When the feds allow adult to join their smuggled children, they are engaging in trafficking.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
People who think that adults should be allowed to accompany smuggled children across the border, or who think that it is a valid form of *immigration* to send an unaccompanied child across the border for the express purpose of being able to sidestep immigration requirements and thus join the child in the US, are people who agree with the tenets of child slavery and human trafficking.

This shouldn't surprise anybody..this is the same population who embrace unauthorized euthanasia, abortion, assisted suicide and who want our form of government thrown out and replaced with communism.

It doesn't surprise me. The press approves of human smuggling, however, and it's very hard to find any anti-human trafficking articles using a google search...because when it comes right down to it, leftists approve of human trafficking.

Bottom line: enemies of our nation and our culture are the people who think we need open borders and who insist we accommodate child sex traffickers, smugglers, gang members, and murderers who flee their own country and show up at our borders..demanding entry.

A federal judge recognized the situation back in 2013:

"A federal judge in Brownsville said in a recent order that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is assisting in criminal conspiracies to smuggle children into the country when it helps reunite them with parents who are known to be in the U.S. illegally.

"U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ... expressed his frustration in having four cases in which a child who arrived in the U.S. illegally alone was reunited with a parent who was herself in the country illegally pass through his court.." in a single month.

"Human smuggling is a lucrative business controlled by organized crime groups — the same cartels that smuggle drugs into the U.S. By helping kids get to their parents in the U.S., Hanen says the government is providing additional customers, and thus revenue, to the cartels and putting children at risk."

Brownsville judge: US government assisting child smuggling
"The numbers of Central American ‘unaccompanied alien children’ doubled in 2012, doubled again in 2013, and doubled again in 2014."

And many of those "unaccompanied alien children" were recognized to be gang members and others actively engaged in trafficking.

"But it still didn’t change the policies that were inducing illegals in the U.S. to send for their kids, with administration officials clinging Baghdad Bob–style to the notion that the flow was purely a result of conditions in Central America."

MS-13 Gang: Immigration Policy of Obama Encouraged Its Rise | National Review
"MS-13 took full advantage of these flows of foreign nationals into the United States by hiding in these populations to enter our country. As a result, American citizens have died, and domestic law enforcement across the nation has had to deal with the burden of MS-13 violence and drug-dealing on American streets on a daily basis."

MS-13 Gang: Immigration Policy of Obama Encouraged Its Rise | National Review

Back in 2013 "The judge pointed out the incredible dangers for migration through Mexico. Human smuggling is a lucrative business controlled by organized crime groups — the same cartels that smuggle drugs into the U.S. By helping kids get to their parents in the U.S., Hanen says the government is providing additional customers, and thus revenue, to the cartels and putting children at risk."

Brownsville judge: US government assisting child smuggling
This isn't about immigration. It's about HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

"While human trafficking is illegal in nearly every country in the world, it continues to be the fastest growing criminal industry. In the global fight against human trafficking, we must examine the systems and structures that allow it to happen. This requires that we examine the systemic issues that allow this injustice to persist. Unchecked governments and law enforcement officials lead to corrupt governments and officials, both of which are a major cause of human trafficking. Although laws are in place to abolish human trafficking, accountability is difficult and corruption tends to favor the perpetrators. Corruption in police departments, the judicial system, government offices, and border control can contribute to the continued trafficking of millions of women and children across international borders."

Fighting Human Trafficking Through Political Engagement
And let's not forget..it was under Obama that child prostitution was decriminalized..in states with very high immigrant populations.

"To date, only about a dozen states, including New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Massachusetts, have passed what are known as Safe Harbor laws that decriminalize young people arrested for prostitution."

The Politics Sex of Trafficking

"There is no such thing as “child prostitution.” The fact is we’re dealing with the sex trafficking of girls and boys."
California law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk

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