When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

Cuppycakes, please post a few links to:

"When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, "​

or else all will know yet another wishful, but totally false claim from Billy-Girl?
What taxes? Odds are you have a negative net tax liability just like most of the rest peddling the same BS.

Do what you want with your own money but keep your hands out of our pockets.
Do you notice how you haven’t offered a solution to this problem besides separating the kids from their mothers? Talk about simple minded. I mean clearly you didn’t think that through. It makes zero sense. It lacks any practicality. It would be expensive as hell.

Do you have any other ideas? No of course not.
My basic research shows stupid you are about this subject.

Citation requested.

If you have extensive research, that would present a much better basis for your argument than emotional name-calling.
Citation requested.

If you have extensive research, that would present a much better basis for your argument than emotional name-calling.
Hey idiot, I provided citation in my OP.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.
I oppose some aspects of Modern Feminism -- like male bashing.

But I would never begrudge money given to poor women with children! Poor women, especially the ones with children need money. No child deserves to starve.

As a Jew I understand the value of charity -- I give 10% of my income to Jewish Charities. This is the Law.

As an Aspie I understand that disabled people suffer terribly -- most of them can not compete with Normies.
Do you notice how you haven’t offered a solution to this problem besides separating the kids from their mothers? Talk about simple minded. I mean clearly you didn’t think that through. It makes zero sense. It lacks any practicality. It would be expensive as hell.

Do you have any other ideas? No of course not.
I've provide solutions that have been proven to work.

You've offered nothing condescension and baseless insults along with of course claims you can't possibly support.
I've provide solutions that have been proven to work.

You've offered nothing condescension and baseless insults along with of course claims you can't possibly support.
Proven to work huh? Lol what the fuck does that even mean?
Those moms aren't getting abortions because they need those little teensy money makers. And that welfare/ebt/whatever else they're getting is pretty substantial cause I"VE SEEN their grocery carts every month. but you go ahead. Keep spouting this bullshit.
Many women value Human Life. Abortion should never be encouraged.

Our Society can support many more people then it does currently.

Most Multimillionaires and Billionaires waste enormous money.
Hey idiot, I provided citation in my OP.
You provided nothing to support your claim which he specifically addressed.

Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman.

You made single mom's the focus of the discussion then slammed your tit in the drawer when we responded to it.
You provided nothing to support your claim which he specifically addressed.

You made single mom's the focus of the discussion then slammed your tit in the drawer when we responded to it.
I’m the only one who has given facts and statistics. None of you have. You did notice that right?
Proven to work huh? Lol what the fuck does that even mean?
It means such things have been proven to break the cycle of poverty or preventing them from becoming poor to begin with.

How many people who didn't make babies they can't afford, worked hard, stayed sober and out of prison, graduated from HS, got a decent job, learned a technical skill or got a degree do you know of on food stamps or welfare?
Roughly sixty million Americans are on welfare and another 40 million or so are on food stamps.

How many of them do you personally know? How many of their homes have you visited?
Given the state of Modern Technology, the number of available workplaces is much lower then the number of adult people.

Also, many people are disabled.
Given the state of Modern Technology, the number of available workplaces is much lower then the number of adult people.

Also, many people are disabled.
That can't be shown to be true with any actual facts.

I know well about the disabled, we're not discussing the disabled and what should or shouldn't be available for them.
I'm okay with a food safety net, but it needs to be a temporary thing. 2-3 months tops. Years and years on the dole is detrimental to both sides of the equation, imho.

Many people with Disability can not provide for themselves. Modern World has more then enough resources to provide for people in need!

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