When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

^^^ This is an example of the raging antisemitism on the left. Not a word of condemnation for the barbarism of Muslims - seen celebrating that Islamic terrorists killed 3000 Americans - but everything focused on the sole Jewish state, with the lie that it is guilty of apartheid.

Perhaps the Palestinians and Arabs have good reason to hate America? Your denial of that fact only proves why they hate America, due to its foreign policy and your blind support for it.
What’s your problem? That a Christian girl fell in love with a Jewish boy and converted, or that there are too many Jews in office? After all, Jews are the highest educated group of Americans, and are above average in intelligence, so one would expect them to be more visible - whether in office, or in number of Nobel prizes won.

You are a disgusting antisemite, becoming more prevalent among far-left Democrats. But thanks - your post gives me something to show a couple of my Jewish friends who are thinking of voting R because of the antisemitic-driven anti-Israel fervor among the New Democrat Party.

Jews aren't beyond or above criticism. Jewish zionists control our government, media, Hollywood, the banks, and practically everything, at the expense of the American people and European culture. They push America into wars in the middle east and elsewhere. Saying that isn't antisemite, it's simply a fact. I'm a Marxist and communist, are you aware that Marx was Jewish? I call myself a Marxist, and study, and follow the economic and political philosophy of a Jewish philosopher. No, I don't hate Jews for being Jews, but I do hate the influence of Zionists who are destroying the West, including America.
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Jews aren't beyond or above criticism. Jewish zionists control our government, media, Hollywood, the banks, and everything, at the expense of the American people and European culture. They push America into wars in the middle east and elsewhere. Saying that isn't antisemite, it's simply a fact. I'm a Marxist and communist, are you aware that Marx was Jewish? I call myself a Marxist, and study, and follow the economic and political philosophy of a Jewish philosopher. No, I don't hate Jews for being Jews, but I do hate the influence of Zionists who are destroying the West, including America.
I think George Soros is a Jew

And he is evil

But bill gates is evil too, and he is not Jewish
I think George Soros is a Jew

And he is evil

But bill gates is evil too, and he is not Jewish

Sure, nonetheless, most of the people in the highest positions of power are Jewish Zionists and they have an agenda that hurts America and Europe.
Most of those are godless Jews

Jews in name only

They're Zionist Jews, secular and religious, who hate Christian Western culture and exploit non-Jews to support their self-serving agenda. Unfortunately, most Christians have fallen into their trap, and serve their destructive agenda, knowingly or unknowingly.
My wife works for a charity that helps people financially and with needs they have. A woman - a single mom with 7 kids and 6 different fathers - showed up asking for money to help with the rent 4 days AFTER she received an eviction notice.

And you are telling me she - her choices, her lifestyle, her neglect of her kids, and so many other issues involved are 'off limits' ... 'just shut up and fork over the cash / benefits paid for by others'?!

If you point out her having 7 different children with 6 different fathers - and even then not really being sure who they all are, her personal choices, etc... you're doing so because it makes you feel superior?

How about concern for the welfare of these children, personal responsibility, people who would rather leech off of the kindness and generosity, etc...

You are so full of shit.
Yeah moron, the financial assistance of those children would be meant for them and not her. She would be the one raising the kids so it would go through her. Why should it go through her? Because kids are better off being raised by their mother. More importantly, the reason why it goes to her is that this money wouldn’t be something she would be profiting from. Any of that financial assistance she would get wouldn’t be enough to take care of those kids anyway. Do you even know how much money it costs to raise a kid?
They're Zionist Jews, secular and religious, who hate Christian Western culture and exploit non-Jews to support their self-serving agenda. Unfortunately, most Christians have fallen into their trap, and serve their destructive agenda, knowingly or unknowingly.
Support for Israel is wide and deep

Its very strong among conservative Christians, perhaps even more than godless Jews-in-name-only
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
Why teenage girls are speading their legs and not using birth control, whey don't they consider the welfare of the resulting children?
Yeah moron, the financial assistance of those children would be meant for them and not her. She would be the one raising the kids so it would go through her. Why should it go through her? Because kids are better off being raised by their mother. More importantly, the reason why it goes to her is that this money wouldn’t be something she would be profiting from. Any of that financial assistance she would get wouldn’t be enough to take care of those kids anyway. Do you even know how much money it costs to raise a kid?
Kids are not better off being raised by a single mother. Those children should be taken away from these irresponsible women and put up for adoption. That's what we used to do in this country.
Support for Israel is wide and deep

Its very strong among conservative Christians, perhaps even more than godless Jews-in-name-only
Yes, they've been brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and their religion, to think that the secular Zionist state is the Israel of the bible. Jews are the so called "chosen people", hence they're afraid of Jews. They're mentally enslaved by their Christian superstition.

R (2).jpg

Who do you think is reponsible for all of the LGBTQ trash, the rabid feminism and social liberalism in America and the West? Jewish Zionists, Jewish secularists, who hate Western Christian culture and want to destroy it. Practically all of the liberal movements of the 1960s, were started by secular Jews. All of the current transgender confusion, is being led by Jewish billionaires, Jewish pharmaceutical company execs and medical professionals.
Why teenage girls are speading their legs and not using birth control, whey don't they consider the welfare of the resulting children?
It’s amazing how fucking dense you morons are lol. No one is defending the mother. It’s about providing support for the kid. Here is some basic common sense you seem to lack entirely: when women have kids they can’t afford and they receive government assistance, they are not at all profiting from it. They aren’t even breaking even because the assistance they get is not nearly enough to support a kid. Those women are miserable either way.

Oh and you sound like a complete tool for shaming a teenager for having a kid even though she herself would be a kid. Are you too dense to understand that teenagers do stupid shit?

I’m just so sick of how stupid you all are lol.
Yes, they've been brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and their religion, to think that the secular Zionist state is the Israel of the bible. Jews are the so called "chosen people", hence they're afraid of Jews. They're mentally enslaved by their Christian superstition.

Who do you think is reponsible for all of the LGBTQ trash, the rabid feminism and social liberalism in America and the West? Jewish Zionists, Jewish secularists, who hate Western Christian culture and want to destroy it. Practically all of the liberal movements of the 1960s, were started by secular Jews. All of the current transgender confusion, is being led by Jewish billionaires, Jewish pharmaceutical company execs and medical professionals.
Personally I do believe that modern Israel is the land promised to Jews by God

And so do many Christians
It’s amazing how fucking dense you morons are lol. No one is defending the mother. It’s about providing support for the kid. Here is some basic common sense you seem to lack entirely: when women have kids they can’t afford and they receive government assistance, they are not at all profiting from it. They aren’t even breaking even because the assistance they get is not nearly enough to support a kid. Those women are miserable either way.

Oh and you sound like a complete tool for shaming a teenager for having a kid even though she herself would be a kid. Are you too dense to understand that teenagers do stupid shit?

I’m just so sick of how stupid you all are lol.

Republicans defund social programs that help single mothers raise their children. Ironically, they call themselves "pro-life", while undermining a single mother's ability to raise her children, hence increasing the likelihood of single mothers aborting their pregnancies.
Kids are not better off being raised by a single mother. Those children should be taken away from these irresponsible women and put up for adoption. That's what we used to do in this country.
Hey moron are you under the impression that parents are just lining up to adopt strange kids? Uh no. Also, if kids are in the foster system, just how much do you think that costs the US every year? Now let’s approach your fascist solution of separating the kids. So if a mother has a certain income, the Nazi government takes her kid away? If we implemented this system, just how much money would all those attached programs cost the American tax payers? Way more than the cost of food stamps.

You. Are. Fucking. Stupid.
It’s amazing how fucking dense you morons are lol. No one is defending the mother. It’s about providing support for the kid. Here is some basic common sense you seem to lack entirely: when women have kids they can’t afford and they receive government assistance, they are not at all profiting from it. They aren’t even breaking even because the assistance they get is not nearly enough to support a kid. Those women are miserable either way.

Oh and you sound like a complete tool for shaming a teenager for having a kid even though she herself would be a kid. Are you too dense to understand that teenagers do stupid shit?

I’m just so sick of how stupid you all are lol.
Through the child on welfare women have a roof over their head, food on the table and a little spending money to get their nails done by the Vietnamese girl in the salon
It’s amazing how fucking dense you morons are lol. No one is defending the mother. It’s about providing support for the kid. Here is some basic common sense you seem to lack entirely: when women have kids they can’t afford and they receive government assistance, they are not at all profiting from it. They aren’t even breaking even because the assistance they get is not nearly enough to support a kid. Those women are miserable either way.

Oh and you sound like a complete tool for shaming a teenager for having a kid even though she herself would be a kid. Are you too dense to understand that teenagers do stupid shit?

I’m just so sick of how stupid you all are lol.
It seems at some point this would decrease. And it hasn't. It's like it is promoted and then celebrated.
Says the communist who believes in a marxist nirvana
I don't believe in a Marxist Nirvana, that's just your rhetoric. I don't believe in utopias or perfect societies, I do believe however that socialism and communism is better than capitalism. Ironically, you as a bible believing Christian should agree with me.

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