When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Hey moron are you under the impression that parents are just lining up to adopt strange kids? Uh no. Also, if kids are in the foster system, just how much do you think that costs the US every year? Now let’s approach your fascist solution of separating the kids. So if a mother has a certain income, the Nazi government takes her kid away? If we implemented this system, just how much money would all those attached programs cost the American tax payers? Way more than the cost of food stamps.

You. Are. Fucking. Stupid.

This has to come to some sort of stop. If it were up to me, anybody applying for government aid would have to be fixed first before they get one red cent. We need to take the incentives from having kids people can't support.
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Republicans defund social programs that help single mothers raise their children. Ironically, they call themselves "pro-life", while undermining a single mother's ability to raise her children, hence increasing the likelihood of single mothers aborting their pregnancies.

Here's a real whacky idea: Don't have kids unless you can afford them.
Through the child on welfare women have a roof over their head, food on the table and a little spending money to get their nails done by the Vietnamese girl in the salon
You are so fucking stupid. Stop pretending you know what the fuck you’re talking about. The welfare these women get are fucking peanuts when factoring in all the expenses they have that are NOT being paid for. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to raise a kid? God please just stop trying so hard your ignorance is fucking profound.
This has to come to some sort of stop. If it were up to me, anybody applying for government aid would have to be fixed first before they get on red cent. We need to take the incentives from having kids people can't support.

That's not going to happen, so women will just continue aborting their pregnancies. If you eliminate poverty, that will seriously cut the abortion rate, because more single mothers would be willing to carry their pregnancies to term and raise children.
That's not going to happen, so women will just continue aborting their pregnancies. If you eliminate poverty, that will seriously cut the abortion rate, because more single mothers would be willing to carry their pregnancies to term and raise children.

You can't eliminate poverty.
This has to come to some sort of stop. If it were up to me, anybody applying for government aid would have to be fixed first before they get on red cent. We need to take the incentives from having kids people can't support.
There isn’t financial incentive to have kids you fucking idiot. My god I am so sick of how fucking stupid you all are. You have no idea how much financial assistance they actually get and you have no basic common sense to realize the massive cost of raising a kid. The government assistance they get is a small fraction of the overall cost to raise a kid.

Here's a real whacky idea: Don't have kids unless you can afford them.

In your perfect holy world that might be a reasonable demand, but not here on Earth. Sex is a natural bodily need and function. It's like food, or the need to relieve one's self in the restroom. To demand that people become Puritans isn't a realistic policy, so women will just continue aborting their pregnancies since you refuse to fund social programs that help them raise their children.
We sure can, that's simple.

No, giving people money so they are not poor doesn't solve poverty. If it does anything, it creates more. We've been doing it for well over 50 years now, and we still have the same amount of poor in this country than when we started.
These religious folks are even against contraception. If you make rubbers available to the public or make the pill readily available, and affordable to women, they begin hollering that such contraception distribution campaigns are promoting fornication. So, they're an odd bunch.
In your perfect holy world that might be a reasonable demand, but not here on Earth. Sex is a natural bodily need and function. It's like food, or the need to relieve one's self in the restroom. To demand that people become Puritans isn't a realistic policy, so women will just continue aborting their pregnancies since you refuse to fund social programs that help them raise their children.

It's not societies job to raise your children, it's the parents job. I never wanted any children because I didn't want to deal with the expense of a family. Guess what? I managed to do that. If I can do it, so can everybody else. Our nation is going to collapse down the road because of you leftists constantly supporting irresponsibility.
Yeah moron, the financial assistance of those children would be meant for them and not her. She would be the one raising the kids so it would go through her. Why should it go through her? Because kids are better off being raised by their mother. More importantly, the reason why it goes to her is that this money wouldn’t be something she would be profiting from. Any of that financial assistance she would get wouldn’t be enough to take care of those kids anyway. Do you even know how much money it costs to raise a kid?
This woman's a drug addiction, has some pretty expensive tats and bling for being poor while getting food stamps and food from rhe charity's food pantry on a regular basis. The kids are brought to the charity's free medical clinic.

Republicans' fault?

It's not the Republicans' fault she started taking drugs or opened her legs for AT LEAST 6 or 7 different men - choosing worthless shits - and kept having kids.

It's because of conservatives and churches that support the charity that her kids have clothes, a free medical clinic, food on the table, electricity, an apartment (since the charity works with local landlords and utilities to help bail them out after momma uses rent money for drugs or tats), and gives those kids a Christmas every year....

....and she's not the only one.

You have no idea how much welfare, food stamps, and other fraud goes on. You have no idea that inthe real world some mothers have kids just to get a check...for each kid...and the money doesn't go to / for the kids.

We held a Trick-or-Treat event for a local orphanage several years ago. There was this little boy who would not talk,would not go to anyone, so I made it my mission to get this little 3yo to trust me and to give him the best night of his life. I got him to trust me, he clung on to me, we went station to station getting candy,being checked out by the volunteer docs, We sat down and started digging through his loot....and I got him to laugh.

At the end of the night when it was tome for the Orphanage rep to take the kids back he wouldn't let go of me. I ask the rep why he was in the orphanage - he was taken from his mother. She then lifted up his shirt in the back....

There were IRON (the type you use on clothes) on his back where his drug addict mother used to BURN him with an iron to try to get him to shut up when he cried because he was hungry. All the money for HIM, all the food stamps for HIM - she sold everything she could for drugs and to chase the next baby-daddy.

Feel sorry for people like this. People like THIS need to be put to death, their kids taken away and put in good homes.

Pay women like that more money for each child additional child?

No, pay for one of their mistakes. Give them counseling, & tell them 'no more'. If they have more they can't afford take the children, don't give them more money. Even consider sterilization if they keep having more and more they can't afford / abuse.

Here's an invitation - spend a couple days at this charity with me. Instead of lecturing people about what you THINK what 'IS', come see for yourself what REALLY 'IS' out in the world.
There isn’t financial incentive to have kids you fucking idiot. My god I am so sick of how fucking stupid you all are. You have no idea how much financial assistance they actually get and you have no basic common sense to realize the massive cost of raising a kid. The government assistance they get is a small fraction of the overall cost to raise a kid.


If that were the case they'd stop having children. Pregnancy is not an infliction. You really have to go out of your way to get pregnant. It's not like women are walking home from work and bam, they become pregnant.
These religious folks are even against contraception. If you make rubbers available to the public or make the pill readily available, and affordable to women, they begin hollering that such contraception distribution campaigns are promoting fornication. So, they're an odd bunch.
Do Democrats / your leftist handlers hand out propaganda pamphlets for you to memorize and recite?

No, giving people money so they are not poor doesn't solve poverty. If it does anything, it creates more. We've been doing it for well over 50 years now, and we still have the same amount of poor in this country than when we started.
I agree, but that's not what socialists support. Yes, we do believe food, housing, healthcare, and education, are human rights, but we also add "employment" to that list. We believe in productivity, people working for what they have, not just sitting back and receiving checks from the government. It's actually the capitalists who want to provide everyone with a universal income, in order to create paying consumers, it's not socialists. We believe everyone could be guaranteed employment, in the public sector. If the private sector won't hire you because you have no work history or you have a big ugly gap in your resume where you didn't have a job for several years, you can work for the government for a few years and then transition into the private sector. Employment in a market system, like the one we currently have here in America, should be guaranteed to all citizens and legal residents. This will eliminate poverty.
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This woman's a drug addiction, has some pretty expensive tats and bling for being poor while getting food stamps and food from rhe charity's food pantry on a regular basis. The kids are brought to the charity's free medical clinic.

Republicans' fault?

It's not the Republicans' fault she started taking drugs or opened her legs for AT LEAST 6 or 7 different men - choosing worthless shits - and kept having kids.

It's because of conservatives and churches that support the charity that her kids have clothes, a free medical clinic, food on the table, electricity, an apartment (since the charity works with local landlords and utilities to help bail them out after momma uses rent money for drugs or tats), and gives those kids a Christmas every year....

....and she's not the only one.

You have no idea how much welfare, food stamps, and other fraud goes on. You have no idea that inthe real world some mothers have kids just to get a check...for each kid...and the money doesn't go to / for the kids.

We held a Trick-or-Treat event for a local orphanage several years ago. There was this little boy who would not talk,would not go to anyone, so I made it my mission to get this little 3yo to trust me and to give him the best night of his life. I got him to trust me, he clung on to me, we went station to station getting candy,being checked out by the volunteer docs, We sat down and started digging through his loot....and I got him to laugh.

At the end of the night when it was tome for the Orphanage rep to take the kids back he wouldn't let go of me. I ask the rep why he was in the orphanage - he was taken from his mother. She then lifted up his shirt in the back....

There were IRON (the type you use on clothes) on his back where his drug addict mother used to BURN him with an iron to try to get him to shut up when he cried because he was hungry. All the money for HIM, all the food stamps for HIM - she sold everything she could for drugs and to chase the next baby-daddy.

Feel sorry for people like this. People like THIS need to be put to death, their kids taken away and put in good homes.

Pay women like that more money for each child additional child?

No, pay for one of their mistakes. Give them counseling, & tell them 'no more'. If they have more they can't afford take the children, don't give them more money. Even consider sterilization if they keep having more and more they can't afford / abuse.

Here's an invitation - spend a couple days at this charity with me. Instead of lecturing people about what you THINK what 'IS', come see for yourself what REALLY 'IS' out in the world.
Hey moron this stereotypical caricature you have in your mind of a what a single mom is not a reflection of who they are in general. It doesn’t represent statistics. You just pretend all of those mothers are like that because it gives you a false sense of superiority. Clearly you are insecure.
I don't believe in a Marxist Nirvana, that's just your rhetoric. I don't believe in utopias or perfect societies, I do believe however that socialism and communism is better than capitalism. Ironically, you as a bible believing Christian should agree with me.
Communism is akin to eating the seed corn

Individuals in a free capitalist system create weslth through innovation

Then unimaginative politicians and government workers take the wealth and redistribute it

After one generation innovation ceases
If that were the case they'd stop having children. Pregnancy is not an infliction. You really have to go out of your way to get pregnant. It's not like women are walking home from work and bam, they become pregnant.
Hey you dumb fuck, just because women continue to have children it is not because they think they will profit off of it. That mentality isn’t based off of actual evidence given the financial assistance they end up getting in the face of the huge costs they will ultimately end up with either way. You’re just putting those concepts together based on NOTHING besides that you’re a moron. Also, when a single mom has a kid, it is very common for them to have the financial resources to begin with but unforeseen circumstances arise that makes them unable to support the kid years later.

God you’re all just noise. Childish fucking noise lol.

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