When the japs were blowing themselves up, the only way to stop em was to nuke em

Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.

That airport and train station in Brussels was with full of people.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

Maybe if they stopped killing our women and children....just a thought.

Would you like to expand on that just a bit? As I recall, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were all volunteer and none of them were children. Just a fact.

So you're trying to tell me muslim extremist dont kill children?

Number of Iraqi civilians died during the invasion....... is about 500,000.

Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You might want to look a little deeper.
Those numbers are grossly inflated and dont indicate who did the killing.

Wages of War -- Appendix 2: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 1991 Gulf War

But HWGA....... You are talking about 1991 gulf war...... I'm talking about Bush ( my hero lol ) invasion of Iraq.
Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
A well placed nuke is a fantasy.
I think some of these people play too many video games like call of duty.

That's what happened when you leave the kids alone playing war videos..... They think it's real.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.

That airport and train station in Brussels was with full of people.

For once I agree with you Wildbill but these bastards are terrorists that murder innocent civilians.
We are the civilized and decent human being..... We do not murder innocent kids and human being.
Traveled to ME and trust me they despise and embarrassed this kind of terrorist act.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.

That airport and train station in Brussels was with full of people.
false comparison.
you'd kill a cockroach with a flame thrower talk about over reach!
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

stupidest speculation ever ...
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

stupidest speculation ever ...
Not really. Europeans at the time remember what it was like to have the knife at their throats, when Islamic armies came within sight of the gates of Vienna. That's why the Crusades were launched.
Maybe we should put a wall around the ME and let them sort it out... Then we just have to suffer through however many terrorists rode the refugee ticket into our countries.
Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

stupidest speculation ever ...
Not really. Europeans at the time remember what it was like to have the knife at their throats, when Islamic armies came within sight of the gates of Vienna. That's why the Crusades were launched.
that's absolute bullshit .
did you learn history from glen beck?

The Crusades were a series of intermittent military campaigns in the years from 1096 to 1487, sanctioned by various Popes. In 1095 the Byzantine Emperor, Alexios I, sent an ambassador to Pope Urban II requesting military support in the Byzantines' conflict with the westward migrating Turks in Anatolia. The Pope responded by calling Catholics to join what later became known as the First Crusade. One of Urban's stated aims was to guarantee pilgrims access to the holy sites in the Holy Land that were under Muslim control while his wider strategy was to reunite the Eastern and Western branches of Christendom, divided after their split in 1054, and establish himself as head of the united Church. This initiated a complex 200-year struggle in the region.
Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

stupidest speculation ever ...
Not really. Europeans at the time remember what it was like to have the knife at their throats, when Islamic armies came within sight of the gates of Vienna. That's why the Crusades were launched.
that's absolute bullshit .
did you learn history from glen beck?
Now that's funny! Because Beck compares Trump to Hitler, demonstrating his own stupidity and ignorance of history. So that was an apt insult. But the answer is no.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511
Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.

stupidest speculation ever ...
Not really. Europeans at the time remember what it was like to have the knife at their throats, when Islamic armies came within sight of the gates of Vienna. That's why the Crusades were launched.
that's absolute bullshit .
did you learn history from glen beck?
Now that's funny! Because Beck compares Trump to Hitler, demonstrating his own stupidity and ignorance of history. So that was an apt insult. But the answer is no.
If we as a nation had come together and responded on 9/11/01 and actually went after the REAL culprits, instead of going to war in Iraq, we might have been saved a lot of trouble, lives and treasure. We went after the Mafia with RICO laws, we should be able to cook up similar laws that apply to religious hate groups like Islam. We have to get past that religious hoodoo and be realistic.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511

Get a life idiot. :)
It is well past the time to show strength to deal with bullies. Well past the time to round up Muslims sympathetic to ISIS. Well past the time to close and lock up all mosques, because they are all recruitment centers for ISIS. Well past the time to lock up all imams of said mosques as traitors and agitators to conspire against the country that gave them freedom to spew their hate.
Well past the time to think that Muslims have a sense of decency and fair play. Well past the time that Muslims would ever recognize any religion except the so-called religion that endorses pedophilia, stoning to death, beheadings, whippings and lashings, and death for religious freedom.

Let the bastards experience what people who don't share their faith experience in the hell holes they left behind.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

By their resounding silence not condemning terrorist attacks, the "not even most" Muslims are complicit in killing thousands along with their fellow terrorist Muslims. What is half-cocked is the naive believe what you say, which is believing that some rattle snakes can bite you and it would not kill you.
You are the simple minded one, believing that all Muslims would kill us, given a chance. Many, many Muslims have stood up and decried the violence. Many, many more prove they aren't jihadists by living a life without violence. Those aren't the stories you seek out, but they are there.

ALL Muslims are guided by their so-called "holy book" which tells them to kill all non-believers aka infidels. Those who you think are nice are just time bombs, ready to explode when given the signal. Deception and pretension is in their DNA. dishonesty to infidels is a virtue to them.

And don't tell me I don't like them. I DO. When they are several thousands of miles away.
Quick question. How many muslims do you know personally? I mean that you have sit down with and had a normal conversation with?

I worked with several, some of them were my friends. One of them lent his Lincoln Continental to be our car on my wedding day. He and his lovely wife were frequent guests at our apartment and then, years later at our house. He taught me an expression in Arabic to tell any Arabs/Muslims who plan to be unpleasant to the people who gave them a new home. Pardon me if the written version may not reflect the verbal text: "Khol khara yammal ya marras".

Learn it and tell it to all Arabs/Muslims you meet.
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.


I will be there with you pushing the button brother.
Whoa! Not all Muslims are jihadists. Not even most. I understand you are frustrated and upset about another nasty attack on innocent people in Belgium this morning, but going off half-cocked won't solve the problem.

By their resounding silence not condemning terrorist attacks, the "not even most" Muslims are complicit in killing thousands along with their fellow terrorist Muslims. What is half-cocked is the naive believe what you say, which is believing that some rattle snakes can bite you and it would not kill you.
You are the simple minded one, believing that all Muslims would kill us, given a chance. Many, many Muslims have stood up and decried the violence. Many, many more prove they aren't jihadists by living a life without violence. Those aren't the stories you seek out, but they are there.

ALL Muslims are guided by their so-called "holy book" which tells them to kill all non-believers aka infidels. Those who you think are nice are just time bombs, ready to explode when given the signal. Deception and pretension is in their DNA. dishonesty to infidels is a virtue to them.

And don't tell me I don't like them. I DO. When they are several thousands of miles away.
Quick question. How many muslims do you know personally? I mean that you have sit down with and had a normal conversation with?

I worked with several, some of them were my friends. One of them lent his Lincoln Continental to be our car on my wedding day. He and his lovely wife were frequent guests at our apartment and then, years later at our house. He taught me an expression in Arabic to tell any Arabs/Muslims who plan to be unpleasant to the people who gave them a new home. Pardon me if the written version may not reflect the verbal text: "Khol khara yammal ya marras".

Learn it and tell it to all Arabs/Muslims you meet.
It's very enlightening hearing about the San Bernadino terrorists and how closely they befriended their community of victims.

Say....how many "peaceful Muslim friends" did you say you have?
By their resounding silence not condemning terrorist attacks, the "not even most" Muslims are complicit in killing thousands along with their fellow terrorist Muslims. What is half-cocked is the naive believe what you say, which is believing that some rattle snakes can bite you and it would not kill you.
You are the simple minded one, believing that all Muslims would kill us, given a chance. Many, many Muslims have stood up and decried the violence. Many, many more prove they aren't jihadists by living a life without violence. Those aren't the stories you seek out, but they are there.

ALL Muslims are guided by their so-called "holy book" which tells them to kill all non-believers aka infidels. Those who you think are nice are just time bombs, ready to explode when given the signal. Deception and pretension is in their DNA. dishonesty to infidels is a virtue to them.

And don't tell me I don't like them. I DO. When they are several thousands of miles away.
Quick question. How many muslims do you know personally? I mean that you have sit down with and had a normal conversation with?

I worked with several, some of them were my friends. One of them lent his Lincoln Continental to be our car on my wedding day. He and his lovely wife were frequent guests at our apartment and then, years later at our house. He taught me an expression in Arabic to tell any Arabs/Muslims who plan to be unpleasant to the people who gave them a new home. Pardon me if the written version may not reflect the verbal text: "Khol khara yammal ya marras".

Learn it and tell it to all Arabs/Muslims you meet.
It's very enlightening hearing about the San Bernadino terrorists and how closely they befriended their community of victims.

Say....how many "peaceful Muslim friends" did you say you have?

Did you read the post you responded to, you idiot?

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