When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Sure they do. How do you think they got there?
There are many reasons that can lead to someone being homeless. To assume that everyone or even most people are homeless because they did something wrong or chose to be in that condition is quite misleading and dehumanizing. It's a very self-righteous, pretentious assumption.
I agree, providing housing to people addicted to drugs who want to continue with their destructive behavior is stupid. There has to be a program in the housing unit for people like that. A strict, tough love program.
Don’t they take the drugs voluntarily? So they volunteered to be homeless! You made my point
Government is whatever we want it to be. It's indifference to the poor that creates homeless encampments, people sleeping on the sidewalk. We can quickly eliminate homelessness in America by recognizing that everyone has a right to at least, basic housing.
If you feed a stray dog everyday it becomes dependent on you. Same for people. You are pushing govt is the solution is part of the problem. Hand up not hand out. Manipulation of money has destroyed our way of life. Brought to you by the fed
Some people are lazy and immature because they've never had much of an opportunity to do something productive with their lives and mature. People who are homeless, using drugs, should go through a "tough love" , life development program.
Hundreds of thousands have gone through programs and, right back at it. You’re solution is to what?
I agree, providing housing to people addicted to drugs who want to continue with their destructive behavior is stupid. There has to be a program in the housing unit for people like that. A strict, tough love program.
Build cheap basic structures without lawyers involved. That is not happening.
If you feed a stray dog everyday it becomes dependent on you. Same for people. You are pushing govt is the solution is part of the problem. Hand up not hand out. Manipulation of money has destroyed our way of life. Brought to you by the fed
For me personally, give them the money, but they owe work to the people who gave it to them.

Demofks said no!!! Can’t make it up
Build cheap basic structures without lawyers involved. That is not happening.
They would destroy them. They’re lazy. Fk man, cities built many a building for them and they fking destroyed them. They have zero values and would rather fk all day and make babies rather than clean carpets or dishes or clothes.
25% the homeless are mentally ill. 40% are drug addicts. Im sure there's some cross over but that still means over half are either crazy, addicts or both. They are choosing to one degree or another their crazy, their addiction or both over living what would be considered a "normal life".

Years ago my late Uncle worked at a hotel downtown. He said he worked with these two homeless guys. Good workers, there every day on time. Every payday they'd take their check down to the railroad tracks at lunch and be back at 12:30. He said he had no idea what they did with those checks, but he knew their hourly wage and said they could easily get an apartment together.

For some people, homelessness is just an illness.
Years ago my late Uncle worked at a hotel downtown. He said he worked with these two homeless guys. Good workers, there every day on time. Every payday they'd take their check down to the railroad tracks at lunch and be back at 12:30. He said he had no idea what they did with those checks, but he knew their hourly wage and said they could easily get an apartment together.

For some people, homelessness is just an illness.
And voluntary.

People who think they can be fixed are actually worse than the homeless
There are many reasons that can lead to someone being homeless. To assume that everyone or even most people are homeless because they did something wrong or chose to be in that condition is quite misleading and dehumanizing. It's a very self-righteous, pretentious assumption.
Sorry weeper and chastiser but it’s mostly correct. Doesn’t sound the virtue gong though.
The vast majority of people who can’t clothe, feed and house themselves cannot do so because of what they have done to themselves and not what has been “done to them” like you suggest.
Self sustenance is an American Value
Hundreds of thousands have gone through programs and, right back at it. You’re solution is to what?

The solution is housing, drug rehab, or a psych ward. Choose one. If a person starts using again, after they get their housing, they are forced back into rehab or perhaps the loony bin. Sidewalks, and streets, are off limits. No one has the right to live on the sidewalks and streets of our cities. Tough love is what you give to the homeless. You can have basic, clean housing with basic amenities, like a bed, kitchenette, bathroom, and air conditioning, with basic WIFI. If you use drugs, you will go to the rehab or psych ward and you won't lose your housing provided you're released from rehab or the psych ward, within a year.

Like that. You make homelessness illegal, but at the same time, you provide everyone with some basic housing, with healthcare, education/vocational job training, job opportunities, AA, NA meetings..etc. You have no excuse now. Society is giving you all of the resources you need to get back on your feet. No excuse. If you want to continue behaving in a destructive manner, you will be committed to the insane asylum, indefinitely. So wake up kimosabe.
There are many reasons that can lead to someone being homeless. To assume that everyone or even most people are homeless because they did something wrong or chose to be in that condition is quite misleading and dehumanizing. It's a very self-righteous, pretentious assumption.
There are unfortunate circumstances for sure, but I would bet that number at around 10%, and they’d be happy to get out given training.

The other 90% are there voluntarily.

Drugs, gambling, lazy, fking lazy and stupid
Sorry weeper and chastiser but it’s mostly correct. Doesn’t sound the virtue gong though.
The vast majority of people who can’t clothe, feed and house themselves cannot do so because of what they have done to themselves and not what has been “done to them” like you suggest.
Self sustenance is an American Value
Amen . Lack of control
Sorry weeper and chastiser but it’s mostly correct. Doesn’t sound the virtue gong though.
The vast majority of people who can’t clothe, feed and house themselves cannot do so because of what they have done to themselves and not what has been “done to them” like you suggest.
Self sustenance is an American Value
No one is independent, you're just suffering from a state of delusion. We are all interdependent, living in human society with others. You can pretend that abandoning the homeless isn't going to affect you, but it will. It's much more expensive to ignore the homeless and impoverished than to house them, providing them with the resources they need to get back on their feet and become contributing, productive members of society.
No one is independent, you're just suffering from a state of delusion. We are all interdependent, living in human society with others. You can pretend that abandoning the homeless isn't going to affect you, but it will. It's much more expensive to ignore the homeless and impoverished than to house them, providing them with the resources they need to get back on their feet and become contributing, productive members of society.
I’m deluded to state that I am not responsible to feed clothe and house you?
You are in fact a communist.
Try taking care of your own self. You may find it inspiring and the way to a better life but Im pretty sure you like rolling around in self created misery and blaming others or making excuses for it.
There are unfortunate circumstances for sure, but I would bet that number at around 10%, and they’d be happy to get out given training.

The other 90% are there voluntarily.

Drugs, gambling, lazy, fking lazy and stupid
Even those who are on drugs, gambling, lazy, stupid are often in that condition, due to circumstances that occurred in their lives that were beyond their control. It might be due to a divorce, they were abused, PTSD, mental illness, mental handicaps, a myriad of different reasons. Just from a utilitarian perspective alone, it makes sense not to abandon these people on our sidewalks and streets, but to house, treat and rehabilitate them.
Mental illness does not drive people to the streets. They get wacky by being out there.
Drug addiction and alcoholism may be a reason but not an excuse.
I’m deluded to state that I am not responsible to feed clothe and house you?
You are in fact a communist.
Try taking care of your own self. You may find it inspiring and the way to a better life but Im pretty sure you like rolling around in self created misery and blaming others or making excuses for it.

Yes sorry, you are your brother's keeper. You live in a community with other human beings, you can't abandon people out on the street because it will actually affect you negatively, in many ways. It will cost you more. That's reality, whether you like it or not. I personally have no financial issues, I house myself, and I'm far from homeless, but I recognize that if I'm indifferent to the homeless and poor that will undermine my own wellbeing.

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