When tolerance is tested

The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Excuse me? How am I being a bigot? Want to explain that to me? Don't you even know what bigotry is? Or do you simply like hurling that invective at me like a ninja with his shuriken?

By the way, thanks for making my point. Stop acting like you own these people, they are free to have their own opinions, even if they differ from the far leftist views you espouse.

Tell me, who is the bigot here? Tis not I.
Forget about him. He';s just another lib troll. It's all he does is troll shit. When I worked at the prison I had 2 decent friends that were gay. I don't think it's normal but if you just accepted them, they were ok.

lol, now that's the ticket.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Most groups are identified by their fringes by outsiders. Conservatives define Libs as irrational and whiny; Libs define conservatives as gun wielding bigots. It’s stereotyping and we all do it.
The op hates freedom and wants to paint millions of people as undeserving of freedom and rights. Sick.


I hate freedom? Explain how. Did anyone read the post or did they just cherrypick it?

Aaaaand this is why I don't post here more often than I do...
You voted for Trump, who made clear his hatred of immigrants and Muslims, who promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women – clearly you wouldn’t have voted for someone unless you agreed with and supported his hateful agenda hostile to the freedom of all the American people.
You could care less about the privacy rights of women. You want to put men in there restrooms and locker rooms.

So which bathroom should the lesbians use?
The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Excuse me? How am I being a bigot? Want to explain that to me? Don't you even know what bigotry is? Or do you simply like hurling that invective at me like a ninja with his shuriken?

By the way, thanks for making my point. Stop acting like you own these people, they are free to have their own opinions, even if they differ from the far leftist views you espouse.

Tell me, who is the bigot here? Tis not I.
The LGBT community isn’t ‘allowing’ its ‘fringe community’ to define who they are – you’re attempting to define the LGBT community with baseless stereotypes and hasty generalization fallacies, which manifests as bigotry on your part.

And Trump is in fact a threat to the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans – quotation marks omitted, make no mistake about it.
How far are you going to go with this? Read an article earlier about a woman with perfect eyesight. Poured drain cleaner in her eyes, because she thought herself as a blind person. How far are you gonna let this crap go, before you get these people help?

How many strawmen do you need to attempt to participate in this debate?

Way to answer my question. How far are you gonna let this thing go?
Lesbians and gays have always been on the fringe. That has nothing to do with hatred and bigotry. It actually is antithetical to Darwinism and natural selection. Of course I do have problems with the lack of transitional fossils in stratum but thats another topic.

No, there is nothing 'antithetical' to Darwinism and natural selection that a certain small percentage of a population of animals, including the human animal, might not in fact reproduce. Where did you get that cockeyed idea? Jeezus!

If a species doesn't reproduce, it becomes extinct. Your argument is flawed.

1. It's reasonable to assume that humans have had a homosexual population within the species for thousands of years. How near extinction are we?

2. Are you arguing that heterosexuals who choose not to reproduce should be relegated to a legal status of second class citizens, and socially ostracized in one way or another as 'abnormal'?

It is abnormal behavior in a psychological context since humans produce offspring through the conception, egg and sperm.

So priests and nuns are engaging in an abnormal behavior that 'decent' society should condemn...???

Yes, it is abnormal.
The op hates freedom and wants to paint millions of people as undeserving of freedom and rights. Sick.


I hate freedom? Explain how. Did anyone read the post or did they just cherrypick it?

Aaaaand this is why I don't post here more often than I do...
You voted for Trump, who made clear his hatred of immigrants and Muslims, who promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women – clearly you wouldn’t have voted for someone unless you agreed with and supported his hateful agenda hostile to the freedom of all the American people.
You could care less about the privacy rights of women. You want to put men in there restrooms and locker rooms.

So which bathroom should the lesbians use?
Women's, you know the gender you are born with, and that you cannot change your DNA.
The op hates freedom and wants to paint millions of people as undeserving of freedom and rights. Sick.


I hate freedom? Explain how. Did anyone read the post or did they just cherrypick it?

Aaaaand this is why I don't post here more often than I do...
You voted for Trump, who made clear his hatred of immigrants and Muslims, who promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women – clearly you wouldn’t have voted for someone unless you agreed with and supported his hateful agenda hostile to the freedom of all the American people.
You could care less about the privacy rights of women. You want to put men in there restrooms and locker rooms.

So which bathroom should the lesbians use?
Women's, you know the gender you are born with, and that you cannot change your DNA.

Really? So the women who are attracted to women should be able to 'invade the privacy' of other women in a public restroom, but men who are not attracted to women shouldn't?

What sense does that make, using your idea of 'sense'?
The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

Excuse me? How am I being a bigot? Want to explain that to me? Don't you even know what bigotry is? Or do you simply like hurling that invective at me like a ninja with his shuriken?

By the way, thanks for making my point. Stop acting like you own these people, they are free to have their own opinions, even if they differ from the far leftist views you espouse.

Tell me, who is the bigot here? Tis not I.
The LGBT community isn’t ‘allowing’ its ‘fringe community’ to define who they are – you’re attempting to define the LGBT community with baseless stereotypes and hasty generalization fallacies, which manifests as bigotry on your part.

And Trump is in fact a threat to the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans – quotation marks omitted, make no mistake about it.
How far are you going to go with this? Read an article earlier about a woman with perfect eyesight. Poured drain cleaner in her eyes, because she thought herself as a blind person. How far are you gonna let this crap go, before you get these people help?

How many strawmen do you need to attempt to participate in this debate?

Way to answer my question. How far are you gonna let this thing go?
He will never stop trolling you. Lesbians should use the female restroom.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

This is a tolerant liberal. Lol

If you think that tolerance should include tolerance of bigotry then you're more fucked up than most of us probably thought.

Got it, it's your way or no way. Tolerance at it's best.
Interesting. Carbine doesn't have the guts to answer any of my questions. She responds with insults instead. First, I'm a bigot, next I'm a Junior RWnut.

But what I'd really like to know is how I'm being bigoted?
I know, being gay is wrong. The way I see it, hate the sin not the sinner. I really don't care what they do, but it seems like they want me to care.

What's the sin of gay marriage?
Homosexuality is the sin. My gosh, how old are you?
I hate freedom? Explain how. Did anyone read the post or did they just cherrypick it?

Aaaaand this is why I don't post here more often than I do...
You voted for Trump, who made clear his hatred of immigrants and Muslims, who promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women – clearly you wouldn’t have voted for someone unless you agreed with and supported his hateful agenda hostile to the freedom of all the American people.
You could care less about the privacy rights of women. You want to put men in there restrooms and locker rooms.

So which bathroom should the lesbians use?
Women's, you know the gender you are born with, and that you cannot change your DNA.

Really? So the women who are attracted to women should be able to 'invade the privacy' of other women in a public restroom, but men who are not attracted to women shouldn't?

What sense does that make, using your idea of 'sense'?
So a grown man changing in a girls locker room is okay? But a lesbian that the girls don't know is gay, shouldn't be allowed to use the girls locker room. Should go change with the boys? That's your reasoning? You're one screwed up individual.
You voted for Trump, who made clear his hatred of immigrants and Muslims, who promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women – clearly you wouldn’t have voted for someone unless you agreed with and supported his hateful agenda hostile to the freedom of all the American people.
You could care less about the privacy rights of women. You want to put men in there restrooms and locker rooms.

So which bathroom should the lesbians use?
Women's, you know the gender you are born with, and that you cannot change your DNA.

Really? So the women who are attracted to women should be able to 'invade the privacy' of other women in a public restroom, but men who are not attracted to women shouldn't?

What sense does that make, using your idea of 'sense'?
So a grown man changing in a girls locker room is okay? But a lesbian that the girls don't know is gay, shouldn't be allowed to use the girls locker room. Should go change with the boys? That's your reasoning? You're one screwed up individual.
The cure is here:

bathrooms for all.jpg
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle.

Except they aren't. The GOP has made a cottage industry of homophobia to keep working class white people voting against their own economic interests.

Uneducated White - "Hey, why did you send my son off to a pointless war and ship my job to China?"

GOP - "Hey, them two fagoots want to get married!"

Uneducated white - "Why, I hates them ka-weers! I'm voting for Bush!"

That was a replay of the 2004 election, in case you missed it.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle.

Except they aren't. The GOP has made a cottage industry of homophobia to keep working class white people voting against their own economic interests.

Uneducated White - "Hey, why did you send my son off to a pointless war and ship my job to China?"

GOP - "Hey, them two fagoots want to get married!"

Uneducated white - "Why, I hates them ka-weers! I'm voting for Bush!"

That was a replay of the 2004 election, in case you missed it.
Lol, the economy sucks.
Obama, let's put men in girls locker rooms.
Let's kill the coal industry, before we have an alternative. You're a hoot.
A true test of tolerance comes when the LGBT community has someone within that community who is a Republican. What some of them seem to forget is that they are fighting for the same rights, but from the other side of the aisle. It's one thing to say "you're wrong, and here's why" whilst laying out a principled argument, it is another to completely marginalize and vilify them for supporting someone you deem as a "threat" to your rights.

Hmph, at least try to be objective. Don't just play the part, just freaking do it. It's not hard. I'm a Christian with gay friends, is being gay against my faith? Well, yes, it is, but am I going to shove that down someone else's throat? No, a friend is a friend no matter who they choose to go to bed with. Being heterosexual, it's quite frankly none of my concern. God made us all.

I just wish sometimes the LGBT community wouldn't let it's fringe elements define who they are. Because there are some truly fine people out there who are gay. It's good to fight for your rights, but it's wrong to fight each other. If you want to be tolerated or better yet accepted in society, start by practicing those things amongst yourselves. All the hatred that gay people deal with, they shouldn't be directing it against one another.

But who am I to lecture? I'll leave this to you to ponder in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, THANKSGIVING. Christmas is a month and half away. Sheesh.


The LGBT community doesn't let the fringe elements define who they are. People like you use the fringe elements to define the LGBT community,

in order to rationalize your own hatred and bigotry.

This is a tolerant liberal. Lol

If you think that tolerance should include tolerance of bigotry then you're more fucked up than most of us probably thought.

So how about people like tigger? She is a proud racist, and very liberal.
How can you say homosexuality is antithetical to Darwinism when entire species of animals can change their gender when necessary?

Is not a species one purpose but to replicate itself? Why would a species choose to remove itself?

If homosexuality were the predominant sexuality you'd have a point and an argument. It's not so you don't.

Species don't experiment with removing themselves from the gene pool. They are either asexual or sexual. That has nothing to do with being gay or lesbian.

Then why make it about gay or lesbian when it comes to marriage equality?

Ok. So lets venture off on this. If two of the same gender cant perpetuate the species, what is there purpose?

Name ONE state in the US that has a reproductive 'purpose' component to its qualifications for a marriage license.

ONE is all I ask.
Lol, the economy sucks.
Obama, let's put men in girls locker rooms.
Let's kill the coal industry, before we have an alternative. You're a hoot.

We have lots of alternatives to Coal, and Coal has been dying for a long time, buddy.

We have less than 30,000 active coal miners in the country. The whole thing is automated, for what little demand there still is, but Trump got stupid people like you thinking the Coal industry is done coming back, Cleetus.
The U.S. is the most tolerant country in the world and crazy angry lefties still whine about freaking wedding cakes for sodomites. You almost gotta laugh that they talk about tolerance for the majority political party.
Lol, the economy sucks.
Obama, let's put men in girls locker rooms.
Let's kill the coal industry, before we have an alternative. You're a hoot.

We have lots of alternatives to Coal, and Coal has been dying for a long time, buddy.

We have less than 30,000 active coal miners in the country. The whole thing is automated, for what little demand there still is, but Trump got stupid people like you thinking the Coal industry is done coming back, Cleetus.
So tell me the alternative that produces as much energy as coal and at a lower price. That you approve of.
Is not a species one purpose but to replicate itself? Why would a species choose to remove itself?

If homosexuality were the predominant sexuality you'd have a point and an argument. It's not so you don't.

Species don't experiment with removing themselves from the gene pool. They are either asexual or sexual. That has nothing to do with being gay or lesbian.

Then why make it about gay or lesbian when it comes to marriage equality?

Ok. So lets venture off on this. If two of the same gender cant perpetuate the species, what is there purpose?

Name ONE state in the US that has a reproductive 'purpose' component to its qualifications for a marriage license.

ONE is all I ask.

Thats irrelevant to the scientific question. Governments change for the better and worse. Our govt also errs on killing life before birth. What other species kills itself intentionally before it is born?

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