When republicans point to those data maps showing most states would vote republican, do they...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...not realize that those states are the least densely populated states?

They’ll also say how California and New York are outliers even though these are the two most densely populated nations in the country. They claim this is the reason why we need the electoral college when really it’s exaclfy why we should rely on the popular vote.
If the states are anything like the democrat brain, they can't be densely populated.

False rape accusations in order to have their way. Despicable...
If California and New York decided who was President, and the other 48 states didn't get a say, how long would our nation remain united?
...not realize that those states are the least densely populated states?

They’ll also say how California and New York are outliers even though these are the two most densely populated nations in the country. They claim this is the reason why we need the electoral college when really it’s exaclfy why we should rely on the popular vote.
If California and New York decided who was President, and the other 48 states didn't get a say, how long would our nation remain united?
So the majority of the population should come second to a bunch of dumbass rednecks?
If California and New York were rock solid red states instead of blue ones not a single Democrat would be pushing for the popular vote over the electoral college.
The Electoral College was a compromise between the big states and the little states.

Here in Nevada, we need the Electoral College to be relevant in a Presidential election. We are a swing state, so we got lots of attention last time.

If everything was popular vote, candidates would hop back and forth between New York City and Los Angeles, and the rest of us would be screwed.
The electoral college will never go away. The smaller states would never vote to do it.
...not realize that those states are the least densely populated states?

They’ll also say how California and New York are outliers even though these are the two most densely populated nations in the country. They claim this is the reason why we need the electoral college when really it’s exaclfy why we should rely on the popular vote.

For the millionth time people's values in omaha are not the same in faggot (no offense to gays just to Billy) land San Francisco..

Comprehend now ?

If a Democrat ever wins an Electoral College victory, but loses the popular vote, the Democrats will be singing the praises of the Electoral College, and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers in putting in the Constitution.
The electoral college will never be removed. The smaller states would never allow it.
No one knows how the election would have turned out if the rules were popular vote going in. How much time did Trump spend in California campaigning? How about Clinton in Idaho or Texas? The entire strategy would be different. Take a state like West Virginia. Trump won by a huge margin. I am sure many Democrats in WV didn't bother to vote because they knew it wouldn't make any difference at all. Same for R in California. In a popular vote scenario, people would come out to vote in every state. That extra 5-10% or whatever % could be the decider for either candidate. If you live in a state where your candidate is behind by 30%, it is hard to be motivated to vote. I like the popular vote option for that reason.

Clinton might have won, but it would look a lot different on a state by state level if popular vote standard were in effect. I think there would actually be millions more votes overall.
...not realize that those states are the least densely populated states?

They’ll also say how California and New York are outliers even though these are the two most densely populated nations in the country. They claim this is the reason why we need the electoral college when really it’s exaclfy why we should rely on the popular vote.

It's a simple concept, CA and NY are overloaded with ignorant low information voter. They believe like moochel, you don't need to know anything to be a voter. Commiecrats say just do as you're told.


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