When The DOW Hits 27,000,Who Gets The Credit?,And Who Gets The Blame When DOW Tanks 700 Points?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:5_1_12024: I brought this up in another thread. Remember the Obama years? When the DOW went up around 500 points, it was "Hail Obama" you are Jesus !!!,,but when the DOW was going thru a rough week, it was all Bush's fault. Right?
The DOW may have tanked close to 700 on Friday, Odds are leftist commentators were blaming it on Trump, but did the loony MSM ever bring up how much the DOW has risen since November 2016? Over 8000? :04:,,,,and yet they probably bitched over a measly 600 point drop?
Odds, are CNN/MSNBC will remain quiet when the DOW hits 27,000. But when it drops 500 points, the left will be calling for impeachment and Nancy Pelosi will be demanding "President Bush" and Vice President Quail step down Immediatley !!!!:ack-1:
im surprised Nancy Pelosi didnt see the 700pt drop as Armegeddon part 1!!
the DOW is likely to rise back up next week, and we pretty much know what the reaction will be from CNN
the DOW is likely to rise back up next week, and we pretty much know what the reaction will be from CNN
I wouldn't be surprised to see it lose another 2-3 thousand..... we know the market is just a tool to be wielded when necessary politically......Commodity markets were proven to be a sham
:5_1_12024: I brought this up in another thread. Remember the Obama years? When the DOW went up around 500 points, it was "Hail Obama" you are Jesus !!!,,but when the DOW was going thru a rough week, it was all Bush's fault. Right?
The DOW may have tanked close to 700 on Friday, Odds are leftist commentators were blaming it on Trump, but did the loony MSM ever bring up how much the DOW has risen since November 2016? Over 8000? :04:,,,,and yet they probably bitched over a measly 600 point drop?
Odds, are CNN/MSNBC will remain quiet when the DOW hits 27,000. But when it drops 500 points, the left will be calling for impeachment and Nancy Pelosi will be demanding "President Bush" and Vice President Quail step down Immediatley !!!!:ack-1:

We get it.

You want up days in the market credited to Trump, down days blamed on someone else.

:5_1_12024: I brought this up in another thread. Remember the Obama years? When the DOW went up around 500 points, it was "Hail Obama" you are Jesus !!!,,but when the DOW was going thru a rough week, it was all Bush's fault. Right?
The DOW may have tanked close to 700 on Friday, Odds are leftist commentators were blaming it on Trump, but did the loony MSM ever bring up how much the DOW has risen since November 2016? Over 8000? :04:,,,,and yet they probably bitched over a measly 600 point drop?
Odds, are CNN/MSNBC will remain quiet when the DOW hits 27,000. But when it drops 500 points, the left will be calling for impeachment and Nancy Pelosi will be demanding "President Bush" and Vice President Quail step down Immediatley !!!!:ack-1:
Barry and his shit stain followers have always lacked common sense... In all 57 states and under sniper fire
im not expecting too much of a rise in the DOW until spring. Americans generally stay home longer in the worst winter months,,and in many states, they cant build homes in the freezing/or/snowy weather.....I think we will easily hit 27-28000 going into May once we head into summer and Americans start spending more on various things
The market goes up, it goes down. Happens almost hourly. It’s the trend that counts and in the last year that trend has been going way up.
The market goes up, it goes down. Happens almost hourly. It’s the trend that counts and in the last year that trend has been going way up.
just like global warming,,,,when all hell breaks loose,,,its Bush's fault,,,when we have a perfect weather pattern,,,,Obama did it
For the most part I agree with everything said already however I do feel political events can cause market reactions.

If Dow hits 27,000 within the year I'll give credit to Trump's tax reform.
If Dow hits 500 I'll wait and see what took to contribute to its fall. For example, if we pull out of NAFTA and then the market collapses I'd say the blame falls on Trump.
:5_1_12024: I brought this up in another thread. Remember the Obama years? When the DOW went up around 500 points, it was "Hail Obama" you are Jesus !!!,,but when the DOW was going thru a rough week, it was all Bush's fault. Right?
The DOW may have tanked close to 700 on Friday, Odds are leftist commentators were blaming it on Trump, but did the loony MSM ever bring up how much the DOW has risen since November 2016? Over 8000? :04:,,,,and yet they probably bitched over a measly 600 point drop?
Odds, are CNN/MSNBC will remain quiet when the DOW hits 27,000. But when it drops 500 points, the left will be calling for impeachment and Nancy Pelosi will be demanding "President Bush" and Vice President Quail step down Immediatley !!!!:ack-1:

Actually, a sitting President has very little to do with whether it goes up or down. It tanked because people are fickle more than anything else. Once upon a time, it meant that the stocks were over valued for one reason or another or the rumor mill caused it to inflate and it was just adjusting. Stock Prices were tied to the dividends back then and if the company had a great year and was trusted to have another, their stocks went up. Today, it's more about PR than performance. Yesterday, it was the long haul. Today, it's about how much can I make right now.

Now, I am a pretty good poker player. I get about a 15% return on the investment at the table on the average. No fancy tricks, just follow the old soldiers rules and read the table. That means that I get about 15 bucks profit on 100 bucks investment. So I walk out the door with 115 bucks when I walked in with 100. That's called Gambling.

Then I decide to take my original 100 bucks and invest it in the stock market. l buy the latest and greatest stock. I pay 100 bucks per stock. I see it keep rising until it peaks. At that point, it stablizes and starts to readjust to make up for the PR value that has nothing to do with the Company at all. Finally, it stablizes back to close what I paid for it. Now, I have to start seeing the Dividends. The Dividend is a solid buck fifty and I am told that is fantastic by stock brokers and analysts. And they say this isn't Gambling? It's like playing the shell game with a crooked Illusionist handling the game. For the short term (if you are lucky and smart) it might make some good money. But in the long term, it's usually a suckers game.

But a good stock will stay close to it's value almost forever and maybe go up with inflation. At this point, pay attention to the dividends and the expansion of the company. Look for the company with the long haul mentality who will actually take care of your investment for decades to come. Can you imagine if you had IBM stock from when it first was created? How many times did that stock split? Your original investment would be in the thousands against a dollar.

Would I invest in the Stock Market? (I have done in the past) No. Unless it was very special. Maybe Grandma had the right idea hiding it under the mattress.
i wonder how many blockheads actually thought it was Bush that tanked the DOW to 6000ish in the spring of 2009. Now, keep in mind, the economy was relatively doing alright when Bush was President!....then Reid and Pelosi made sure to take down all the banks, then crash the economy, then blame Bush.
Factoid: One in Ten Americans still believe Bush cause the implosion of Mt St Helen

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