When references are made to institutionalized racism, this is what is meant.

And if you take a look at the absurdly over detailed report (literally 20 pages explaining the math they used)
Anyway - you will see most of the companies only had a 3%-4% difference, which has to be close to the margin of error. Some as high as 15% difference.
But in figuring the average, those few will greatly effect the overall average percentage.

So, in essence, I am seeing that this "report" mostly shows most companies only "discriminated" by a really low percentage.

So, yes, most liberals are going to grab on to that 9.5% and run with it, without taking 3 seconds to consider some very obvious problems with the study.
Why wouldn't your clients feel comfortable w/Jamal?
Ummm, I hate to break it to you and berg80 but there is a very alive and very justified stereotype caused by the general behavioral practices of black people. Further, my customers prefer to exchange dialogue with people who can clearly articulate the English language, they aren’t real keen on speaking ebonics / hood.
Do you think blacks could rid themselves of the stereotype if they behaved differently?
Ummm, I hate to break it to you and berg80 but there is a very alive and very justified stereotype caused by the general behavioral practices of black people. Further, my customers prefer to exchange dialogue with people who can clearly articulate the English language, they aren’t real keen on speaking ebonics / hood.
Do you think blacks could rid themselves of the stereotype if they behaved differently?
And no one is worse at that than AT&T.
On the few occasions I had to call, that is exactly what I ran into.
"Huh?".... "sorry can you say that again?".... 'I'm sorry...what?"
Their ebonics was so heavy I might as well have been talking to someone in India.

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobs

A group of economists recently performed an experiment on around 100 of the largest companies in the country, applying for jobs using made-up résumés with equivalent qualifications but different personal characteristics. They changed applicants’ names to suggest that they were white or Black, and male or female — Latisha or Amy, Lamar or Adam.

On Monday, they released the names of the companies. On average, they found, employers contacted the presumed white applicants 9.5 percent more often than the presumed Black applicants.

Yet this practice varied significantly by firm and industry. One-fifth of the companies — many of them retailers or car dealers — were responsible for nearly half of the gap in callbacks to white and Black applicants.

Two companies favored white applicants over Black applicants significantly more than others. They were AutoNation, a used car retailer, which contacted presumed white applicants 43 percent more often, and Genuine Parts Company, which sells auto parts including under the NAPA brand, and called presumed white candidates 33 percent more often.

It doesn't mean overt, extreme racism is rampant in America. It's existence is much more subtle and insidious than that. Some people may exhibit signs of racism subconsciously. Or not consider it to be racism at all.

What is much more difficult to measure than the job discrimination this study reveals is the affect on blacks in America. To what extent has it caused the economic and educational disparities that exist given what some call systemic racism has been going on for centuries.
Where were you when the previous study came out

So someone on here always says there is no standard English , that calilng anything substandard is racist.So then are you saying that Blacks that KNOW this are asking to be discriminated against. I have never met a surgeon named Flopsie. Why ? Because to have a name like that screams : I am not a serious person and my parents weren't either.

Here's the bottom line : IF a Black parent (could be in an interracial marriage so don't get on that) names his kid Lakeshatoya isn't there something wrong with that parent, having read the study ??? I don't see how someone can deny that.

Yet --- and this is the point --- that study was done 15 years ago!!! Were you sleeping in the woods? Okay, people discriminate based on names ...Sooooooo...happens with Jews , happened with Germans during WWII , it will always happen SO DON"T EXACERBATE a problem you can't elliminate. ANd you can't eliminate it.
Understanding that it is in fact the reality is a good first step.

I give you credit for that
The public has good reasons for assuming that black people do not make the best employees

Who wants to hire people who cant read and write?
And no one is worse at that than AT&T.
On the few occasions I had to call, that is exactly what I ran into.
"Huh?".... "sorry can you say that again?".... 'I'm sorry...what?"
Their ebonics was so heavy I might as well have been talking to someone in India.
I hear you…I’ve had to tell them, “sorry, I don’t understand you, I don’t speak Walmart”.
Clearly they do their recruiting in the streets of St Louis.
The public has good reasons for assuming that black people do not make the best employees

Who wants to hire people who cant read and write?
Ohhhhh. I get it.

You know that racism is a factor in hiring but you think it’s justified.

Now I understand you
Ummm, I hate to break it to you and berg80 but there is a very alive and very justified stereotype caused by the general behavioral practices of black people. Further, my customers prefer to exchange dialogue with people who can clearly articulate the English language, they aren’t real keen on speaking ebonics / hood.
Do you think blacks could rid themselves of the stereotype if they behaved differently?
I think people like you are an impediment to the assimilation of black people.
Is it the general consensus that George W. Bush was articulate?
It’s a numbers game bud…a law of averages sort of thing. Smart people use this ‘tool’, you wouldn’t understand.
Further, do you really think ANY legit business prefers to send a guy out that looks like this to greet their customers?

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