When the japs were blowing themselves up, the only way to stop em was to nuke em

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

By their resounding silence not condemning terrorist attacks, the "not even most" Muslims are complicit in killing thousands along with their fellow terrorist Muslims. What is half-cocked is the naive believe what you say, which is believing that some rattle snakes can bite you and it would not kill you.
You are the simple minded one, believing that all Muslims would kill us, given a chance. Many, many Muslims have stood up and decried the violence. Many, many more prove they aren't jihadists by living a life without violence. Those aren't the stories you seek out, but they are there.

ALL Muslims are guided by their so-called "holy book" which tells them to kill all non-believers aka infidels. Those who you think are nice are just time bombs, ready to explode when given the signal. Deception and pretension is in their DNA. dishonesty to infidels is a virtue to them.

And don't tell me I don't like them. I DO. When they are several thousands of miles away.
Quick question. How many muslims do you know personally? I mean that you have sit down with and had a normal conversation with?
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511

So why exactly do you want to destroy Israel?

I never said that, I think your commenting to another post...however, starting with Israel, wouldn't be a bad idea....all the shit starts with them anyhow.

Okay- so you are in favor of genocide

Thanks for being clear on that.
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

sunni wahabism killed people .and its iran fault .

no .you arent stupid.you are brainwashed by propaganda .you are victim. im sorry for you

Who are REALLY stupid are the people who argue over whose uncle of the greatest and most despicable pedophile in history are true Muslims.

It should be a tie. ALL Muslims are not only stupid but irreversibly stupid. They are the sons of mothers who willingly submit to have their clits clipped by dull pliers. Women who willingly wear clothes that deny their womanhood. Women who have no guts to call their sons of their disrespect for their own mothers. Woman who are too chicken hearted to yell their sons that Islam is a piece of crap, promoted by murderous immoral bastards who would see their mothers stoned vto death for telling them the truth sand the phoniness of Islam.

A nation is like their mothers. When two factions of the same "religion" are arguing and killing each other about whose uncle was the less despicable, that "religion" is doomed to Hell as permanent tenant of Satan in Hell. They are needed to keep Mohammed company.
Maybe those mothers would prefer to be alive to raise their children, instead of being stoned to death. Don't blame the women for living in a misogynist culture.

North American streets are full of women with idiotic head dresses displaying their happy willingness to be subjected to male cruelty, sexual slavery, discrimination and other forms of humiliation in a society which is NOT misogynist.

Idiots are idiots wherever they are. Especially if they are Muslims.

Mother Teresa had hijab too
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, MC[5] (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997) more commonly known as Mother Teresa, was an AlbanianRoman Catholicreligious sisterand missionary.[6] She was born in Skopje (modernMacedonia), then part of the Kosovo Vilayet in theOttoman Empire
Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation, which in 2012 consisted of over 4,500 sisters and was active in 133 countries
Mother Teresa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


vatican streets are full of women with idiotic head dresses displaying their happy willingness to be subjected to male cruelty, sexual slavery, discrimination and other forms of humiliation in a society which is NOT misogynist like mother teresa

You are comparing apples to oranges. The Christian nuns devote their lives to their religion. They devote their lives to help others, unselfishly, they sacrifice comfort and convenience for their desire to help others. They are not married, they have no children, they wear their habit not because they are forced to do so by some ignorant male dominated religion but because they choose to do so. No nun has ever been known to hide explosives under her garment and then go and blow up innocent people. Only Muslim female slaves were known to do so.

Mother Teresa chose the righteous garment: A nun's habit, a symbol of love and compassion as opposed to the slave's garment, symbol of subject of oppression and hate. Mother Teresa was born in an Islamic country (actually not only Islamic but Communist, too) yet she had the integrity and courage to stand by her heart, her soul and her love for her fellow humans. Muslim women - even in a free country, not fully infested by Islam - wear what they wear because they are forced to or maybe they just realize that they are just as ugly outside as they are inside and they don't want the world to see.
My wife's Grandparents were at Hiroshima and her Grandfather said the same thing:

"It had to be done. Japan was never going to give up".
If the op were any more ignorant I'd think he was a repub....oh that's right he is.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

You realize that Iran and ISIS are mortal enemies, right? Why would we nuke Tehran because ISIS bombed someone?
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society
I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results
I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society
What do you think they should do?
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results

Such as......?

Given your problem with nuking mecca was that muslims were 'too spread out'.....what 'final solution' are you referring to?
Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results

Such as......?

Given your problem with nuking mecca was that muslims were 'too spread out'.....what 'final solution' are you referring to?
Nanobots carrying Islamic specific cancer.
I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results

Such as......?

Given your problem with nuking mecca was that muslims were 'too spread out'.....what 'final solution' are you referring to?
Nanobots carrying Islamic specific cancer.

Yeah, but what about the converts?
Use common sense Old Lady!

I AM using common sense. Tiggerred wants to nuke 90% of innocent Muslims in the world because of 10% that are poisoned by their extremist religious views. That to me is not common sense. Might be better if the 90% beat the asses of the 10% that are ruining their countries and their lives. That's what is being attempted at this point. It doesn't happen overnight but I agree that if the US goes in and does it alone, which we could--without nukes--it won't solve the problem. The minute we leave they'll be back at it, as recent history shows.
Someone's got to change these fuckers hearts and minds. It ain't gonna be us.
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results

Such as......?

Given your problem with nuking mecca was that muslims were 'too spread out'.....what 'final solution' are you referring to there?
I did not post "final solution" you have been pulling this shit in other threads go play there
problem is the 90% do not do a anything to stop the 10%. the solution is left to the rest of society

And nuclear weapons is going to get the 90% to turn on the 10%? Or turn the 10% into the 90%?
I am not advocating the use of a nuclear weapon, I want solid solutions with permanent results

Such as......?

Given your problem with nuking mecca was that muslims were 'too spread out'.....what 'final solution' are you referring to?
Nanobots carrying Islamic specific cancer.

Yeah, but what about the converts?
It would get them too. The nanobots would be engineered to spot Islamic brainwaves and attack.
Droping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki actually saved lives. The estimates for the planed invasion of the Japanese home islands(Operation Downfall) were 200,000 US casualties and between 5-10 Japanese civilian deaths. But the terrorism thing is nothing like the situation during WWII. Continuous surgical strikes on terrorist organization leadership along with any large groups being hammered by ground troops.

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