When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

How do we accomplish this. A very interesting question that deserves three Noble Peace Prizes in a row.

Ironically, I see Gaza as a far lass complicated issue than the West Bank and Jerusalem. Resolving the Gaza issue is quite 'simple' - elimination of Hamas (at least its military part), interim international governing body with its peacekeeping force, and then in say 5 years open and free elections. Lifting all blockades of course and opening it to the world.

The West Bank. It should be a single political entity with Arab and Jewish populations. I don't know what internal political 'boundaries' it should have. To divide it on Arab and Jewish areas with their respective governing bodies and autonomy (I think it won't be accepted by the Arabs); or to make it as unitary state (won't be accepted by the Jews, given the numbers). As a whole, I think that the Jews there should accept that it is 'the Arab state', though having wide and protected rights.

One more complex question that seems to be out of a public discourse is Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries. Without resolving that, any peace agreement isn't possible.
There was one, it was called Oslo, then some Zionist fanatic killed Rabin that was the end of that, those Zionist fanatics are now the Government of Israel.
Ahead Ha-am, a famous Zionist Humanist, said just that!

"...only language the Arabs understand is that of force ..... [They] behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly upon their boundaries, beat them shamefully without reason and even brag about it, and nobody stands to check this contemptible and dangerous tendency." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 7)
Those scumbags blew up a UN run School yesterday with IDSS thugs laughing, the US Marines in WW2 stormed Iwo Jima, Saipan etc the Red Army stormed Berlin in 1945, the IDSS storm Hospitals and Schools.
Those scumbags blew up a UN run School yesterday with IDSS thugs laughing, the US Marines in WW2 stormed Iwo Jima, Saipan etc the Red Army stormed Berlin in 1945, the IDSS storm Hospitals and Schools.
That’s because Hamas has turned UN run schools into ammunition depots And rocket launch sites. As usual you’re full of Islamic propaganda shit.
Are you brain dead?

You said "--- Is that why there are over 400 roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank restricting Palestinian movement"

And I said ---"No worries. Palestinians already have great leadership to help Israel take care of business."
And your point is what?
Israel has done that and more. They have tried over and over and over again for peace and received nothing except terrorism, murder and war in return.
Like the 16 year illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza designed to make their lives a living hell because they didn't vote for one of Israel's kiss-ass minions?
Those scumbags blew up a UN run School yesterday with IDSS thugs laughing, the US Marines in WW2 stormed Iwo Jima, Saipan etc the Red Army stormed Berlin in 1945, the IDSS storm Hospitals and Schools.
And the most moral army in the world invaded Gaza and murdered 18,000 people and left 1.9 million people homeless who have committed no crime.
And the most moral army in the world invaded Gaza and murdered 18,000 people and left 1.9 million people homeless who have committed no crime.
They elected Hamas, Billo, a crime against all humanity throughout all time.

Palestine will ever be known to be
Greater Israel
From the river to the sea.
And the most moral army in the world invaded Gaza and murdered 18,000 people and left 1.9 million people homeless who have committed no crime.
Got news for you.Palestinians & supporters like you should thank Israel for their controlled retaliation. Start a war without warning like Hamas did on Israel & you pay the consequences. Very minor so far considering what we did when our country was attacked without warning. Well over 200,000 dead & others still living while suffering even now from the after effects. Israel has a long way to go to beat that. Don't you agree?


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