When the nightmare that is Trumpery is over..........

Let me guess -
That is from a Blog written by someone who has opinions that are as crazy as yours?
This is from a website run by lawyers. In the case of the article I used the material was taken directly from the Mueller report to substantiate their conclusions using legal analysis. Something you'd know if you had read the report.

"The key question is how Robert Mueller and his team assessed the three elements “common to most of the relevant statutes” relating to obstruction of justice: an obstructive act, a nexus between the act and an official proceeding, and corrupt intent. As Mueller describes, the special counsel’s office “gathered evidence … relevant to the elements of those crimes and analyzed them within an elements framework—while refraining from reaching ultimate conclusions about whether crimes were committed,” because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)’s guidelines against the indictment of a sitting president."

Any time you'd like to begin your refutation of the examples of obstruction listed in the article please do. Otherwise, what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.

Describes your post perfectly -
what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.
The shit they claim trump did that was so evil pales in comparison to what Democrats do. They believe trump put kids in cages while giving obama, who built the cages for kids, a total pass.
The difference in the matter is Obama using "cages" (chain link fencing) was done as a stopgap measure due to the system being overwhelmed. Trump's use of the same means to hold the immigrants was done by design. Trump went on to separate the kids from their parents without an adequate system to reunite them.
Americans get arrested and separated from their families all the time.

Democrats be like, sneak into America with a kid and get in free.

If Democrats fought for Americans as hard as they fight for foreign nationals sneaking into America they would never lose an election.
Let me guess -
That is from a Blog written by someone who has opinions that are as crazy as yours?
This is from a website run by lawyers. In the case of the article I used the material was taken directly from the Mueller report to substantiate their conclusions using legal analysis. Something you'd know if you had read the report.

"The key question is how Robert Mueller and his team assessed the three elements “common to most of the relevant statutes” relating to obstruction of justice: an obstructive act, a nexus between the act and an official proceeding, and corrupt intent. As Mueller describes, the special counsel’s office “gathered evidence … relevant to the elements of those crimes and analyzed them within an elements framework—while refraining from reaching ultimate conclusions about whether crimes were committed,” because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)’s guidelines against the indictment of a sitting president."

Any time you'd like to begin your refutation of the examples of obstruction listed in the article please do. Otherwise, what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.

1st paragraph - so?
2nd Paragraph - Successfully refuted by Robert Mueller
3rd Paragraph - No obstruction actually committed -
The shit they claim trump did that was so evil pales in comparison to what Democrats do. They believe trump put kids in cages while giving obama, who built the cages for kids, a total pass.
The difference in the matter is Obama using "cages" (chain link fencing) was done as a stopgap measure due to the system being overwhelmed. Trump's use of the same means to hold the immigrants was done by design. Trump went on to separate the kids from their parents without an adequate system to reunite them.
Americans get arrested and separated from their families all the time.

Democrats be like, sneak into America with a kid and get in free.

If Democrats fought for Americans as hard as they fight for foreign nationals sneaking into America they would never lose an election.

See there is the problem.

Fighting for Americans make Americans stronger -
Stronger Americans do not vote for Democrats.
Being an American and voting for Democrats means you are useful idiot advocating for your own enslavement.
Describes your post perfectly -
what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.
So I take it you refuse to directly address the facts outlined in the Lawfare article? Because refusing to do so pretty much exposes you for the worthless fraud you are. And it makes everything you've written on the subject nothing but empty word salad.
Describes your post perfectly -
what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.
So I take it you refuse to directly address the facts outlined in the Lawfare article? Because refusing to do so pretty much exposes you for the worthless fraud you are. And it makes everything you've written on the subject nothing but empty word salad.
Says the Chinese troll who also posts as BWK. You calling someone else a fraud is rich.
1st paragraph - so?
2nd Paragraph - Successfully refuted by Robert Mueller
3rd Paragraph - No obstruction actually committed -
Is that it? Is that your refutation? Jeeeez. Why not just be honest and admit you have no idea what you're talking about. Your knowledge of the matter is nothing more than a collection of erroneous talking points. There is no depth to it.

J. Conduct toward Flynn, Manafort, and unknown individual (Stone?)

Obstructive act (p. 131): “The President’s actions toward witnesses … would qualify as obstructive if they had the natural tendency to prevent particular witnesses from testifying truthfully, or otherwise would have the probable effect of influencing, delaying, or preventing their testimony to law enforcement.” Though Trump’s lawyers exchange with Flynn’s lawyers “could have had the potential to affect Flynn’s decision to cooperate,” Mueller “could not determine” whether Trump had any knowledge of or involvement in the exchange. Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”

Nexus (p. 132): Trump’s actions toward all three individuals “appear to have been connected to pending or anticipated official proceedings involving each individual.”

Intent (p. 132): “Evidence concerning the President’s intent related to Flynn as a potential witness is inconclusive.” But “[e]vidence … indicates that the President intended to encourage Manafort not to cooperate with the government,” though “there are alternative explanations” for Trump’s comments during the Manafort trial.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Yes, there needs to be a Truth and Reconcilliation Tribunal, in regards to police brutality. Just like South Africa. That has nothing to do with Trumpery, but with the racism and segregation which is a cancer on the American soul.

In regards to Donald Trump, Barr needs to be prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice. Mnuchin, and the others who enable Ukraine, and the fiscal abuses of the Trump Administration, should be jailed.

Last but not least, the House and Senate needs to restrict the power of the President so that the abuses we've seen in the Trump Administration doesn't happen.
1st paragraph - so?
2nd Paragraph - Successfully refuted by Robert Mueller
3rd Paragraph - No obstruction actually committed -
Is that it? Is that your refutation? Jeeeez. Why not just be honest and admit you have no idea what you're talking about. Your knowledge of the matter is nothing more than a collection of erroneous talking points. There is no depth to it.

J. Conduct toward Flynn, Manafort, and unknown individual (Stone?)

Obstructive act (p. 131): “The President’s actions toward witnesses … would qualify as obstructive if they had the natural tendency to prevent particular witnesses from testifying truthfully, or otherwise would have the probable effect of influencing, delaying, or preventing their testimony to law enforcement.” Though Trump’s lawyers exchange with Flynn’s lawyers “could have had the potential to affect Flynn’s decision to cooperate,” Mueller “could not determine” whether Trump had any knowledge of or involvement in the exchange. Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”

Nexus (p. 132): Trump’s actions toward all three individuals “appear to have been connected to pending or anticipated official proceedings involving each individual.”

Intent (p. 132): “Evidence concerning the President’s intent related to Flynn as a potential witness is inconclusive.” But “[e]vidence … indicates that the President intended to encourage Manafort not to cooperate with the government,” though “there are alternative explanations” for Trump’s comments during the Manafort trial.
Typical BWK all copy and pastes and zero originality. Chinese Troll farmer.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
so now you don't know what the kkk is? wow. keep practicing.
what does the clan have to do with what i said dumbass?...im sure your reasoning will be comical.....
You’re affiliated with them.
lol i dont think the clan would want someone of my ethnicity hanging with them....what else you you got asswipe?....
Four more years... then separate, one successful nation for the white wingers, and other being the shithole.
That has nothing to do with Trumpery, but with the racism and segregation which is a cancer on the American soul.
Clearly Trump is not responsible for the institutional, systemic racism that has existed for centuries.

OTOH, he has not only made it worse but put an end to the reforms for the police Obama put in place before he left office as a result of the events in Ferguson.
then separate, one successful nation for the white wingers
You morons will be living in caves in the dark within 20 years.

Well, actually we won't.

While you fuckers are so prone to yell about how many scientists are not republicans....

I can assure you that most engineers are.

So, I think you'll be the ones searching for shelter when the split happens.

Your remaining engineers will pretty quickly figure out what a bunch useless dolts you are.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Yes, there needs to be a Truth and Reconcilliation Tribunal, in regards to police brutality. Just like South Africa. That has nothing to do with Trumpery, but with the racism and segregation which is a cancer on the American soul.

In regards to Donald Trump, Barr needs to be prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice. Mnuchin, and the others who enable Ukraine, and the fiscal abuses of the Trump Administration, should be jailed.

Last but not least, the House and Senate needs to restrict the power of the President so that the abuses we've seen in the Trump Administration doesn't happen.

The only cancer on the American soul are the American's that hate America.

We are the one country that went to war with itself to abolish slavery.
There are an estimated 40 Million actual slaves in the world right now.

None, Zero point fucking Zero in The United States of America.

You clearly have no idea how our system works - stay the fuck on your side of the border.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
so now you don't know what the kkk is? wow. keep practicing.
what does the clan have to do with what i said dumbass?...im sure your reasoning will be comical.....
You’re affiliated with them.
lol i dont think the clan would want someone of my ethnicity hanging with them....what else you you got asswipe?....
And yet you vote for them. That’s hilarious
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
so now you don't know what the kkk is? wow. keep practicing.
what does the clan have to do with what i said dumbass?...im sure your reasoning will be comical.....
You’re affiliated with them.
lol i dont think the clan would want someone of my ethnicity hanging with them....what else you you got asswipe?....
And yet you vote for them. That’s hilarious
whats hilarious is the bullshit a dipshit like you throws around....if you had a brain popeye you might be considered sentient....yea i know its a big word....look it up.....dumbass...lol
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

I'd be satisfied if anyone associated with the current administration present or past not be allowed near politics for the rest of their existence on this planet. That goes for the useless Senate and House Republicans as well. Time to show the GOP the door.
whats hilarious is the bullshit a dipshit like you throws around....if you had a brain popeye you might be considered sentient....yea i know its a big word....look it up.....dumbass...lol

what was bullshit? You vote for kkk

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