When republicans claim the US is "exceptional" and the "greatest nation on Earth", do they think...

Thinks so, huh? These poor little oil-rich nations just aren't up to the task of defending themselves?

Why should they piss away a lot of money on defense when they know we'll do it for them for free?

And if they're smart, they'll get us to pay them for the privilege of keeping our guys and equipment in their land
That's what I'd do if those dumbfuck Americans don't get in the way of my business.

You have to be the most ignorant one on this site. That's what they were doing fool

Smart. Make the Americans do it - for free.
I'd post more on this thread, but I have to run to Walmart and tell everyone in the store that the U.S. is exceptional and the Greatest Nation on Earth.

If I don't post anymore it will be because the authorities locked me up and put me in a padded cell.

Lol but why does that make us better than any other citizenry in the world?
Be proud of you & your ancestors accomplishments.

WTF is wrong with you? America despite all her flaws is the ultimate experience
Okay you are still not getting it. I'm proud of my ancestors. I'm saying that people now - as in you and I - are not more exceptional than other people in the world just because we live in America.

I think I am better than a lot of other people's. Having said that only a very few.

While you obsess over the individual I celebrate the collective. WE make our country the greatest on earth.
Wow a republican celebrating the collective. How adorable.
Am I supposed to pretend no one else counts as you seem obsessed with doing? You are more concerned with the "feelings" of everyone else instead of focusing on what matters.
Instead of insulting my response you should have thanked it but you're too much of a self absorbed hack for that kind of honesty.
Ah don't sweat it. This is all typical USMB banter.
Am an American, one half of my family British, here be for 1767, the other half immigrated here in the late 1890s And so what? this is my country, Love it. so what. some native born did little to make this country prosper some did a lot. same with every group coming from every place in the world. some times we do great things some times we create a great mess don't believe in love it or leave it. every 8 years we turn it over to the other party, with exceptions caused by deaths impeachments, most of us don't even no the bills & changes going on while we spill our hate on other Americans.

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