When The Republicans Lied About A Quick End To Bull Run--To Start Lincoln's Genocide!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Slavery had been embraced in the U. S. Constitution. The Radical Republicans were known to be Abolitionist fanatics, and then they won the White House. A rich Northern property owner could pass along the assets to the heirs. The Southern property owners--the first racial liberals--could free their property. The heirs could watch their security and futures take off for the parts unknown. The newly freed would then become objects of curiosity. The Abolitionists would fail to understand what would happen if the property was free all at once!

So not being of liberal or integrationist sentiments: The Republicans thought the Civil War would be over all at once! The First Battle of Bull Run was a kind of Football level event. People setting all their assets free were likely not thought, really too smart(?)!

Spectators Witness History at Manassas

My, My! Weren't the Radical Republicans a bunch of stupid looking(?). . . .well!

Now there is Affordable Health Care--even with actual health care benefits, in the newly regulated policies.

Is it any wonder that millions think they were lied to(?).

Lincoln would manage to kill about 750,000 White People--about 190,000 every year, before it was over!

"Honest Abe," would become a Legend of the West--and even in the history books!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes, even, would glory in tale of bow and arrow using archer--decimating fruity things from young brave's hair!)

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