When the japs were blowing themselves up, the only way to stop em was to nuke em

Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.
You started it. Just sayin
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

sunni wahabism killed people .and its iran fault .

no .you arent stupid.you are brainwashed by propaganda .you are victim. im sorry for you

Who are REALLY stupid are the people who argue over whose uncle of the greatest and most despicable pedophile in history are true Muslims.

It should be a tie. ALL Muslims are not only stupid but irreversibly stupid. They are the sons of mothers who willingly submit to have their clits clipped by dull pliers. Women who willingly wear clothes that deny their womanhood. Women who have no guts to call their sons of their disrespect for their own mothers. Woman who are too chicken hearted to yell their sons that Islam is a piece of crap, promoted by murderous immoral bastards who would see their mothers stoned vto death for telling them the truth sand the phoniness of Islam.

A nation is like their mothers. When two factions of the same "religion" are arguing and killing each other about whose uncle was the less despicable, that "religion" is doomed to Hell as permanent tenant of Satan in Hell. They are needed to keep Mohammed company.

are you christian?
because christianity is bullshit too............
its not very big different. this christianity 2016 version isnt true christianity .its liberal fake christianity
if koran is ............ bible is bullshit more than it

i have question :

this picture is for tehran .all of this people are moslem :


moslem kurds :

moslem turk in bar

moslem have different idea and belief like christian and every....
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.
You started it. Just sayin

But the Crusades!!! The Crusades!!!!
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to tell everyone that muslim women and children are not killed by US and european forces?
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.
You started it. Just sayin

But the Crusades!!! The Crusades!!!!
This after the Moors brought you back from the dark ages and almost regressing back to cavemen.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Crusades / kkk tooooooooooooooooo :biggrin::banned:
I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to tell everyone that muslim women and children are not killed by US and european forces?

There's this thing called intent.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to tell everyone that muslim women and children are not killed by US and european forces?

There's this thing called intent.
I am familiar with the intent of whites trying to take over everything. Yes it played a part in killing muslim women and children. I am glad you understand now.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.
How bout we stop killing theirs or is that unamerican?
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to say we don't?
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.
I think some of these people play too many video games like call of duty.
I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?
Are you trying to say we don't?

I'm saying we dont intentionally target their women and children.
They on the other hand...
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.

I'd say a couple of Daisy Cutters would be just as good but without the political fallout or the radioactive fallout.
So you're a genocidal madman, and you want a body count that surpasses Hitler and Stalin combined.

So noted.
At some point like it or not, that seem to be the only way to end this shit with the muslims....I say round em up and drop the funk......they'll thank Allah for it later and us too.
Folks, we couldn't ration with the japenese, and we're not going to be able to reach these mad motherfuckers. We're going on 17 years of fighting a billion sand nigga's, I mean really, there is no end in sight with these people. The calm cool collected rag head today, the next day, he's blowing his self up, so you can't even tell who's the good one or the bad, these people are insane...not all of em, but damit, how the hell can you tell. The two fucks in California, left a damn child behind over thier crazy beliefs...I'm sorry, these people are not normal, they're scary as hell, nobody wants to be around em and I'm sure most are anxious to meet allah, so I say, lets round up the kids, get them out and nuke what's left!!!
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?

Number of Iraqi civilians died during the invasion....... is about 500,000.

Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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