When the next big recession hits in a few years, how would the GOP respond?

Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
Guess what economists get paid to do?
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

Ya, Ya, let me know when a poor man hires someone. Until then your "economists" are just pontificating with no other reason than to get attention.
Right poor people aren’t important to the economy even though they have become majority of workers therefore they bring the most spending to businesses.
You want open Borders, you got it.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
/——/ Well as Obozo taught us Gubmint interference is the ticket to a long protracted recession. Just let the market correct itself.
Just grab your favorite security blanket and hide under your bed till it's over if in fact it actually happens.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
/——/ Well as Obozo taught us Gubmint interference is the ticket to a long protracted recession. Just let the market correct itself.
Lol what Obama taught us is that a giant recession can at least start reversing in 9 months. After all, we were losing 500,000 jobs per month on average.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
/——/ Well as Obozo taught us Gubmint interference is the ticket to a long protracted recession. Just let the market correct itself.
Lol what Obama taught us is that a giant recession can at least start reversing in 9 months. After all, we were losing 500,000 jobs per month on average.
/——/ Obozo taught us free money with QE works and rates go up when a Republican is in office
You sound like an 8th grader lol. Only repubs and 8th graders think an acccusation of being gay is the ultimate burn somehow lol. God forbid you people are capable of any level wit.
did he say you were gay?....it looked like he thinks you are female....something you have been called before...
Oh right that’s such a better burn!
no burn billy just telling you what some posters here think about you.....some here have thought you were a female....deal with it...

you are at risk of getting hit with a purse swing
well if he does swing a purse than we know right?.....

Dude we know...

IMHO the next "great recession" is coming soon. It will be caused by the Debt and rising interest rates. Trump and the GOP need to raise the top tax rate, save SS and MediCare, and cut spending to balance the Budget. The alternative is the biggest financial crisis in history

Cutting spending, yeah. Might as well wish for a personal unicorn while you're at it.
IMHO the next "great recession" is coming soon. It will be caused by the Debt and rising interest rates. Trump and the GOP need to raise the top tax rate, save SS and MediCare, and cut spending to balance the Budget. The alternative is the biggest financial crisis in history

Cutting spending, yeah. Might as well wish for a personal unicorn while you're at it.
I know. The coxuckers in Congress must be deliberately trying to crash the Budget so it kills all entitlements when the interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.

instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages

Who did that?
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.

instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages

Who did that?

The Fed and the Treasury.

How Bundles of Loans Created the Financial Crisis
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
Guess what economists get paid to do?
/——-/ “If all the economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.” —Robert Bernard Shaw
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

If Republicans schlong the Democrats next month, this recession isn't going to happen.

The only way a recession comes down is if the Dems take over Congress and dump the country into a mire of pointless investigation designed to destroy Trump's quest to return America to greatness.
With the Fed raising interest rates the stock market will get much choppier and not only go up as it has been in the low interest rate environment. Is normal good? Are we finally well clear of the Great Recession? Will interconnected and synchronized globalization make future recessions milder or deeper? Will the ascension of China make the world safer or more dangerous? Is fair trade better than unfair trade? When the US reaches its Debt limit and the interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending, it doesn't matter which party is in control, what happens is Medicare goes bankrupt, and Social Security only pays 70% of the promised benefits. So seniors need to save their pennys for the doctor bills when Medicare goes bankrupt.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.

instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages

Who did that?

The Fed and the Treasury.

How Bundles of Loans Created the Financial Crisis

Thanks for the link (is that supposed to be a decent source?)
What does it have to do with the claim that "the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages"?

It was until the Fed and the Treasury started buying these CDOs that a semblance of functioning returned to the financial markets.

The Fed didn't buy any CDOs, neither did the Treasury.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.
/——/ Well as Obozo taught us Gubmint interference is the ticket to a long protracted recession. Just let the market correct itself.
Lol what Obama taught us is that a giant recession can at least start reversing in 9 months. After all, we were losing 500,000 jobs per month on average.

And yet nobody on the left can point to one policy DumBama implemented that turned the tides. Industry creates jobs--not government. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for them to create jobs. And let's be honest here: DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.

instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages

Who did that?

The Fed and the Treasury.

How Bundles of Loans Created the Financial Crisis

Thanks for the link (is that supposed to be a decent source?)
What does it have to do with the claim that "the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages"?

It was until the Fed and the Treasury started buying these CDOs that a semblance of functioning returned to the financial markets.

The Fed didn't buy any CDOs, neither did the Treasury.

Treasury and Federal Reserve Purchase Programs | Federal Housing Finance Agency
Economiets predict we could have a global crisis that will be worse than the last recession by 2020. This won’t be Trump’s fault. These signs aren’t related to his policies.

However, the question is how republicans will respond to the crisis. Tax cuts? Deregulation? It’s frankly childish to assume these will resolve such a crisis, especially since Trump has already done both of those things and the recession is expected to happen anyway.

It really should scare people that the GOP will be in power during such a crisis. They literally have nothing else to offer the economy besides those policies. Part of what will drive the recession is low wages not producing enough consumer spending. The GOP doesn’t give a shit about consumer spending. If they did, they would focus on strengthing the middle class rather than giving the fat cats more money. There are too few fat cats in this country to actually stimulate the demand side of the economy.

You can cherry pick theoretical economists any way you want.

There were lots calling for good times ahead as we headed into the 2008 recession.

I heard others saying that we really hadn't fixed the real estate crisis because instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages, bailouts, quantitative easing, and ridiculously low interest rates.

So you "economists predicts" is silly and everything that follows is therefore baseless.

instead of letting the market clear the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages

Who did that?

The Fed and the Treasury.

How Bundles of Loans Created the Financial Crisis

Thanks for the link (is that supposed to be a decent source?)
What does it have to do with the claim that "the market was propped up by exchanging treasuries for crappy mortgages"?

It was until the Fed and the Treasury started buying these CDOs that a semblance of functioning returned to the financial markets.

The Fed didn't buy any CDOs, neither did the Treasury.

Treasury and Federal Reserve Purchase Programs | Federal Housing Finance Agency

Thanks for the link.

The Fed didn't buy any CDOs, neither did the Treasury.

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