When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Of course they are receiving profit from it. They're getting a check from the government.

They've already demonstrated their unfitness to be a mother, so why should the taxpayers support her? She should be forced to put her child up for adoption.

You are obviously too stupid to understand that they are far more likely to do stupid things when government relieves them of the responsibility for doing stupid things.
Like giving the money to the fathers?
How about a true story here:

Back in the early 80's I attended electronics school at the request of my employer. Our first day in class, the teacher drew a 12 volt battery on the chalkboard, and a line going to two resistors. He explained that each resistor will absorb six volts of the battery's power He asked if there were any questions, and we quietly laughed.

One black guy raised his hand. He couldn't figure out why two resistors each absorbed 6 volts of power. The teacher tried to explain it to him for about five minutes, but this guy didn't have the intelligence or education to figure out 6+6=12. I whispered to the classmate next to me "I don't think this guy is going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking the first semester."

During break I got to talking with the guy next to me. He explained he had medical issues so he had to drop out the last time he attende d the school. He told me that the black guy was on some sort of government program, and they'll continue to pay for his schooling as long as he's willing to go.
Were the resistors if equal value?? Lol

Bad boys rape our young girls but violet gives willingly.

I think I could tolerate Violet.
So what difference would the question make? Either way they aren’t supporting the kid regardless of why lol. Again, this isn’t about defending the mothers or how they got to where they are. This about the kids benefiting. The mothers do not make a profit off of it. Nothing about that makes any sense.
That’s why they shouldn’t get the money and should forfeit the children to foster homes. Damn you asked the question
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
I actually agree with you on this. Except food stamps can be taken advantage of.
That crackheaded bitch with 4 kids down the road can sell her 400 dollars worth of food stamps for 200 dollars every month.
Food stamps should be better controlled. Like having to use an id to use the card or something.
Or just go back to giving them the basics. Milk, eggs, beans etc.
Thats not so

73% comes from the private sector

" In comparison, nearly half (48%) of U.S. basic research is performed by higher education institutions, while 42% of funding for all basic research is provided by the federal government (Figure 18). The role of higher education is not surprising given the integration of advanced graduate education and R&D performance. However, businesses are now funding more basic research. Between 2000 and 2017, the share of basic research funded by the business sector increased from 19% to 29%."

Not only does the government fund the science or "basic research", but provides many of these companies with subsidies, contracts, facilities, loans, and other sources of revenue and support for their development of products. What I said is in line with the data:

"Historical Trends in U.S. R&D Funding The United States became a global leader in R&D in the 20th century, funding as much as 69% of annual global R&D in the period following World War II. 1 Figure 1 shows the growth in total U.S. R&D expenditures from 1955 to 2019 in current dollars. 2 U.S. R&D in 2019 was 105 times higher than it was in 1955 in current dollars, and more than 13 times higher in constant dollars.3 By sector, business-funded R&D grew the most during this period. However, faster growth in total R&D spending of other nations reduced the U.S. share of global R&D to approximately 29.9% in 2019. 4 Figure 1. U.S. R&D Expenditures by Source of Funding, 1955-2019 Current dollars, in billions Source: CRS analysis of National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update, NSF 21-325, Table 6, April 9, 2021, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update | NSF - National Science Foundation. Notes: 2019 data are preliminary and may be revised. Two sectors—business and the federal government—have together accounted for more than 90% of U.S. R&D funding since 1955, though their combined share has fallen from a high of 98% in 1956 to 91% in 2016. Federal R&D expenditures as a share of total U.S. R&D expenditures peaked in 1964 at 66.8%, the same year that business R&D expenditures reached a nadir of 30.8%. Between 1964 and 2000, the federal government’s share fell and business’s share rose. In 2000, business accounted for 69.4% of U.S. R&D expenditures and the federal government 25.1%. This shift in the composition of R&D funding resulted not from a reduction in federal 1 Office of Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Commerce, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, 1997. 2 Data for all years in this report are for fiscal years unless otherwise specified. 3 2019 is the latest year for which total U.S. R&D data are available. 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat, Main Science and Technology Indicators, database, https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=MSTI_PUB. 2017 is the latest year for which complete data is available. For more information about global R&D, see CRS Report R44283, Global Research and Development Expenditures: Fact Sheet, by John F. Sargent Jr. R U.S. Research and Development Funding and Performance: Fact Sheet Congressional Research Service 2 government R&D expenditures, but rather from faster growth in business R&D expenditures. From 2000 to 2010, business R&D’s share declined from 69.4% to 61.0%, and has risen each year since, reaching an all-time high of 70.7% in 2019; from 2010 to 2019, the federal share declined from 31.1% to 21.2%.5 (See Figure 2.) "

Source: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R44307.pdf

The role of government in the United States in funding research and development was much higher during the cold war and is responsible for much of the technology that we use today. Your claim that the private sector is the only source of technological innovation and development is simply false.

We would have more technology if Republicans stopped defunding research and development programs.
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I actually agree with you on this. Except food stamps can be taken advantage of.
That crackheaded bitch with 4 kids down the road can sell her 400 dollars worth of food stamps for 200 dollars every month.
Food stamps should be better controlled. Like having to use an id to use the card or something.
Or just go back to giving them the basics. Milk, eggs, beans etc.
The stamps are used by the nonexistent fathers
Of course they are receiving profit from it. They're getting a check from the government.

They've already demonstrated their unfitness to be a mother, so why should the taxpayers support her? She should be forced to put her child up for adoption.

You are obviously too stupid to understand that they are far more likely to do stupid things when government relieves them of the responsibility for doing stupid things.
Lol how do you not understand how fucking money works? If you buy a house and the mortgage is bigger than your paycheck, then obviously you are not profiting off of that paycheck. The same logic applies to government assistance. You may have this stupid delusion in your head that government assistance is some generous source of wealth but it isn’t. Not even close. The cost of a raising a kid far exceeds monthly fucking SNAP benefits lol.

Do I still need to remind you how stupid this adoption idea of yours is? A) Parents aren’t lining up to adopt impoverished kids B) The cost of the government foster program for any impoverished kid removed from their parent would be astronomical in comparison to the cost of fucking SNAP.
" In comparison, nearly half (48%) of U.S. basic research is performed by higher education institutions, while 42% of funding for all basic research is provided by the federal government (Figure 18). The role of higher education is not surprising given the integration of advanced graduate education and R&D performance. However, businesses are now funding more basic research. Between 2000 and 2017, the share of basic research funded by the business sector increased from 19% to 29%."

Not only does the government fund the science or "basic research", but provides many of these companies with subsidies, contracts, facilities, loans, and other sources of revenue and support for their development of products. What I said is in line with the data:

"Historical Trends in U.S. R&D Funding The United States became a global leader in R&D in the 20th century, funding as much as 69% of annual global R&D in the period following World War II. 1 Figure 1 shows the growth in total U.S. R&D expenditures from 1955 to 2019 in current dollars. 2 U.S. R&D in 2019 was 105 times higher than it was in 1955 in current dollars, and more than 13 times higher in constant dollars.3 By sector, business-funded R&D grew the most during this period. However, faster growth in total R&D spending of other nations reduced the U.S. share of global R&D to approximately 29.9% in 2019. 4 Figure 1. U.S. R&D Expenditures by Source of Funding, 1955-2019 Current dollars, in billions Source: CRS analysis of National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update, NSF 21-325, Table 6, April 9, 2021, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update | NSF - National Science Foundation. Notes: 2019 data are preliminary and may be revised. Two sectors—business and the federal government—have together accounted for more than 90% of U.S. R&D funding since 1955, though their combined share has fallen from a high of 98% in 1956 to 91% in 2016. Federal R&D expenditures as a share of total U.S. R&D expenditures peaked in 1964 at 66.8%, the same year that business R&D expenditures reached a nadir of 30.8%. Between 1964 and 2000, the federal government’s share fell and business’s share rose. In 2000, business accounted for 69.4% of U.S. R&D expenditures and the federal government 25.1%. This shift in the composition of R&D funding resulted not from a reduction in federal 1 Office of Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Commerce, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, 1997. 2 Data for all years in this report are for fiscal years unless otherwise specified. 3 2019 is the latest year for which total U.S. R&D data are available. 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat, Main Science and Technology Indicators, database, Main Science and Technology Indicators. 2017 is the latest year for which complete data is available. For more information about global R&D, see CRS Report R44283, Global Research and Development Expenditures: Fact Sheet, by John F. Sargent Jr. R U.S. Research and Development Funding and Performance: Fact Sheet Congressional Research Service 2 government R&D expenditures, but rather from faster growth in business R&D expenditures. From 2000 to 2010, business R&D’s share declined from 69.4% to 61.0%, and has risen each year since, reaching an all-time high of 70.7% in 2019; from 2010 to 2019, the federal share declined from 31.1% to 21.2%.5 (See Figure 2.) "

Source: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R44307.pdf

The role of government in the United States in funding research and development was much higher during the cold war and is responsible for much of the technology that we use today. Your claim that the private sector is the only source of technological innovation and development is simply false.

We would have more technology if Republicans stopped defunding research and development programs.
I’ve given up on science institutions, they haven’t come out against wearing masks on how dangerous behavior that is. For politics.
" In comparison, nearly half (48%) of U.S. basic research is performed by higher education institutions, while 42% of funding for all basic research is provided by the federal government (Figure 18). The role of higher education is not surprising given the integration of advanced graduate education and R&D performance. However, businesses are now funding more basic research. Between 2000 and 2017, the share of basic research funded by the business sector increased from 19% to 29%."

Not only does the government fund the science or "basic research", but provides many of these companies with subsidies, contracts, facilities, loans, and other sources of revenue and support for their development of products. What I said is in line with the data:

"Historical Trends in U.S. R&D Funding The United States became a global leader in R&D in the 20th century, funding as much as 69% of annual global R&D in the period following World War II. 1 Figure 1 shows the growth in total U.S. R&D expenditures from 1955 to 2019 in current dollars. 2 U.S. R&D in 2019 was 105 times higher than it was in 1955 in current dollars, and more than 13 times higher in constant dollars.3 By sector, business-funded R&D grew the most during this period. However, faster growth in total R&D spending of other nations reduced the U.S. share of global R&D to approximately 29.9% in 2019. 4 Figure 1. U.S. R&D Expenditures by Source of Funding, 1955-2019 Current dollars, in billions Source: CRS analysis of National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update, NSF 21-325, Table 6, April 9, 2021, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update | NSF - National Science Foundation. Notes: 2019 data are preliminary and may be revised. Two sectors—business and the federal government—have together accounted for more than 90% of U.S. R&D funding since 1955, though their combined share has fallen from a high of 98% in 1956 to 91% in 2016. Federal R&D expenditures as a share of total U.S. R&D expenditures peaked in 1964 at 66.8%, the same year that business R&D expenditures reached a nadir of 30.8%. Between 1964 and 2000, the federal government’s share fell and business’s share rose. In 2000, business accounted for 69.4% of U.S. R&D expenditures and the federal government 25.1%. This shift in the composition of R&D funding resulted not from a reduction in federal 1 Office of Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Commerce, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, 1997. 2 Data for all years in this report are for fiscal years unless otherwise specified. 3 2019 is the latest year for which total U.S. R&D data are available. 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat, Main Science and Technology Indicators, database, Main Science and Technology Indicators. 2017 is the latest year for which complete data is available. For more information about global R&D, see CRS Report R44283, Global Research and Development Expenditures: Fact Sheet, by John F. Sargent Jr. R U.S. Research and Development Funding and Performance: Fact Sheet Congressional Research Service 2 government R&D expenditures, but rather from faster growth in business R&D expenditures. From 2000 to 2010, business R&D’s share declined from 69.4% to 61.0%, and has risen each year since, reaching an all-time high of 70.7% in 2019; from 2010 to 2019, the federal share declined from 31.1% to 21.2%.5 (See Figure 2.) "

Source: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R44307.pdf

The role of government in the United States in funding research and development was much higher during the cold war and is responsible for much of the technology that we use today. Your claim that the private sector is the only source of technological innovation and development is simply false.

We would have more technology if Republicans stopped defunding research and development programs.
Like paying almost 1m dollars to see if they can train a lion to walk on a treadmill?
That’s why they shouldn’t get the money and should forfeit the children to foster homes. Damn you asked the question
Just how cost effective would you think a foster program would be for any kid living in poverty? Are you under the impression that foster programs do not cost money? Do you think it would be free?
Lol how do you not understand how fucking money works? If you buy a house and the mortgage is bigger than your paycheck, then obviously you are not profiting off of that paycheck. The same logic applies to government assistance. You may have this stupid delusion in your head that government assistance is some generous source of wealth but it isn’t. Not even close. The cost of a raising a kid far exceeds monthly fucking SNAP benefits lol.

Do I still need to remind you how stupid this adoption idea of yours is? A) Parents aren’t lining up to adopt impoverished kids B) The cost of the government foster program for any impoverished kid removed from their parent would be astronomical in comparison to the cost of fucking SNAP.
Most if not all welfare vacuum’s don’t have mortgages. Section 8 if not free!
More, I'd like to add to my last post. The private sector's motivation for researching and developing new products is profits. That's the bottom line of the private sector. Capital accumulation, not the public good. Many products are designed to fail, after a few months, or years. They break down in order for the consumer to continue consuming and buying products from that company. This is called "Planned Obsolescence" or Product Obsolescence, It's inherently flawed, and weak, but good enough, competitive hence the paying consumer continues to buy it.

Just how cost effective would you think a foster program would be for any kid living in poverty? Are you under the impression that foster programs do not cost money? Do you think it would be free?
It would open up available adoptions and better for the neglected kids.
How about a true story here:

Back in the early 80's I attended electronics school at the request of my employer. Our first day in class, the teacher drew a 12 volt battery on the chalkboard, and a line going to two resistors. He explained that each resistor will absorb six volts of the battery's power He asked if there were any questions, and we quietly laughed.

One black guy raised his hand. He couldn't figure out why two resistors each absorbed 6 volts of power. The teacher tried to explain it to him for about five minutes, but this guy didn't have the intelligence or education to figure out 6+6=12. I whispered to the classmate next to me "I don't think this guy is going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking the first semester."

During break I got to talking with the guy next to me. He explained he had medical issues so he had to drop out the last time he attended the school. He told me that the black guy was on some sort of government program, and they'll continue to pay for his schooling as long as he's willing to go.

Right? Maybe he should consider another field? There's work for him. What do you suggest we do with this human being? A bullet to the head, throw him off a cliff, hang him? Abandon him out in the street? There's plenty of work for people like him.

Redneck Inventions9.jpg

There's work for everyone, even that country bumpkin in the picture there.​
" In comparison, nearly half (48%) of U.S. basic research is performed by higher education institutions, while 42% of funding for all basic research is provided by the federal government (Figure 18). The role of higher education is not surprising given the integration of advanced graduate education and R&D performance. However, businesses are now funding more basic research. Between 2000 and 2017, the share of basic research funded by the business sector increased from 19% to 29%."

Not only does the government fund the science or "basic research", but provides many of these companies with subsidies, contracts, facilities, loans, and other sources of revenue and support for their development of products. What I said is in line with the data:

"Historical Trends in U.S. R&D Funding The United States became a global leader in R&D in the 20th century, funding as much as 69% of annual global R&D in the period following World War II. 1 Figure 1 shows the growth in total U.S. R&D expenditures from 1955 to 2019 in current dollars. 2 U.S. R&D in 2019 was 105 times higher than it was in 1955 in current dollars, and more than 13 times higher in constant dollars.3 By sector, business-funded R&D grew the most during this period. However, faster growth in total R&D spending of other nations reduced the U.S. share of global R&D to approximately 29.9% in 2019. 4 Figure 1. U.S. R&D Expenditures by Source of Funding, 1955-2019 Current dollars, in billions Source: CRS analysis of National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update, NSF 21-325, Table 6, April 9, 2021, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2018–19 Data Update | NSF - National Science Foundation. Notes: 2019 data are preliminary and may be revised. Two sectors—business and the federal government—have together accounted for more than 90% of U.S. R&D funding since 1955, though their combined share has fallen from a high of 98% in 1956 to 91% in 2016. Federal R&D expenditures as a share of total U.S. R&D expenditures peaked in 1964 at 66.8%, the same year that business R&D expenditures reached a nadir of 30.8%. Between 1964 and 2000, the federal government’s share fell and business’s share rose. In 2000, business accounted for 69.4% of U.S. R&D expenditures and the federal government 25.1%. This shift in the composition of R&D funding resulted not from a reduction in federal 1 Office of Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Commerce, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, 1997. 2 Data for all years in this report are for fiscal years unless otherwise specified. 3 2019 is the latest year for which total U.S. R&D data are available. 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat, Main Science and Technology Indicators, database, Main Science and Technology Indicators. 2017 is the latest year for which complete data is available. For more information about global R&D, see CRS Report R44283, Global Research and Development Expenditures: Fact Sheet, by John F. Sargent Jr. R U.S. Research and Development Funding and Performance: Fact Sheet Congressional Research Service 2 government R&D expenditures, but rather from faster growth in business R&D expenditures. From 2000 to 2010, business R&D’s share declined from 69.4% to 61.0%, and has risen each year since, reaching an all-time high of 70.7% in 2019; from 2010 to 2019, the federal share declined from 31.1% to 21.2%.5 (See Figure 2.) "

Source: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R44307.pdf

The role of government in the United States in funding research and development was much higher during the cold war and is responsible for much of the technology that we use today. Your claim that the private sector is the only source of technological innovation and development is simply false.

We would have more technology if Republicans stopped defunding research and development programs.
Is building spaceships R&D? When NASA does it, they classify it as R&D. When SpaceX does it, they call it manufacturing.

That shows that your statistics are total bullshit. Furthermore, why would business do basic research when the government does it for them?
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It would open up available adoptions and better for the neglected kids.
Many unwanted children end up in horrible foster homes, and being abused. They end up homeless or in prison:

Many unwanted children end up homeless because we live in a society that doesn't recognize housing as a human right. These conservative Republicans who are supposedly disciples of Jesus and follow the bible aren't obeying their supposed master and lord. The irony of these conservative religious folks who hate the poor and homeless. They don't obey their god.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

There's going to be a lot more of these kids, now that abortions are getting harder and harder to get. If these women would just tell their husbands "No", they wouldn't have this problem.
Many unwanted children end up in horrible foster homes, and being abused. They end up homeless or in prison:

Many unwanted children end up homeless because we live in a society that doesn't recognize housing as a human right. These conservative Republicans who are supposedly disciples of Jesus and follow the bible aren't obeying their supposed master and lord. The irony of these conservative religious folks who hate the poor and homeless. They don't obey their god.

When did Jesus say anybody that wants a handout should get one from the people? There's a difference between people who play the system and the unfortunate truly in need of help due to no fault of their own. The majority are the former.
Lol how do you not understand how fucking money works? If you buy a house and the mortgage is bigger than your paycheck, then obviously you are not profiting off of that paycheck. The same logic applies to government assistance. You may have this stupid delusion in your head that government assistance is some generous source of wealth but it isn’t. Not even close. The cost of a raising a kid far exceeds monthly fucking SNAP benefits lol.
So I don't profit from my job? Almost my entire paycheck goes to pay my living expenses. Is that what you're saying?

They gain materially from welfare. There's no point in discussing this with a moron who doesn't understand that.

Do I still need to remind you how stupid this adoption idea of yours is? A) Parents aren’t lining up to adopt impoverished kids B) The cost of the government foster program for any impoverished kid removed from their parent would be astronomical in comparison to the cost of fucking SNAP.
Actually people are lining up to adopt children. They wouldn't be impoverished if they weren't raised by some irresponsible welfare slut.

The cost would be far lower for a couple of reason: #1) there would be far fewer teenage girls getting pregnant. #2) most of them, if not all, would be adopted.

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