When tolerance is tested


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights. Namely Donald Trump.

But you can at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let its fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. With all the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


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A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights. Namely Donald Trump.

But you can at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


Trans people on the other side of the aisle?

They are called Nazis, by the "tolerant side" of the aisle.
The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Excuse me? How am I being a bigot? Want to explain that to me? Don't you even know what bigotry is? Or do you simply like hurling that invective at me like a ninja with his shuriken?

By the way, thanks for making my point. Stop acting like you own these people, they are free to have their own opinions, even if they differ from the far leftist views you espouse.

Tell me, who is the bigot here? Tis not I.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

The op hates freedom and wants to paint millions of people as undeserving of freedom and rights. Sick.

The op hates freedom and wants to paint millions of people as undeserving of freedom and rights. Sick.


I hate freedom? Explain how. Did anyone read the post or did they just cherrypick it?

Aaaaand this is why I don't post here more often than I do...
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.


You make this easy for me.

If the fringe does not define you, as someone who is gay (you told me once before), then why can't the baker, florist, cakemaker or photographer serve who he please without the fringe making threats against him and ruining his livelihood? What about that Pizzaria in Indiana? Where are you when members of a brutal Islamic cult ruthlessly execute gay people?

If the fringe doesn't define you, why aren't you speaking out against these things? Why aren't members of the gay community out there trying to bridge the divide instead of widening it like you and Carbine are?
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Interesting. Carbine doesn't have the guts to answer any of my questions. She responds with insults instead. First, I'm a bigot, next I'm a Junior RWnut.

But what I'd really like to know is how I'm being bigoted?
The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Excuse me? How am I being a bigot? Want to explain that to me? Don't you even know what bigotry is? Or do you simply like hurling that invective at me like a ninja with his shuriken?

By the way, thanks for making my point. Stop acting like you own these people, they are free to have their own opinions, even if they differ from the far leftist views you espouse.

Tell me, who is the bigot here? Tis not I.
The LGBT community isn’t ‘allowing’ its ‘fringe community’ to define who they are – you’re attempting to define the LGBT community with baseless stereotypes and hasty generalization fallacies, which manifests as bigotry on your part.

And Trump is in fact a threat to the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans – quotation marks omitted, make no mistake about it.
The LGBT community isn’t ‘allowing’ its ‘fringe community’ to define who they are – you’re attempting to define the LGBT community with baseless stereotypes and hasty generalization fallacies, which manifests as bigotry on your part.

Ha. A contrary opinion is equitable to bigotry in your book. Predictable responses from all of you. It's not a hasty generalization fallacy when the lack of protest from the moderate wing speaks for itself...
The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Community has little do with it among intelligent self-respecting individuals of integrity.

It's not what they call you; it's what you answer to.
-- W.C. Fields.​
Roy Moore believes gay sex should be criminalized, and yet you can be almost certain the Republican senate will agree to seat him if he wins that election.

That is my message to gays who choose to be Republicans. You're defined to a great degree by who your friends are.

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