When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Communism is akin to eating the seed corn

Individuals in a free capitalist system create weslth through innovation

Then unimaginative politicians and government workers take the wealth and redistribute it

After one generation innovation ceases
Innovation comes mostly from government-funded R&D. Most of the advanced technology that we use today, was researched and developed in universities or by corporations that were heavily funded and subsidized by the government. Throughout history, the governments of the world, often invested heavily in the development of new technology, whether it was to develop new weapons or new ways to farm, irrigate the land, construct buildings, and walls, build sea vessels..etc. It was the authorities that supported such research and development.
Support for Israel is wide and deep

Its very strong among conservative Christians, perhaps even more than godless Jews-in-name-only
I’m ignoring that antisemitic leftist. His targeted hate for the Jewish state, while ignoring the heinous behavior of Arab countries, speaks volumes. Sadly, his type of “thinking” is becoming more and more prevalent among Democrats.
Hey you dumb fuck, just because women continue to have children it is not because they think they will profit off of it. That mentality isn’t based off of actual evidence given the financial assistance they end up getting in the face of the huge costs they will ultimately end up with either way. You’re just putting those concepts together based on NOTHING besides that you’re a moron. Also, when a single mom has a kid, it is very common for them to have the financial resources to begin with but unforeseen circumstances arise that makes them unable to support the kid years later.

God you’re all just noise. Childish fucking noise lol.

Well the guy next to me rents to section 8 people. You mean my eyes are lying to me?

How is it they live in the suburbs? How is it they have as large of a rental home as they do? Because the more kids you have, the larger the section 8 subsidy. The more kids you have, the more qualified you are for Medicaid for you and your family. The more kids you have, the larger SNAP's card you get every single month.

It's so nice living next to such people. Since they don't have full-time jobs, they are up all night while working people are trying to sleep. They are slamming their car doors all hours of the night, yelling with their other lowlife family and friends, having cookouts with that SNAP's money we gave them.
You are so fucking stupid. Stop pretending you know what the fuck you’re talking about. The welfare these women get are fucking peanuts when factoring in all the expenses they have that are NOT being paid for. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to raise a kid? God please just stop trying so hard your ignorance is fucking profound.
Awwwwww……so irresponsible women having children they can’t afford aren’t having ALL their expenses covered by other people? As it is, they are getting plenty of food stamps, full health coverage, and a good chunk of their housing paid.

You think responsible people should have to fork over even more? What would be the incentive for people to make responsible choices if someone else covered the full consequences of their irresponsibility?
Well the guy next to me rents to section 8 people. You mean my eyes are lying to me?

How is it they live in the suburbs? How is it they have as large of a rental home as they do? Because the more kids you have, the larger the section 8 subsidy. The more kids you have, the more qualified you are for Medicaid for you and your family. The more kids you have, the larger SNAP's card you get every single month.

It's so nice living next to such people. Since they don't have full-time jobs, they are up all night while working people are trying to sleep. They are slamming their car doors all hours of the night, yelling with their other lowlife family and friends, having cookouts with that SNAP's money we gave them.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about? Okay this section 8 guy you pulled out of your ass just now, how do you know he is on section 8 exactly? Before you reply with a lie like you always do, be honest with yourself. How do you actually know this guy is on section 8? You don’t. You just assume it based off of NOTHING.

I get that the idea of a person living off of section 8 in a suburb gives you a sense of self-righteous need to ridicule such a person, but it makes zero fucking sense. You clearly have no idea what the program is, who qualifies for it, or how much they get lol. You’re a mountain of ignorance. You are absolutely delusional for the sake of having a faux feeling of superiority.
I agree, but that's not what socialists support. Yes, we do believe food, housing, healthcare, and education, is a human rights, but we also add "employment" to that list. We believe in productivity, people working for what they have, not just sitting back and receiving checks from the government. It's actually the capitalists who want to provide everyone with a universal income, in order to create paying consumers, it's not socialists. We believe everyone could be guaranteed employment, in the public sector. If the private sector won't hire you because you have no work history or you have a big ugly gap in your resume where you didn't have a job for several years, you can work for the government for a few years and then transition into the private sector. Employment in a market system, like the one we currently have here in America, should be guaranteed to all citizens and legal residents. This will eliminate poverty.

You can't eliminate the poor by government either. If people don't want to work, they're just not going to work no matter what social system or government is in place.

I hear the same stories over and over again from our customers. They use temporary services for employees. They do so to fluctuate the work crew they need. But when things get busy and they ask their temps if they could work more hours, a lot of them refuse. Why? Because the additional money goes against their welfare maximums. Mind you these are decent paying jobs where the company will hire you full-time if you show you have the responsibility to have such a job and willing to work under any condition. They don't care because they don't want a full-time job. They want to work the minimum possible and stay on the government gravy train.

The only way to make these people into hard workers is a work or starve society, and that's the exact opposite of what we have in this country.
Hey moron this stereotypical caricature you have in your mind of a what a single mom is not a reflection of who they are in general. It doesn’t represent statistics. You just pretend all of those mothers are like that because it gives you a false sense of superiority. Clearly you are insecure.
I don't think all mothers are like that, just as all moms are not the hard-working, June Cleaver heroes you try to make them out to be in order to attack Republicans.

And can't you debate without name-calling? Are you that immature?

Lol what the fuck are you talking about? Okay this section 8 guy you pulled out of your ass just now, how do you know he is on section 8 exactly? Before you reply with a lie like you always do, be honest with yourself. How do you actually know this guy is on section 8? You don’t. You just assume it based off of NOTHING.

I get that the idea of a person living off of section 8 in a suburb gives you a sense of self-righteous need to ridicule such a person, but it makes zero fucking sense. You clearly have no idea what the program is, who qualifies for it, or how much they get lol. You’re a mountain of ignorance. You are absolutely delusional for the sake of having a faux feeling of superiority.

How do I know they're section 8? THE FUCKEN LANDLORD TOLD ME SO DUMMY!

Furthermore nobody in their right mind would pay the rent he's asking. Lowlifes will to sneak into the suburbs. They only have to pay a few hundred dollars on top of their voucher to get the place. Third, how else would somebody be able to afford any rent at all unless they had a full time job? I see them there all day long with their four kids they could never afford in the first place. They leave here about 5:00 pm and come back at 11:00. They don't work full-time. They work a few hours a day and a few days a week.
I don't think all mothers are like that, just as all moms are not the hard-working, June Cleaver heroes you try to make them out to be in order to attack Republicans.

And can't you debate without name-calling? Are you that immature?

Nope never said they were all June Cleaver. It’s just basic common sense that in general they don’t fit your immature stereotype.

You can call me immature if you want, but if you are in fact an idiot I am just shooting you straight :dunno:
How do I know they're section 8? THE FUCKEN LANDLORD TOLD ME SO DUMMY!

Furthermore nobody in their right mind would pay the rent he's asking. Lowlifes will to sneak into the suburbs. They only have to pay a few hundred dollars on top of their voucher to get the place. Third, how else would somebody be able to afford any rent at all unless they had a full time job? I see them there all day long with their four kids they could never afford in the first place. They leave here about 5:00 pm and come back at 11:00. They don't work full-time. They work a few hours a day and a few days a week.
Lol see the reason why that is complete non sense is that your neighbor who owns that house would have to be a complete idiot.
There is no way their section 8 benefit would be able to adequately compensate him. Like seriously, why would he even choose to rent to those people in first place? Lol it makes no goddamn sense.

If those people are working that little hours, the section 8 benefit they would get would be a fraction of what would be needed to pay their rent each month. Again, you have no idea what that program even is lol
You can't eliminate the poor by government either. If people don't want to work, they're just not going to work no matter what social system or government is in place.

I hear the same stories over and over again from our customers. They use temporary services for employees. They do so to fluctuate the work crew they need. But when things get busy and they ask their temps if they could work more hours, a lot of them refuse. Why? Because the additional money goes against their welfare maximums. Mind you these are decent paying jobs where the company will hire you full-time if you show you have the responsibility to have such a job and willing to work under any condition. They don't care because they don't want a full-time job. They want to work the minimum possible and stay on the government gravy train.

The only way to make these people into hard workers is a work or starve society, and that's the exact opposite of what we have in this country.

Government more than any other organization, enterprise, or institution can completely eliminate hunger, homelessness, and all poverty in general. The people you mentioned don't want to get a full-time job, because they'll lose their guaranteed government income. If you get a job, working for one of the many privately owned business enterprises/dictatorships/fiefdoms, the bosses can fire you for whatever reason and you end up without an income hence people choose to remain unemployed, receiving a guaranteed income from Uncle Sam. I believe the government should provide guaranteed employment rather than a monthly check. However, if you're going to give people a monthly check then don't take it away when they get a job and start working. I have a friend who was on a non-service connected disability pension from the VA for several years, and he used to tell me, that he would get a job and start working, if he could continue receiving his VA disability, for one or two years, while he works, saves money, goes to night school to learn a trade, etc. But they prohibited him from working, so he moved to a third-world country, where his VA check allows him to live well. I spoke with him a few months ago and he's now financially independent and no longer on the VA pension, but that pension kept him psychologically locked on that income. He couldn't let go.

The big money capitalists and even Milton Friedman, one of the icons of free-market Libertarianism, promoted the idea of giving people a monthly guaranteed income:

Yang is a wealthy, former CEO, Pro-UBI/Universal Basic Income

We Marxists see UBI or Universal Income as a government bailout for capitalism. It's capitalism on life support. We don't need it.​
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Lol see the reason why that is complete non sense is that your neighbor who owns that house would have to be a complete idiot.
There is no way their section 8 benefit would be able to adequately compensate him. Like seriously, why would he even choose to rent to those people in first place? Lol it makes no goddamn sense.

If those people are working that little hours, the section 8 benefit they would get would be a fraction of what would be needed to pay their rent each month. Again, you have no idea what that program even is lol

By using section 8 he receives higher rents because between the vouchers and cash, he does a lot better than renting to working people that can live anywhere they want.

I can't just go out and rent to section 8 people. I have to be on a government list. To get on that list, the government comes out and does an inspection of your property. Therefore these people can't move anywhere they want. They can only move into housing certified by the government. They're willing to pay high rents to get into the suburbs because yes, the vouchers are generous enough for them to do so.
Why is my responsibility to take care of your children?

It is your responsibility.

Of course the stupid Democrats takes that responsibility away by creating the destructive welfare state and then we all have to pay for it.
Why is my responsibility to take care of your children?

It is your responsibility.

Of course the stupid Democrats takes that responsibility away by creating the destructive welfare state and then we all have to pay for it.

So single mothers will continue having abortions. That's all.
By using section 8 he receives higher rents because between the vouchers and cash, he does a lot better than renting to working people that can live anywhere they want.

I can't just go out and rent to section 8 people. I have to be on a government list. To get on that list, the government comes out and does an inspection of your property. Therefore these people can't move anywhere they want. They can only move into housing certified by the government. They're willing to pay high rents to get into the suburbs because yes, the vouchers are generous enough for them to do so.
See the reason I don’t believe you is that you lie. You lied before about the people being on SNAP in front of you at the dollar store. You just pretended they were when you didn’t actually know. You blindly assumed it. Lol of course this also raises the question of why you would even go to the dollar store so frequently if you live in the suburbs.

It’s possible for section 8 people to live in the suburbs, but because the large majority of them do not, your point is lame even if it was true.
Government more than any other organization, enterprise, or institution can completely eliminate hunger, homelessness, and all poverty in general. The people you mentioned don't want to get a full-time job, because they'll lose their guaranteed government income. If you get a job, working for one of the many privately owned business enterprises/dictatorships/fiefdoms, the bosses can fire you for whatever reason and you end up without an income hence people choose to remain unemployed. I believe the government should provide guaranteed employment rather than a monthly check. However, if you're going to give people a monthly check then don't take it away when they get a job and start working. I have a friend who was on a non-service connected disability pension from the VA for several years, and he told me that he would get a job and start working, if he could continue receiving his VA disability, for one or two years, while he works, saves money, goes to night school to learn a trade, etc. But they prohibited him from working, so he moved to a third-world country, where his VA check allows him to live well.

The big money capitalists and even Milton Friedman, one of the icons of free-market Libertarianism, promoted the idea of giving people a monthly income:

How does government guarantee everybody a job unless government owns those places of employment? Do you want government to create unnecessary worl just to give those jobs to people?

There is only one way to reduce poverty in this country, and that is anybody applying for government assistance be fixed first. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and poverty can't be solved by encouraging those people to have more kids.
How does government guarantee everybody a job unless government owns those places of employment? Do you want government to create unnecessary worl just to give those jobs to people?

There is only one way to reduce poverty in this country, and that is anybody applying for government assistance be fixed first. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and poverty can't be solved by encouraging those people to have more kids.
Agree. What that antisemitic communist doesn’t realize - or pretends not to know - is that when he says The Government will provide as needed and eliminate poverty is that a) the government is funded By the half of Americans who pay taxes, and thus it’s just distributing resources from the productive to the non-productive, b) by The Government taking from those who earned it and giving it to those who need it, via created slack-off “government workers,” will disincentivize real workers, c) the only way we can force people to work is by refusing to provide free stuff to them.

The answer to our problems is to REDUCE government handouts, and give people a choice: work or go hungry.
Nope never said they were all June Cleaver. It’s just basic common sense that in general they don’t fit your immature stereotype.

You can call me immature if you want, but if you are in fact an idiot I am just shooting you straight :dunno:
Calling you immature for not being able to debate without engaging in name-calling and childish insults is 'shooting you straight'..

It u ndetained your entire bogus 'attack' thread.
How does government guarantee everybody a job unless government owns those places of employment? Do you want government to create unnecessary worl just to give those jobs to people?

There is only one way to reduce poverty in this country, and that is anybody applying for government assistance be fixed first. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and poverty can't be solved by encouraging those people to have more kids.
The government doesn't have to own a place, store, or business to employ citizens and legal residents. It can through a public works program, put people to work, lay new highways, inspect and work on bridges, and build infrastructure. We would eliminate all unemployment and no one would be forced to "get fixed" or get a vasectomy. Food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment/jobs, should be human rights guaranteed by our government.
See the reason I don’t believe you is that you lie. You lied before about the people being on SNAP in front of you at the dollar store. You just pretended they were when you didn’t actually know. You blindly assumed it. Lol of course this also raises the question of why you would even go to the dollar store so frequently if you live in the suburbs.

It’s possible for section 8 people to live in the suburbs, but because the large majority of them do not, your point is lame even if it was true.

I didn't say the dollar store. I said the grocery store. I wouldn't be caught dead in a dollar store. Do you think these people have any pride to try and hide how they are paying for their food? F no. They whip out that SNAP's card as if they're some sort of super hero. If anything they are very arrogant about it.

The newest SNAP's card scam is they stand in line and ask people if they can use their SNAP's card to pay for some of your food. You let them use their card to buy let's say 25 dollars of your food. At the end of the line you give him 20 bucks for your items back. They converted their card for 20 dollars to buy booze and cigarettes, and you saved 5 bucks on your grocery purchase.

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