When the japs were blowing themselves up, the only way to stop em was to nuke em

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.

Sort of like those "surgical" bomb strikes on Baghdad about 13 years ago. Lots of "shock and awe" and that awful, terrible LIBERAL press never showed pictures of the dead civilians or bombed out houses, just big pretty pictures like this that gave American white men big hard ons.

These bombs killed LOTS of Al Queda. Yeah. Wiped 'em out. Most successful military mission ever...Yeah, right. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Maybe if we warned people with leaflets before we bomb them....
So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to say we don't?

I'm saying we dont intentionally target their women and children.
They on the other hand...
bullshit will kill wherever didn't get out of the way then aging we never give notice either
would spoil the effect.
rationalizing doesn't change the facts

Once more in english please.
reading comp problems acting up again?

You need to seriously re-read the post he was referring to...lol
So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to say we don't?

I'm saying we dont intentionally target their women and children.
They on the other hand...
bullshit will kill wherever didn't get out of the way then aging we never give notice either
would spoil the effect.
rationalizing doesn't change the facts

Once more in english please.
reading comp problems acting up again?

If you think thats legible you have bigger problems than being an idiot leftist.
Are you trying to say we don't?

I'm saying we dont intentionally target their women and children.
They on the other hand...
bullshit will kill wherever didn't get out of the way then aging we never give notice either
would spoil the effect.
rationalizing doesn't change the facts

Once more in english please.
reading comp problems acting up again?

If you think thats legible you have bigger problems than being an idiot leftist.
legible tends to refer only to the presentation, e.g. penmanship, while readable is broader. If what I'm looking at is a hard-to-read scrawl, that's illegible; if it's nicely typed but the grammar and punctuation are all wrong, such that it's hard for me to understand, that's unreadable.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511
that just opens up the door for one of their lunatics to say its now ok to use the "not ok" weapons on us...no thanks,you can eliminate them by other means......
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511
that just opens up the door for one of their lunatics to say its now ok to use the "not ok" weapons on us...no thanks,you can eliminate them by other means......
guess these clown never heard of MAD.....
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511
that just opens up the door for one of their lunatics to say its now ok to use the "not ok" weapons on us...no thanks,you can eliminate them by other means......
guess these clown never heard of MAD.....
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
oh the melodrama!
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
oh the melodrama!

Spoken from the safety of one's basement, gotcha!!
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
oh the melodrama!

Spoken from the safety of one's basement, gotcha!!
.you wish !
Let's just keep fighting wars in a defensive mode.

That worked so darned well in both Korea and Veitnam.

Looks like we are going for strike three

My point exactly....we would still be fighting the asians in japan to this day, had we not opt for nuclear options...you can't kill ideas...people will die to the end for it. The Nazi's once came from a place of democracy, they understood the benefits of surrender, the muslims as did the asians, the need a little nuke juice to speed up the process.
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
oh the melodrama!

Spoken from the safety of one's basement, gotcha!!
.you wish !

Yes, I do wish...I wish stupid ill informed retarded mf's like you would join the military and volunteer for front line battles....next wish?
I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.

Sort of like those "surgical" bomb strikes on Baghdad about 13 years ago. Lots of "shock and awe" and that awful, terrible LIBERAL press never showed pictures of the dead civilians or bombed out houses, just big pretty pictures like this that gave American white men big hard ons.

These bombs killed LOTS of Al Queda. Yeah. Wiped 'em out. Most successful military mission ever...Yeah, right. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Maybe if we warned people with leaflets before we bomb them....

Sounds good to me, only print them hillbilly Trump ebonics.
We can not continue to sacrifice our soldiers and what little allies we have to defeat something that is embedded in the brains of these people, something so easily conveyed that it takes on suicidal effects that makes a couple die and abandon their child or women and children blow themselves up for its purpose. 17 years the US is approaching and billions of dollars used, countless US lives lost and an unimaginable count on the disabled we will inherit.....and to what avail? This will not be a WWlll effort, because ground efforts will only kill people, not the ideas...that is encased in 1 billion minds and then some.....don't want anybody to die, but my God, what can you do with a people that find children as targets to blow themselves up??? One more time, we are dealing with insanity.
oh the melodrama!

Spoken from the safety of one's basement, gotcha!!
.you wish !

Yes, I do wish...I wish stupid ill informed retarded mf's like you would join the military and volunteer for front line battles....next wish?
you first.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511

You are not about peace referring to Japanese people as the Japs...I doubt that you are really Black.

My intent was not to create a racist title, I just didn't feel like typing the whole word, listen, ya gotta get with the message and stop shooting the messenger.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511

So why exactly do you want to destroy Israel?

I never said that, I think your commenting to another post...however, starting with Israel, wouldn't be a bad idea....all the shit starts with them anyhow.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.

Sort of like those "surgical" bomb strikes on Baghdad about 13 years ago. Lots of "shock and awe" and that awful, terrible LIBERAL press never showed pictures of the dead civilians or bombed out houses, just big pretty pictures like this that gave American white men big hard ons.

These bombs killed LOTS of Al Queda. Yeah. Wiped 'em out. Most successful military mission ever...Yeah, right. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Maybe if we warned people with leaflets before we bomb them....

Sounds good to me, only print them hillbilly Trump ebonics.

You mean Barry ebonics..since he already did it he gets the credit.
"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.
Your point would be far more credible if you didn't preface it with equal stupidity.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.
Won't the nuclear fall out poison the entire area, including Israel?

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