When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Every time the Palis go on a rampage and kill Israelis with knives, guns, or cars, Israel's answer is to build. P'raps if the Palis decided to actually try to live peacefully, they'd have less building. There are plenty of videos out there showing the total intransigence of Palestinians to even consider peace. They make it clear that they think that ALL the land is theirs and if they fight long enough, they will get it. Fock'em, let them continue dying as long as that is their attitude.

Stop lying.
Lebanon was 50% Christian before Israel forced tens of thousands of Palestinians out of Israel from 1948-1973. I've seen the refugee camps outside the Beirut airport. We used to vacation in Lebanon just about every year.
Many Americans like the majority of posters to this board, don’t want to know the history of Israeli atrocities or choose to ignore them. All the while bitching and moaning about Arab atrocities. Hypocrites!

You can’t fix stupid.
Lebanon was 50% Christian before Israel forced tens of thousands of Palestinians out of Israel from 1948-1973. I've seen the refugee camps outside the Beirut airport. We used to vacation in Lebanon just about every year.
Hee hee hee! Islamist liar, it was the so called Palestinians that joined their Arab Muslim brethren to commit the ethnic cleansing of Lebanese Christians. In fact Arafat and his goons were known to be the most violent and barbaric of the killers. Lebanon is another country the so called Palestinians called their own. Everywhere they go barbarism and mass murder come with them.

The massacre of the Lebanese Christians in the city of Damur (1976 year) by Islamists from the PLO Yasser Arafat​

Many Americans like the majority of posters to this board, don’t want to know the history of Israeli atrocities or choose to ignore them. All the while bitching and moaning about Arab atrocities. Hypocrites!

You can’t fix stupid.
You’re the completely ignorant one.

The massacre of the Lebanese Christians in the city of Damur (1976 year) by Islamists from the PLO Yasser Arafat

The massacre of the Lebanese Christians in the city of Damur (1976 year) by Islamists from the PLO Yasser Arafat

The destruction of the city of Damour is only one of the links of the genocide of Lebanese Christians, carried out by local Muslims and Druze, who were later joined by Palestinian Palestinian Arabs, and then by pro-Iranian Shiites.

USSR citizens could not find out about it from the Soviet press, their country supported Arafat. Westerners have heard little about this, because the liberal press has little interest in the suffering of non-Muslims.

However, everyone learned about the revenge of Christians in Sabra and Shatila. The Soviet and Western press instantly turned this event into the banner of the struggle against Israel and the melting Christian community in Lebanon.

Damour is located in 20 km. south of Beirut, in the foothills of Lebanon at the highway Sidon - Beirut. On the other side of the highway is the sea coast. There were 25000 Christians in the city, there were five churches, three chapels, seven schools and one hospital, which also served Muslims from neighboring villages.
Propaganda works really well on the uninformed.
Especially on you.

Where he made his bones; digging up Arafat’s Lebanon crimes​

Arafat and his terrorist thugs committed an act of mass exhumation unique in the sordid annals of tomb desecration. The PLO first butchered some 584 of the town’s civilians, then desecrated the Christian cemetery there, digging up coffins, robbing the dead, opening tombs and vaults and scattering bodies and skeletons about the graveyard. Inside a local church, a beaming portrait of Arafat and his AK-47 toting guerrillas was placed over the altar.

At Tel al-Zaatar on August 12, 1976, Arafat’s PLO first subjected the city to an unrestrained orgy of rape, mutilation and murder, then leveled the village, and finally butchered 2-3000 civilians in cold blood in a ferocious artillery barrage while they were trying to escape. As John Bulloch, The Daily Telegraph correspondent in Beirut at the time wrote,

“In their bitterness the Palestinian commanders ordered their artillery to open up on the fringes of the camp with the ostensible objective of hampering the attackers and helping those inside; instead the shells were landing among the hundreds who had got through the perimeter and were trying to escape. When they were told of this, the Palestinians made no attempt to lift their fire: they wanted martyrs”.
Robert Fisk, who was and is no friend of Israel, wrote,

“When Arafat needed martyrs in 1976, he called for a truce around the besieged refugee camp of Tel el-Zaatar, then ordered his commanders in the camp to fire at their right-wing Lebanese Christian enemies. When, as a result, the Phalangists and “Tigers” militia slaughtered their way into Tel el-Zaatar, Arafat opened a “martyrs’ village” for camp widows in the sacked Christian village of Damour. On his first visit, the widows pelted him with stones and rotten fruit. Journalists were ordered away at gunpoint.”
In another interview, published May 30, 2002, Fisk recalled,

“Arafat is a very immoral person, or maybe very amoral. A very cynical man. I remember when the Tal-al-Zaatar refugee camp in Beirut had to surrender to Christian forces in the very brutal Lebanese civil war. They were given permission to surrender with a cease-fire. But at the last moment, Arafat told his men to open fire on the Christian forces who were coming to accept the surrender. I think Arafat wanted more Palestinian “martyrs” in order to publicize the Palestinian position in the war. That was in 1976. Believe me that Arafat is not a changed man.”
Fisk also wrote of the PLO during the siege of Beirut of 1982:

“There was still, even now, an inability within the PLO to admit that the Palestinian presence in Lebanonhad contributed to the nation’s agony. Arafat and his colleagues blithely continued to associate the Phalangists with the forces of “imperialism,” as part of the international conspiracy with which the Arab regimes had always been obsessed. This only helped to encourage the political and religious division of Lebanon.
The trouble in West Beirut was that many Palestinians acted as if they did own this sector of the city. Most [residents of Beirut] would have been as happy as the Israelis to see the PLO leave, providing the guerillas were not replaced by Phalangist militiamen from East Beirut.” (“Pity The Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon,” (1990), p.290)

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