When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.
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Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.


If Mitt gets the nod, I will be FORCED -- compelled even -- to make a choice.

Cast my vote to Re-elect President Obama or vote for his opponent?


Now there's a real poser!
I don't give a shit if he is slightly to liberal. I'm offically pissed off and if he gets the nom he has my vote.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Honestly, we can't elect one within this country. That is the sad truth. If we ran someone that wanted to kill all benfits within a nation that has half of its population using such, we'd lose.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Other than a few Paul supporters, I don't recall anyone claiming this was their true goal. I've always read on here that the goal is to get Obama out of the office before he can do any more damage.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

Point 1- Romney isn't going to repeal ObamaCare, it was his idea. the best chance we have of dismantling it will be in the courts.

Point 2- Obama's ability to do damage will be limited by a GOP House and GOP senate (unless ROmney proves so unpopular that he drags down everyone lower on the ticket, which I don't completely discount.) Romney will obligate the GOP In congress to do along with some of his liberal schemes.

Point 3- My objection to ROmney isn't idealogical as much as it is moral. I think Obama is a poor leader and an ineffective president, but he's at his core a decent man. Romney, on the other hand is a real scumbag as a human being. Liar. Flip-flopper. Corporate Vulture. oh, yeah, and he belongs to a batshit crazy religion.

So, yeah, I'd have no problem sitting it out or voting third party to vent my anger.

In fact, voting third party would kind of like voting "Present". You could have had my vote, but didn't get it.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Honestly, we can't elect one within this country. That is the sad truth. If we ran someone that wanted to kill all benfits within a nation that has half of its population using such, we'd lose.

Yet, they keep pretending it can happen..and every year they say "Ok, fuck...I'll pick that guy!" Support him until he leaves then call him a liberal.

Rinse, wash and repeat
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

I have thought about this and other senarios;

I dont see any in the current crop that will cut spending below the trillion deficit threshold. Assuming that is true, There isnt much difference between them.

3rd Party again it would seem.
Gingrich is a cry baby and selfish asshole. I wouldn't vote for him if you paid me!

I'm sure he will stick his foot in his mouth many more times. He could never beat Obama.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Other than a few Paul supporters, I don't recall anyone claiming this was their true goal. I've always read on here that the goal is to get Obama out of the office before he can do any more damage.

Sure they do...They claim that until they look at their choices of "true conservatives" then claim that everyone isnt conservative enough. That way they can say they are dissappointed no matter what happens.

Remember it's very important for them to see themselves as the victim. So they have to go thru that song and dance to make it look that way.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Honestly, we can't elect one within this country. That is the sad truth. If we ran someone that wanted to kill all benfits within a nation that has half of its population using such, we'd lose.

Yet, they keep pretending it can happen..and every year they say "Ok, fuck...I'll pick that guy!" Support him until he leaves then call him a liberal.

Rinse, wash and repeat

We have to vote for the guy that can win even through may not be perfect. Winning is everything within politics and if we can force the country to the right then maybe we will have a chance at electing someone better.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.


If Mitt gets the nod, I will be FORCED -- compelled even -- to make a choice.

Cast my vote to Re-elect President Obama or vote for his opponent?


Now there's a real poser!

Yeah....a real tough one. The libs here are daring us to do it.

I'll try to tamp down my guilty feelings once that stank-ass Obama is out of there.
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Romney has caused a subprime disaster to us before.

Ghetto Shakedown

...The federal indictments charge that real estate dealers, lending institutions, lawyers and some FHA officials had conspired to inflate the reported value of cheap houses and sell them at high prices to people who could not really afford them. The ultimate loser was the U.S. taxpayer, since FHA guaranteed the mortgages and was left holding the low-value houses when the owners defaulted on their payments.

Responsibility for preventing such abuses rests with HUD Secretary George Romney, whose department includes the poorly administered FHA. In an eloquent if self-serving speech, Romney tried to divert attention to the broader problems of the ghetto, noting that bad housing was a result rather than a cause of ghetto squalor (see box).

That in no way could excuse what the indictments contend has happened in New York, where a Brooklyn federal grand jury charged 40 individuals and ten firms with 500 specific criminal acts, including bribery, fraud, conspiracy and giving false statements to the Government. More indictments were expected, involving a possible loss to the Government of up to $200 million....

...A real estate speculator would buy a ghetto house for $10,000. He would find a poor but working black, induce him to buy the house for $200 down, and promise that monthly mortgage payments would be low, perhaps lower than his present rent. Before guaranteeing a mortgage, FHA would send an appraiser to check the value of the property. The appraiser, who was part of the conspiracy, would get $100 from the speculator for claiming that the property was worth $20,000, and would falsify the detailed seven-page FHA appraisal form. The buyer would agree to pay that price.

To get his mortgage, the buyer would be urged to inflate his own income in his application to the FHA, which is supposed to determine whether a purchaser can really afford the housing. He would sometimes do this by listing a job he did not really hold. The indictments claim that in some cases Dun & Bradstreet would verify this baseless credit rating. FHA would agree to stand behind the mortgage, and Eastern Service would lend the buyer the money. The buyer would then often discover that the house was badly in need of repair, or that the mortgage payments were higher than he expected...
If Romney wins, I will either vote third party or vote for Obama.

If Obama wins, he will have his 8 years in the white house and then when it's all over there will be no doubts to the results of his policies. America will have tasted the progressive agenda and hopefully change their minds about what they want.

In the process I also want the GOP to know they can't allow a bunch of clowns to be nominated, that the American people aren't going to stand for this BS. Romney cannot beat Obama. He is a farce. He isn't going to change many of this administrations policies, same BS, different name.
In their own way, each of the GOP contenders bring something positive to the table, but it seems Romney has the better campaign organization working for him at the moment. Of course, 2 states out of 50 doesn't make him the nominee; however, if he does go on to secure the nomination, I'll heed Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment and do my part to help the team, but challenging President Obama won't be "a walk in the park", and a gaffe prone Romney during the debates won't help either. He may want to ask Jon Huntsman for some debate pointers if they are still speaking after the primaries.
If Romney wins the nomination, I'll very likely do what I did in 2008 and vote for a third party candidate.

I live in California which will likely select Obama anyway. Thing is, Califiornia passed a bill that would throw the electoral votes to the popular vote winner, which may be the Republican candidate, and that would be fun to watch their collective heads explode.
If Romney wins, I will either vote third party or vote for Obama.

If Obama wins, he will have his 8 years in the white house and then when it's all over there will be no doubts to the results of his policies. America will have tasted the progressive agenda and hopefully change their minds about what they want.

In the process I also want the GOP to know they can't allow a bunch of clowns to be nominated, that the American people aren't going to stand for this BS. Romney cannot beat Obama. He is a farce. He isn't going to change many of this administrations policies, same BS, different name.

Progressive? :lol: Both the HC & the Financial Reform bills were watered-down. They aint Progressive my friend ESPECIALLY when you consider the Individual Mandate was first floated by the Heritage Foundation ;)
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