When the Government Wants There to be Fewer of Us........Time to Watch Our Backs

Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------geebus, no shame about breeding for money.
I'm not surprised that YOU would be hanging around rallies by that democrat group.
Hey now, don’t knock Democrat rallies, they’re always a great place to score top quality drugs.
Go to the RNC it's all drugs and hookers. Matt Goetz can get you Exstacy.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

And people want us to get this vaccine.

Yeah. I'm not taking anything from those assholes.
You post stupid shit like this, but you cry like a little bitch when your fondness for eugenics is pointed out. You're an idiot and a hypocrite.
I never mentioned eugenics or anything suggesting it. You have twice now. Why do you like the idea? It's like saying to a woman "I don't want to fuck you" when really you do.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Because they are smart. .....
Their reasons are their own, and still none of your business.
If they can afford them yes. ....
Again, not for you to say.
I'm not surprised that YOU would be hanging around rallies by that democrat group.
Hey now, don’t knock Democrat rallies, they’re always a great place to score top quality drugs.
Go to the RNC it's all drugs and hookers. Matt Goetz can get you Exstacy.
True, but they’re no fun to party with, all they do is quote the Bible when they get high.
Unkotare wants them to have 9 or 10. A.....
Once again you LIE because you are too fucking stupid to have a discussion with anyone other than your own straw men.
I say ....
It's not for you to say.
If I vote for Republicans they will undo Obamacare taking healthcare away from millions of poor people. Without that subsidy poor women will have fewer kids and if they don't it won't be my problem because like I said, have as many kids as you want. Hope you can afford them.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Not by all the illegals I see here at the local walmarts and elsewhere---------.....
Oh, how scientific... :rolleyes:
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.

Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Because they are smart. .....
Their reasons are their own, and still none of your business.
If they can afford them yes. ....
Again, not for you to say.
Here is another way I have a say. If I vote for Trump in 2024

Trump’s 2021 Budget Would Cut $1.6 Trillion From Low-Income Programs​

The Trump Administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021 mirrors its budgets of the last two years in the massive cuts it proposes for core public services that help struggling households afford the basics and access health care.[1] Although Congress has previously rejected many of these proposals, the budget merits attention, given the Administration’s continued push for these priorities and the scope of the damage that the budget would do — including its $1.6 trillion in cuts over ten years in programs that help people with low or modest incomes meet basic needs.

The President’s budget reflects the direction the Administration wants to take the country through legislative and executive actions.

And give the GOP back the majority in both houses, I think we can cut off poor people from the free shit they are getting now. Then if they have more kids than they can afford, not my problem. THanks GOP.

Or if I want to help poor people I should vote Democratic.
Nonsense. I want to roll back the tax breaks to the rich and corporations and re fund the social programs they cut to pay for those tax breaks to the rich. Not just Trump's tax breaks not just Bush's

You post stupid shit like this, but you cry like a little bitch when your fondness for eugenics is pointed out. You're an idiot and a hypocrite.
I never mentioned eugenics or anything suggesting it. .....
You're too stupid to realize what your words suggest.
You have said many times that you are only interested in yourself. You have made it perfectly clear.
Biden nominee has a history of terrorism and open advocacy for population control. The democrats' hostility toward human life is becoming more and more brazen.
Does her population control extend to illegals who 4,5,6,7,8 and more kids?
Fertility rates among immigrants to the US are falling faster than any other demographic.
Because they are smart. .....
Their reasons are their own, and still none of your business.
If they can afford them yes. ....
Again, not for you to say.
Or if I want to help poor people I should vote Democratic.
The Democrats don’t help poor people, all they do is subsidize poverty, why do you think the poverty rate hasn’t substantially changed since “The War on Poverty” began in the 1960’s? Why do we still have the same populations found among the chronically impoverished?

Neither of the major crime families care about reducing chronic poverty, all they care about is coming up with new ways to buy the votes of the poor while transferring wealth from the bottom to the top.
Your own words: "I’ll admit I don’t do much. Too busy looking out for me. Life is short have fun. ... I do nothing for no one but me."
You post stupid shit like this, but you cry like a little bitch when your fondness for eugenics is pointed out. You're an idiot and a hypocrite.
I never mentioned eugenics or anything suggesting it. .....
You're too stupid to realize what your words suggest.
I'm not suggesting that so you must be the stupid one.
The Wuhan lab has a covid virus that is about 15x more deadly than covid-19. Just sayin'

I recall about 2 months ago hearing a gentleman on one of the news channels pontificating that the COVID-19 "might" be a means of population control and that "perhaps" those who receive the "so-called" vaccine might begin dropping like flies in one or two years.

Possibility? Damn, let's hope not. However, asswipes like Bill Gates have bee arguing for a "culling" of the population for years.

Does make one wonder...........

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