When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Lol. The Ottomans didn't expell the Jews. Neither did Omar. He invited them to return to Jerusalem. What are you talking about?
The history of Militant Expansionist Islam stretches back 1300+ years and incorporates legendary slaughter of Christians, Jews and others.

Your so-called 'prophet' (Peanut Butter and jelly be Upon Him) himself massacred the Jews of the Medina region after the invasion of Banu Quarayza.

And they, say-hey, and let's not forget, centuries of Dhimmitude, and the Islamic expulsions of Jews in the 1948-1953 time frame.


The United States will continue to support Israel regardless of your underperforming Palis who are dumb enough to stay rotting where they're not wanted.
You don't seem to know one country from another.
I know all parties very well. Palestinians are people who routinely burn and stomp on American flags, and celebrated and danced on 9-11. All of their leaders have been corrupt crooked terrorists who line up their own pockets. Remember how Ararat’s wife ran off with billions of foreign aid meant to be for the poor suffering Palestinians?

But no, let’s send our money to these America hating assholes, while we have mothers in need of food stamps right here in the USA, say the Democrats, who’ve been infiltrated by the Islamist America hating lobby. Of course the Democratic Party would welcome America haters with open arms, that’s their platform.

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The history of Militant Expansionist Islam stretches back 1300+ years and incorporates legendary slaughter of Christians, Jews and others.

Your so-called 'prophet' (Peanut Butter and jelly be Upon Him) himself massacred the Jews of the Medina region after the invasion of Banu Quarayza.

And they, say-hey, and let's not forget, centuries of Dhimmitude, and the Islamic expulsions of Jews in the 1948-1953 time frame.


The United States will continue to support Israel regardless of your underperforming Palis who are dumb enough to stay rotting where they're not wanted.

Jews left the Arab world in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973... Like after the Lavon Affair, after the Suez Crisis, after the 1967 war...
I know all parties very well. Palestinians are people who burn and stomp on American flags, and celebrated and danced on 9-11. All of their leaders have been corrupt crooked terrorists who line up their own pockets. Remember how Ararat’s wife ran off with billions of foreign aid meant to be for the poor suffering Palestinians?

When were you in Palestine?
The world bank isn't US foreign aid. If Israel borrows money the US provides an automatic grant to cover the principle and interest. I can't remember what that's called.
So what? It shows how unwilling organizations are to give money to Israel, while they hand out billions to Arab countries. i don’t hear you complaining about THAT.

You‘re just upset that Jews are getting ANY money. You’re fine with billions of Muslims getting it, though.
I know all parties very well. Palestinians are people who burn and stomp on American flags, and celebrated and danced on 9-11. All of their leaders have been corrupt crooked terrorists who line up their own pockets. Remember how Ararat’s wife ran off with billions of foreign aid meant to be for the poor suffering Palestinians?

Yeah, pretty disgusting all right. You didn’t see Israelis behave that way.
So what? It shows how unwilling organizations are to give money to Israel, while they hand out billions to Arab countries. i don’t hear you complaining about THAT.

You‘re just upset that Jews are getting ANY money. You’re fine with billions of Muslims getting it, though.

Most of the Arab countries don't get US foreign aid. Never got foreign aid.

Cranston Act.. that's what it's called.

Has nothing to do with the democratic party. There were non Jews living in Palestine for over 2000 years.
They didn't immigrate from Europe or Russia or Morocco.
Arab Muslims invaded and conquered lands that’s how Islam spread, by the sword. Their jihadis looted, burned and raped the lands and people they invaded, that’s why they feel at home with the Democratic Party.
So? You’re complaining that “Death to America” type Islamic countries aren’t being given Americans money? THANK GD!

Egypt and Jordan combined get about the same as Israel. And we’ve given $10 billion in the last 10 years for the Syrian refugee crisis. American has given substantially more to Arabs than to Israel. And yet, you overlook all that and are angry that some Jews are getting some money as well.

If it were up to people like you - and like Omar and Tlaib - billions upon billions would still go to Muslims, and the Jews wouldn’t see a penny.
Jews left the Arab world in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973... Like after the Lavon Affair, after the Suez Crisis, after the 1967 war...
You mean Jews were ethnically cleansed from Arab lands by savage Arab Muslims from lands they had migrated to around 2000 years after the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem?
We’re you there when they burned American flags and celebrated on 9-11? You must have been ecstatic.

The photos of the woman handing out candy were taken in May 2000 when Israel pulled out of Lebanon.
38 Million people is more than "a few people" but otherwise, yes republicans are big old hypocrites which is why I am not one. I vote for them more often than not lately just to stop the crazy the dems are up to now that the militant anarchist authoritarian left thinking has spread like a cancer through my once favored party.
^this^ [mostly anyways]...hang int their brother, vote democrat but destroy the hierarchy
The photos of the woman handing out candy were taken in May 2000 when Israel pulled out of Lebanon.
Are you denying that Palestinians celebrated on 9-11? There’s a lot of footage that was published at the time and those of us that are old enough vividly remember the animals dancing and celebrating, including from your beloved CNN?

I know all parties very well. Palestinians are people who routinely burn and stomp on American flags, and celebrated and danced on 9-11. All of their leaders have been corrupt crooked terrorists who line up their own pockets. Remember how Ararat’s wife ran off with billions of foreign aid meant to be for the poor suffering Palestinians?

But no, let’s send our money to these America hating assholes, while we have mothers in need of food stamps right here in the USA, say the Democrats, who’ve been infiltrated by the Islamist America hating lobby. Of course the Democratic Party would welcome America haters with open arms, that’s their platform.

Perhaps they hate America because the US government pours billions of dollars into the Jewish Zionist state of Israhell and supports its theft and occupation of Palestinian lands and the murder of countless Palestinians? What you said about the Palestinian authorities, assuming it is true and not just Israeli and American rhetoric against Palestinians to legitimize their crimes against them, is completely irrelevant even if it's true. That situation would be a symptom of the crimes committed against the Palestinians by Jewish Zionist settlers and their American ally.




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Are you denying that Palestinians celebrated on 9-11? There’s a lot of footage that was published at the time and those of us that are old enough vividly remember the animals dancing and celebrating, including from your beloved CNN?

Trump Jew Cabinet.jpg

Married Jews.jpg

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Perhaps they hate America because the US government pours billions of dollars into the Jewish Zionist state of Israhell and supports its theft and occupation of Palestinian lands and the murder of countless Palestinians? What you said about the Palestinian authorities, assuming it is true and not just Israeli and American rhetoric against Palestinians to legitimize their crimes against them, is completely irrelevant even if it's true. That situation would be a symptom of the crimes committed against the Palestinians by Jewish Zionist settlers and their American ally.

^^^ This is an example of the raging antisemitism on the left. Not a word of condemnation for the barbarism of Muslims - seen celebrating that Islamic terrorists killed 3000 Americans - but everything focused on the sole Jewish state, with the lie that it is guilty of apartheid.

What’s your problem? That a Christian girl fell in love with a Jewish boy and converted, or that there are too many Jews in office? After all, Jews are the highest educated group of Americans, and are above average in intelligence, so one would expect them to be more visible - whether in office, or in number of Nobel prizes won.

You are a disgusting antisemite, becoming more prevalent among far-left Democrats. But thanks - your post gives me something to show a couple of my Jewish friends who are thinking of voting R because of the antisemitic-driven anti-Israel fervor among the New Democrat Party.
The pro-lifer's concern for zygotes, embryos, and fetuses shouldn't be taken very seriously until he/she begins caring about the lives of single mothers and their children.
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