When the japs were blowing themselves up, the only way to stop em was to nuke em

You can not nuke terrorists.

They are everywhere.....they have cells.... it's not like Hiroshima ...all in one place....

It's a different kind of war....it's called terrorism for a reason.

That's why it's so much difficult.
We can take some lead out of their pencil by turning their cherished city into a glass museum. You have to destroy the hornets nest before you can hunt down the strays.
If we did that then we are doing the very same thing that we decry. Therefore, not only will it be ineffective against the greater population of terrorists but it gives them a valid cause to lop the heads off of every sorry bastard they will encounter.
I am not clueless, I am just not foolish enough to think that mass annihilation will solve anything. Have you thought what your post apocalyptic world will look like? Of course not. Once the bar has been set to the level you suggest that will establish a new standard on how to deal with problems.
Wrong, and clueless. The last time we nuked, the world got better, not worse.
Facts and circumstances were different. For one the enemy was centrally located, now they are scattered all over the globe. Second, there are more effective ways to handle this than a gigantic and nasty bomb.
You can not nuke terrorists.

They are everywhere.....they have cells.... it's not like Hiroshima ...all in one place....

It's a different kind of war....it's called terrorism for a reason.

That's why it's so much difficult.
We can take some lead out of their pencil by turning their cherished city into a glass museum. You have to destroy the hornets nest before you can hunt down the strays.
If we did that then we are doing the very same thing that we decry. Therefore, not only will it be ineffective against the greater population of terrorists but it gives them a valid cause to lop the heads off of every sorry bastard they will encounter.
Or it could hugely demoralise them, en masse.
It is empower them. They need to be stopped and dealt a very fatal blow I just do not think that an antiquated bomb is the right way.
You can not nuke terrorists.

They are everywhere.....they have cells.... it's not like Hiroshima ...all in one place....

It's a different kind of war....it's called terrorism for a reason.

That's why it's so much difficult.
We can take some lead out of their pencil by turning their cherished city into a glass museum. You have to destroy the hornets nest before you can hunt down the strays.
If we did that then we are doing the very same thing that we decry. Therefore, not only will it be ineffective against the greater population of terrorists but it gives them a valid cause to lop the heads off of every sorry bastard they will encounter.
Or it could hugely demoralise them, en masse.
It is empower them. They need to be stopped and dealt a very fatal blow I just do not think that an antiquated bomb is the right way.
It's a good start, especially in densely populated Muslim cities. Nobody's suggesting Mirv can handle it all on his own.
You can not nuke terrorists.

They are everywhere.....they have cells.... it's not like Hiroshima ...all in one place....

It's a different kind of war....it's called terrorism for a reason.

That's why it's so much difficult.
We can take some lead out of their pencil by turning their cherished city into a glass museum. You have to destroy the hornets nest before you can hunt down the strays.

Yes you can.
But it won't do much in the way of protecting future attacks.:dunno:
We don't really know what the result might be. We know how murderously they react to cartoons, books, plays and films, for sure, but perhaps this would be different. They might think wft- Allah the omnipotent allowed the infidels to destroy mecca, nothing happens without Allah willing it to be so, so they might perhaps believe he is punishing them?
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Let's ignore them and they will simply go away.......

So far that appears to be the conclussion of the left.

This war is going on 16 years, with troops all over the middle east...do tell me exactly what would more troops, a zillion more do when you got people blolowing thesem
You nuke Mecca and you can bet they will grab your attention.

Nuking Mecca would be counter productive, anyway.

Oh good grief, as usual the left loons take everything as gospel, they really need to loosen up the panties

Good lord Sassy....... You are talking about nuuking a Mecca with full of people. I guess that's normal to you.
It would have been done 8 centuries ago, if the crusaders had our technology.


I will be there with you pushing the button brother.

me too, brotha.....ha ha ha ha
Listen, guys I don't want to hurt anybody and I'm sorry that I even started this damned thread....we have got to learn to either live in peace or die wishing we had it....this is all in the bible, and this thing is God's will...revelations speaks on this and we can't alter God's plan...the muslims will endeed be the end for all of us on this earth....so its been written, so its been said.
I am all about peace, let me make that perfectly clear....but sadly, these horrible horrible bastards don't want it, don't need it and ain't about to call for it....so what do we do? Folks, I think its time to nuke the middle east....hate me all you want, but another 10, 20, 100 years of this shit.....nobody should have to endure. These motherfuckers are beyond insane, you can't reason with these people, you can't do shit with these sand eating fucks, so I say, blow the bastards up and let the peace began....don't believe me, just ask the Japs.View attachment 68511

flame throwers

flame throwers worked well on the islands

in some caves today

you can still see fingernail marks

where the enemy scratched the walls of the caves to escape

the death of the flamethrower

it instilled much fear into those evil bastards
Just nuke Mecca, that will grab their attention

Nuking Mecca would alienate Muslim countries who might be marginally less insane.

Nuke Tehran. Nuke Islamabad. Blast and demolish all mosques in all predominantly Christian countries in the world because they are nothing but recruitment centers for ISIS.

Stop pussyfooting and take devastating measures against them like they did in 9/11.

I say go with mecca but give them fair warning.
One more attack that can be traced to muslim extremism and it's by,by mecca.
If you retaliate in any way say adios to tehran....wash rinse repeat.

"Fair warning" and the only people who will die in Mecca are innocent civilians, mostly women and kids.

It's too bad that Bush and Cheney decided to cut the tail off the snake 13 years ago. They could have cut off the head, but there was no money in that for General Dynamics, Lockheed, G.E., Halliburton, etc. They knew from the beginning that OBL was hiding in Pakistan. They coddled his family and made sure they got out of the U.S. They knew everything.

Starting a nuclear war is not the answer. I can't believe how stupid some people are.

So were the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Innocent civilians and kids.

The results are indisputable, though regrettable to a small degree. Those "innocents" sided with the power that brought the nukes to their heads.

A well placed nuclear bomb in the critical Muslim area - be it Mecca, Islamabad, Riyadh, Tehran, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Bengla Desh, Afghanistan, etc., or better still, one in all above mentioned places plus those not mentioned, - would bring the Musilm animals to heel.

And wouldn't that be a better world??
Many people believe today that we as humans should rise above such thinking. But with the current administration's thinking we may see a mushroom cloud appear that America is not responsible for. I only hope it's not viewed from here.
Listen, guys I don't want to hurt anybody and I'm sorry that I even started this damned thread....we have got to learn to either live in peace or die wishing we had it....this is all in the bible, and this thing is God's will...revelations speaks on this and we can't alter God's plan...the muslims will endeed be the end for all of us on this earth....so its been written, so its been said.
Nonsense. Jesus may tarry another 2000 years for all we know. As far as the scourge of Islam, if their military takeover were the sign of Christ's return, it would have happened in the 10th century. Instead, Christians opened up a can of whoopass. We did it then and we can do it today.

It's time to stop sending troops and send Mirv instead. Don't second guess your thread; it's popular because you're right.
Listen, guys I don't want to hurt anybody and I'm sorry that I even started this damned thread....we have got to learn to either live in peace or die wishing we had it....this is all in the bible, and this thing is God's will...revelations speaks on this and we can't alter God's plan...the muslims will endeed be the end for all of us on this earth....so its been written, so its been said.
I just sent this post to Obamabastic and it is a good thing I did, he was about to unleash unholy hell on Mecca just like you said to do. Hell he was going to take it in himself. Then as he always does he waffled and withered away back into the tiny hole he calls home. He is using your post to show all mankind what a benevolent and wise leader he wants to be remembered as.

You can not nuke terrorists.

They are everywhere.....they have cells.... it's not like Hiroshima ...all in one place....

It's a different kind of war....it's called terrorism for a reason.

That's why it's so much difficult.
We can take some lead out of their pencil by turning their cherished city into a glass museum. You have to destroy the hornets nest before you can hunt down the strays.
If we did that then we are doing the very same thing that we decry. Therefore, not only will it be ineffective against the greater population of terrorists but it gives them a valid cause to lop the heads off of every sorry bastard they will encounter.
I am not clueless, I am just not foolish enough to think that mass annihilation will solve anything. Have you thought what your post apocalyptic world will look like? Of course not. Once the bar has been set to the level you suggest that will establish a new standard on how to deal with problems.
Wrong, and clueless. The last time we nuked, the world got better, not worse.
You have a strange concept of better.
I would definitely level parts of the Mideast.
Strategically placed nukes could once and for all end this problem.
Not really. There are millions of muslims in the US and in Europe. Dont you white people ever learn?

We have learned unlike your kind that are incapable of doing so.
No you're not a tiny bit racist are you.

No different of a statement that the one by Ass Lips you don't address.
I would definitely level parts of the Mideast.
Strategically placed nukes could once and for all end this problem.
Not really. There are millions of muslims in the US and in Europe. Dont you white people ever learn?

We have learned unlike your kind that are incapable of doing so.
No you're not a tiny bit racist are you.

No different of a statement that the one by Ass Lips you don't address.
No need to address the obvious fact he's correct is there mr.micro penis?

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