"When the next pandemic occurs (and make no mistake, it will) and the federal government is unable to..."

"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Swartz was correct about there being a next pandemic

but mistaken about the feds being unable to respond

The federal government's response has been a let down from the beginning. They'e lead from behind, created confusion and driven prices up for the states to purchase valuable life saving equipment. Flat footed on testing and still haven't caught up.


trump has been on top of the chinese disease from the beginning

The only thing the asswipePINO has been on top of is reducing taxes for the wealthy. If I receive another tax cut, the feds will be sending me a check every month.
he's handling this pandemic better than any dem could !
Six weeks after we locked down and 12 weeks after Trump's travel ban on China (sorta)...we still don't have tests

And South Korea DID
weve tested more than any country on the planet including the chicoms !

The testing has been pathetic. In 15 states, we've tested fewer than 20,000 people.

New York, the state with the most deaths, has tested only half a million folks.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

WTF two years ago who gives a shit. I can predict that a meteor will fall out of the sky in two years and hit Nebraska. If it happens, I'm a genius. If it doesn't, nobody will remember. Get the hell out of here with this shit.

I predicted the market crash and told everyone on here to get out when it was still at 29. I'm willing to bet you "give a shit" now. You really need to listen to people that are smarter than you, which would be almost everyone.

I also predicted that the asswipePINO would be bad for you. You've now been reduced from middle class, to poor with credit. You really need to listen to people that are smarter than you, which would be almost everyone.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Meanwhile in February of this year, Dems were telling people to go out to events and hang out with Chinese, because xenophobia was a bigger threat than a virus.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Meanwhile in February of this year, Dems were telling people to go out to events and hang out with Chinese, because xenophobia was a bigger threat than a virus.

The Democrats admitted they were wrong. Still waiting for the asswipePINO.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Swartz was correct about there being a next pandemic

but mistaken about the feds being unable to respond

The federal government's response has been a let down from the beginning. They'e lead from behind, created confusion and driven prices up for the states to purchase valuable life saving equipment. Flat footed on testing and still haven't caught up.


trump has been on top of the chinese disease from the beginning

The only thing the asswipePINO has been on top of is reducing taxes for the wealthy. If I receive another tax cut, the feds will be sending me a check every month.

You sure are full of hate

being wound so tight is not good for your health
Thousands of unchecked people at an airport forced by your blob to stand on top of one another during a viral outbreak and then, amazingly, the areas around the airports have high numbers of viral infections. Who’d a thunk it!

You've beaten this poor horse to death many times before. When is enough, enough?

How did those crowds come to be in those airport concourses? Oh right, they arrived crammed together, shoulder to shoulder in a tiny aluminum tube circulating the same air for hours on end.

Your constant whining about the same strawman is really boring!
Thousands of unchecked people at an airport forced by your blob to stand on top of one another during a viral outbreak and then, amazingly, the areas around the airports have high numbers of viral infections. Who’d a thunk it!

You've beaten this poor horse to death many times before. When is enough, enough?

How did those crowds come to be in those airport concourses? Oh right, they arrived crammed together, shoulder to shoulder in a tiny aluminum tube circulating the same air for hours on end.

Your constant whining about the same strawman is really boring!

Yet here you are commenting on it; again.

It's a misnomer that air circulates in an aircraft.

As for the airlines, we can't control what British airways does or what Lufthansa does. The blob can control what happens once they get here. And he fucked up, bigly. At least you no longer argue that he didn't.
having enough screeeners on the ground in place and ready to address the hordes.

Having more airports open to disperse the travelers so you didn’t have such a poor ratio of traveler to screener.

Have the flights land overnight when the airports are closer to empty

Steer flights when its practical to military bases where mil docs can do the screening.

Just for starters.

The only thing your blob and drones like you cared about was immigration And the threat it supposedly posed. I guess that only applied to Mexicans? You actually could tell British Airways or Luft to hold off on their flights thus stemming the tide of people coming through our ports of entry.

so your premise is flawed as well

Proud of your ignorance and desperation, aren't you?

Yet here you are commenting on it; again.

It's a misnomer that air circulates in an aircraft.

As for the airlines, we can't control what British airways does or what Lufthansa does. The blob can control what happens once they get here. And he fucked up, bigly. At least you no longer argue that he didn't.

Air doesn't circulate in an airliner? WOW, who knew?

And no one is within 6 feet of each other, touching each other, coughing, sneezing, breathing, handling the same objects....

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Yet here you are commenting on it; again.

It's a misnomer that air circulates in an aircraft.

As for the airlines, we can't control what British airways does or what Lufthansa does. The blob can control what happens once they get here. And he fucked up, bigly. At least you no longer argue that he didn't.

Air doesn't circulate in an airliner? WOW, who knew?

And no one is within 6 feet of each other, touching each other, coughing, sneezing, breathing, handling the same objects....


Again, the blob cannot control what airlines do. It can control what it does and it fucked up royally by forcing unscreened travelers to stand with other travelers for hours on end at airports around the nation. Thus resulting in outbreaks in cities that took the flights.

But keep up with the cartoons; it shows everyone where you quit school at--3rd grade was it? LOL
The testing has been pathetic. In 15 states, we've tested fewer than 20,000 people.

Really? We've only done 20,000 tests? WOW!

Ignorance is your stock-in-trade, is it not?


Reading isn't your strong suit is it?

"In 15 states, we've tested fewer than 20,000 people."
The testing has been pathetic. In 15 states, we've tested fewer than 20,000 people.

Really? We've only done 20,000 tests? WOW!

Ignorance is your stock-in-trade, is it not?


Thanks for posting the chart though...it does point out that we've tested like 1% of our 330 Million plus population. The blob is fucking that up too.
Hoe many times has this whole "pandemic response team" bullshit been debunked?
Your blob doesn’t hire the best people? Oh yeah, he disbanded the response team. Disregard.
You are all idiots. The dept still exists, it just got merged.
Its like if he merged all branches of the military into one, you idiots would say he disbanded the air force.
Good fucking gawd
Thousands of unchecked people at an airport forced by your blob to stand on top of one another during a viral outbreak and then, amazingly, the areas around the airports have high numbers of viral infections. Who’d a thunk it!

in order to PROVE your theory, you'd have to normalize EVERY statistic to "per capita"..,. OBVIOUSLY the denser the population the MORE red that chart will be... THEN -- you'd have to account for confounding parameters -- like

reliance on mass transit/cabs
housing density
availability and frequency of mass public gatherings.
a mental midget mayor who DENIED A CRISIS until everyone including the gov was SCREAMING...

AND THEN -- you'd to offer explanations for the OUTLIERS like Atlanta, DFW, Chicago, that didn't "bloom" like NYC or LA...


Its easy to match up the counties that have the most cases to the airports where they are located. Unless you believe there were other factors at work. Mass transit did play a huge part in the Northeast. Your blob stacking passengers up like chordwood in the airports didn’t help.

I agree that did not help... But what was the alternative? Folks as US CITIZENS HAD to come home from abroad.. They could not fly to Topeka...

having enough screeeners on the ground in place and ready to address the hordes.

Having more airports open to disperse the travelers so you didn’t have such a poor ratio of traveler to screener.

Have the flights land overnight when the airports are closer to empty

Steer flights when its practical to military bases where mil docs can do the screening.

Just for starters.

The only thing your blob and drones like you cared about was immigration And the threat it supposedly posed. I guess that only applied to Mexicans? You actually could tell British Airways or Luft to hold off on their flights thus stemming the tide of people coming through our ports of entry.

so your premise is flawed as well

Those 13 airports handle about 85% of Intl passengers.. The other "intl" airports have TINY customs and immigration halls... There WAS no way to "offload"..

Steering to military bases would not be a quick fix.. Since there would have to be NORMAL CUSTOMS people/equipment MOVED THERE.. The "screening" was taking temperatures and INTERVIEWING, but the PROCESS was also Customs checkin... And then "Connecting FLIGHTS" would have been a fucking disaster..

These people "crammed in line:" just got out of metal TUBE after 14 hours of being CRAMMED in there.. Damage was already done... IDEALLY -- the ones with Covid should have been QUARANTINED IN PLACE (normal customs/immigration practice).. So ONLY the big cities would have opportunities to "lock up" that many people on short notice...
Hoe many times has this whole "pandemic response team" bullshit been debunked?
Your blob doesn’t hire the best people? Oh yeah, he disbanded the response team. Disregard.
You are all idiots. The dept still exists, it just got merged.
Its like if he merged all branches of the military into one, you idiots would say he disbanded the air force.
Good fucking gawd
The pandemic response team
Thousands of unchecked people at an airport forced by your blob to stand on top of one another during a viral outbreak and then, amazingly, the areas around the airports have high numbers of viral infections. Who’d a thunk it!

in order to PROVE your theory, you'd have to normalize EVERY statistic to "per capita"..,. OBVIOUSLY the denser the population the MORE red that chart will be... THEN -- you'd have to account for confounding parameters -- like

reliance on mass transit/cabs
housing density
availability and frequency of mass public gatherings.
a mental midget mayor who DENIED A CRISIS until everyone including the gov was SCREAMING...

AND THEN -- you'd to offer explanations for the OUTLIERS like Atlanta, DFW, Chicago, that didn't "bloom" like NYC or LA...


Its easy to match up the counties that have the most cases to the airports where they are located. Unless you believe there were other factors at work. Mass transit did play a huge part in the Northeast. Your blob stacking passengers up like chordwood in the airports didn’t help.

I agree that did not help... But what was the alternative? Folks as US CITIZENS HAD to come home from abroad.. They could not fly to Topeka...

having enough screeeners on the ground in place and ready to address the hordes.

Having more airports open to disperse the travelers so you didn’t have such a poor ratio of traveler to screener.

Have the flights land overnight when the airports are closer to empty

Steer flights when its practical to military bases where mil docs can do the screening.

Just for starters.

The only thing your blob and drones like you cared about was immigration And the threat it supposedly posed. I guess that only applied to Mexicans? You actually could tell British Airways or Luft to hold off on their flights thus stemming the tide of people coming through our ports of entry.

so your premise is flawed as well

Those 13 airports handle about 85% of Intl passengers.. The other "intl" airports have TINY customs and immigration halls... There WAS no way to "offload"..

Steering to military bases would not be a quick fix.. Since there would have to be NORMAL CUSTOMS people/equipment MOVED THERE.. The "screening" was taking temperatures and INTERVIEWING, but the PROCESS was also Customs checkin... And then "Connecting FLIGHTS" would have been a fucking disaster..

These people "crammed in line:" just got out of metal TUBE after 14 hours of being CRAMMED in there.. Damage was already done... IDEALLY -- the ones with Covid should have been QUARANTINED IN PLACE (normal customs/immigration practice).. So ONLY the big cities would have opportunities to "lock up" that many people on short notice...
Damage was already done to the thousands of other passengers they came into contact with at the airports already? Yeah, you’re full of shit.

Houston (for one) has a massive international airport. Been there hundreds of times. Minneapolis has a massive airport. As does Orlando. Yeah, you’re full of shit

Landing passengers at military bases would not be ideal but it was safer than what your blob did.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Wow! How fucking prophetic. What a fuckup Drumpf is. How anyone with a brain can call that pathetic excuse for a potus a leader is beyond me.

Fvck Don Trump and the entire american economic/political system that hid what was coming from the people while the donor class was warned and the substantial people got their insider trading wrapped up sodomizing yet again the 401K working and underclasses. Our "way of life" has sentenced tens of thousands to death, while we the people were told it was all "a hoax". This is far from the first time the american power structure has cleansed the land of those it deemed hampering the "progress" of capital.

I alone decide when I "open up", not an entitled entrenched aristocracy known to slaughter across the globe with no regard for human life.

Fvck capital.
"...respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why."

-- Stephen Schwartz

Look at the date....


Actual tweet here...

Trump was warned folks. He. was. warned.

Here is another warning to Biden and Democrats should they win in November. Look at today’s date: “Neither China nor the World Health Organization can be trusted.” Convince me otherwise.

There is no point in attempting to enlighten a "believer" never is, by definition. Please continue to put your faith in a power structure that knowingly sentenced tens of thousands of americans to death.

You people can quibble over your personalities if you like.

Look around. The popo/"law enforcement" has been militarized. We already have the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind, some as a for profit enterprise with stocks traded on Wall Street with inmate labor leased out to corporations - slavery IS legal once convicted. The public has been desensitized to the police gunning down unarmed citizens with impunity. The public has been acclimated to for profit internment/concentration camps for "illegals". The US has a military presence in 70% of the nations on the planet while we support 73% of the world's dictatorships. We foment societal destabilizations all over the globe in the interests of capital.

We're merely the new "indian". Think of COVID-19 as our smallpox laden blankets and bibles.

This economic system has never been intended to work for all of us. Capital cannot abide too many have nots milling around their gated enclaves. The history of empires in decline is indeed worth revisiting.

America has no national character, it runs upon graft, corruption, gaslighting and 21st century Edward L Bernaysish corporate state mass media manipulation.

Capital saw an opportunity, look at the demographics most impacted. It's just cleansing time again in "the new world", the North American continent.

Same as it ever was.

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