 2002 to 2013 (delish.com)

When food prices to up, everything else goes up. Yet the prog slaves just voted in the very people who kept them in poverty. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote for their Democrat Masters.

When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then the prog slaves will have achieved what their dream has always been, to stick it to those who could take care of themselves....
I remember in the first years of the Obama admin, diesel in the central valley of CA reached nearly $5 a gallon at one time. However, gas and diesel on the west coast hovered around $3.50 during Obama's entire presidency.
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 | CNSNews

When Joe XiBiden takes over, will he necessarily skyrocket energy prices like the Brown Turd Obammy did to once again reach $4.00 a gallon.
Thank Obama for $4 Gas | National Review

Back in 2009 a can of corn at Walmart was 33 cents, because there was plenty of food(not being burned for fuel) and energy costs to move that corn was low. But in 2012 that can more than doubled.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Pricing From 2002 to 2013 (delish.com)

When food prices to up, everything else goes up. Yet the prog slaves just voted in the very people who kept them in poverty. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote for their Democrat Masters.

When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then the prog slaves will have achieved what their dream has always been, to stick it to those who could take care of themselves....
Welcome to the third world. That is the Bill Gates plan, level the playing field to where the proletariat all live below the poverty line like the rest of the third world. Only the elites will own anything and guess what, you aren't one of them. You vill own NOTHING, und you vill LIKE IT!
CNS "news" :laughing0301:

For those in the real world, OP, I just filled up my car today for $1.74 a gallon, and I don't live in an especially cheap state.

CNS "news" holy SHIT desperation strikes deep.

Oh and by the way for what it's worth, and it's extremely little, gas six months before Bush left office (before the crash) was five bucks, an all-time high. You have no clue in the world what any of that means, do you.

CNS "news", Jesus Christ on a Cracker.

What are you talking about pogo? North Carolina gas tax is like 14 cents one of the lowest in the nation.
CNS "news" :laughing0301:

For those in the real world, OP, I just filled up my car today for $1.74 a gallon, and I don't live in an especially cheap state.

CNS "news" holy SHIT desperation strikes deep.

Oh and by the way for what it's worth, and it's extremely little, gas six months before Bush left office (before the crash) was five bucks, an all-time high. You have no clue in the world what any of that means, do you.

CNS "news", Jesus Christ on a Cracker.

What are you talking about pogo? North Carolina gas tax is like 14 cents one of the lowest in the nation.
Glad for you, in rural WA regular is 2.39 and diesel is 2.54. According to AAA, the entire west coast averages 2.35-3.27 and the national average is 2.17 so you are below the national average. BTW, in May of 2012, three years into the Obama admin., gas prices were over $5 in a number of places in the US. Even the democrat BS fact checker Politifact confirms it.
CNS "news" :laughing0301:

For those in the real world, OP, I just filled up my car today for $1.74 a gallon, and I don't live in an especially cheap state.

CNS "news" holy SHIT desperation strikes deep.

Oh and by the way for what it's worth, and it's extremely little, gas six months before Bush left office (before the crash) was five bucks, an all-time high. You have no clue in the world what any of that means, do you.

CNS "news", Jesus Christ on a Cracker.

What are you talking about pogo? North Carolina gas tax is like 14 cents one of the lowest in the nation.
Glad for you, in rural WA regular is 2.39 and diesel is 2.54. According to AAA, the entire west coast averages 2.35-3.27 and the national average is 2.17 so you are below the national average. BTW, in May of 2012, three years into the Obama admin., gas prices were over $5 in a number of places in the US. Even the democrat BS fact checker Politifact confirms it.

The funny thing about the left is they want cheap gas and electric cars, you can't have both
CNS "news" :laughing0301:

For those in the real world, OP, I just filled up my car today for $1.74 a gallon, and I don't live in an especially cheap state.

CNS "news" holy SHIT desperation strikes deep.

Oh and by the way for what it's worth, and it's extremely little, gas six months before Bush left office (before the crash) was five bucks, an all-time high. You have no clue in the world what any of that means, do you.

CNS "news", Jesus Christ on a Cracker.

What are you talking about pogo? North Carolina gas tax is like 14 cents one of the lowest in the nation.

EVERY, literally EVERY state around us is cheaper. Whenever I travel somewhere, no matter what direction, I always fill up just before crossing the line back into North Cackalackee --- because it's cheaper.

Not complaining, I just know where gas is cheap and where it isn't. Because I drive a lot.

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