When the nightmare that is Trumpery is over..........

when its over we will just move into a new nightmare called "bidenism".....


Just imagine a mentally frail President Biden being "guided" by his woke VP and by his woke Cabinet and by Nancy "kneeling" Pelosi (who will be begging to keep the Speakership).

It sends shudders down one's spine!
It won't be Biden running the administration
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.
Thank god for the second amendment protects patriots
Per Robert Mueller his investigation did not uncover impeachable offenses.
The House Inquiry and Impeachment did not find any impeachable offenses.
Robert Mueller made an impromptu press statement that clarified that OLC guidelines were not a factor in his findings.
It is correct that the jury made up of the Senate did not vote to call witnesses - which makes sense since juries do not call witnesses.
Your post perfectly exemplifies the threat America faces. Namely, that millions of people have been duped in to believing lies coming from Trump and right wing media.

Mueller outlines about a dozen instances of Trump's obstruction of his investigation. Four of which meet all the criteria for prosecution detailed here............https://www.lawfareblog.com/obstruction-justice-mueller-report-heat-map

Uninformed idiots like you are responsible for the governmental dysfunction in this country because you and those like you are willing to vote for fools who want government to fail and then make sure it does.
The Hussein called for the civil war in Libya, actively supporting terrorists there. As well as Egypt(thankfully that failed), and of course Syria, where he actively supported terrorist groups to overthrow a leader and nation that never attacked us.

He then spied on the Donald, which is currently under investigation.
I'm just wondering, would you like to try to substantiate the lies you told in that post?

Is this in the right area?
Everything said there is documented.
Per Robert Mueller his investigation did not uncover impeachable offenses.
The House Inquiry and Impeachment did not find any impeachable offenses.
Robert Mueller made an impromptu press statement that clarified that OLC guidelines were not a factor in his findings.
It is correct that the jury made up of the Senate did not vote to call witnesses - which makes sense since juries do not call witnesses.
Your post perfectly exemplifies the threat America faces. Namely, that millions of people have been duped in to believing lies coming from Trump and right wing media.

Mueller outlines about a dozen instances of Trump's obstruction of his investigation. Four of which meet all the criteria for prosecution detailed here............https://www.lawfareblog.com/obstruction-justice-mueller-report-heat-map

Uninformed idiots like you are responsible for the governmental dysfunction in this country because you and those like you are willing to vote for fools who want government to fail and then make sure it does.

Truly uniformed Idiots like you would be taken out in the virtual street and stomped to an internet death if you didn't have other brain dead bubble people nodding their braindead fucking heads a you.

Mueller stated that he had all the resources, time and authority to complete his investigation and that he was not impeded.
You pieces of shit are something else.

The sudden influx was due to the boy President telling criminal aliens to come and overwhelm the system.

Then pieces of shit like you say, you can't blame that boy -
Do you honestly imagine that your disparagement of Obama while lying about the cause of the influx of young immigrants is going to be believed by anyone but misinformed nitwits like yourself?
You pieces of shit are something else.

The sudden influx was due to the boy President telling criminal aliens to come and overwhelm the system.

Then pieces of shit like you say, you can't blame that boy -
Do you honestly imagine that your disparagement of Obama while lying about the cause of the influx of young immigrants is going to be believed by anyone but misinformed nitwits like yourself?

Everyone not in some stupid bubble remembers Obama advertising for criminal aliens to come -
It's documented.
Mueller stated that he had all the resources, time and authority to complete his investigation and that he was not impeded.
Are you really that stupid or is this purposeful deceit? Mueller said no one in the DOJ impeded his investigation when questioned about whether he was restricted in any way. That statement has nothing to do with the examples of Trump's obstruction he details in his report.
After the Democrats get trump they are coming for his supporters.

Democrats believe everything American is racist, and that's why everything American must be destroyed.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.
Mueller stated that he had all the resources, time and authority to complete his investigation and that he was not impeded.
I love bashing fucking morons like you around the board. Here are two examples of trump's obstruction. Please try not to cry.

E. Efforts to fire Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 87): Former White House Counsel Don McGahn is a “credible witness” in providing evidence that Trump indeed attempted to fire Mueller. This “would qualify as an obstructive act” if the firing “would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.”

Nexus (p. 89): “Substantial evidence” indicates that, at this point, Trump was aware that “his conduct was under investigation by a federal prosecutor who could present any evidence of federal crimes to a grand jury.”

Intent (p. 89): “Substantial evidence indicates that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involved the President’s conduct[.]”

F. Efforts to curtail Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 97): Trump’s effort to force Sessions to confine the investigation to only investigating future election interference “would qualify as an obstructive act if it would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.” “Taken together, the President’s directives indicate that Sessions was being instructed to tell the Special Counsel to end the existing investigation into the President and his campaign[.]”

Nexus (p. 97): At the relevant point, “the existence of a grand jury investigation supervised by the Special Counsel was public knowledge.”

Intent (p. 97): “Substantial evidence” indicates that Trump’s efforts were “intended to prevent further investigative structiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”
Democrats literally believe trump is some kinda Russian spy. Very stupid people. If you take one seriously and believe what they say, you're the one that looks dumb.
Mueller stated that he had all the resources, time and authority to complete his investigation and that he was not impeded.
I love bashing fucking morons like you around the board. Here are two examples of trump's obstruction. Please try not to cry.

E. Efforts to fire Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 87): Former White House Counsel Don McGahn is a “credible witness” in providing evidence that Trump indeed attempted to fire Mueller. This “would qualify as an obstructive act” if the firing “would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.”

Nexus (p. 89): “Substantial evidence” indicates that, at this point, Trump was aware that “his conduct was under investigation by a federal prosecutor who could present any evidence of federal crimes to a grand jury.”

Intent (p. 89): “Substantial evidence indicates that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involved the President’s conduct[.]”

F. Efforts to curtail Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 97): Trump’s effort to force Sessions to confine the investigation to only investigating future election interference “would qualify as an obstructive act if it would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.” “Taken together, the President’s directives indicate that Sessions was being instructed to tell the Special Counsel to end the existing investigation into the President and his campaign[.]”

Nexus (p. 97): At the relevant point, “the existence of a grand jury investigation supervised by the Special Counsel was public knowledge.”

Intent (p. 97): “Substantial evidence” indicates that Trump’s efforts were “intended to prevent further investigative structiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”

Let me guess -
That is from a Blog written by someone who has opinions that are as crazy as yours?
The shit they claim trump did that was so evil pales in comparison to what Democrats do. They believe trump put kids in cages while giving obama, who built the cages for kids, a total pass.
when its over we will just move into a new nightmare called "bidenism".....


Just imagine a mentally frail President Biden being "guided" by his woke VP and by his woke Cabinet and by Nancy "kneeling" Pelosi (who will be begging to keep the Speakership).

It sends shudders down one's spine!
It won't be Biden running the administration

That is for sure!

It will be run by supporters of that so-called "movement" whose three initials I refuse to say or write.
Let me guess -
That is from a Blog written by someone who has opinions that are as crazy as yours?
This is from a website run by lawyers. In the case of the article I used the material was taken directly from the Mueller report to substantiate their conclusions using legal analysis. Something you'd know if you had read the report.

"The key question is how Robert Mueller and his team assessed the three elements “common to most of the relevant statutes” relating to obstruction of justice: an obstructive act, a nexus between the act and an official proceeding, and corrupt intent. As Mueller describes, the special counsel’s office “gathered evidence … relevant to the elements of those crimes and analyzed them within an elements framework—while refraining from reaching ultimate conclusions about whether crimes were committed,” because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)’s guidelines against the indictment of a sitting president."

Any time you'd like to begin your refutation of the examples of obstruction listed in the article please do. Otherwise, what you write is nothing more than a pile of opinionated horseshit.
If the Mueller report was worth a damn, Democrats would have impeached trump for it.

If you buy the Democrat propaganda like this obstruction BS, you're an idiot.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.
Good GOD, you are a fucking ass-hurt little twat!

Okay. Let's play your stupid game.

Before Trump leaves office, he should hang the entirety prior administration, including Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, etc., all the way down to Michelle Obama's house boy.

The entire Obama administration should be summarily executed, not because they are filthy communist fuck twinkle-toed cocksucking criminals trying to fundamentally change America into a commie shit hole, but because the country needs to return to a sense of normalcy, and non-communist bullshit.

How's that sound?


The shit they claim trump did that was so evil pales in comparison to what Democrats do. They believe trump put kids in cages while giving obama, who built the cages for kids, a total pass.
The difference in the matter is Obama using "cages" (chain link fencing) was done as a stopgap measure due to the system being overwhelmed. Trump's use of the same means to hold the immigrants was done by design. Trump went on to separate the kids from their parents without an adequate system to reunite them.

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