When Trump is re-elected in 2020, will Democrats start a second Civil War?

Millennials are too weak, too gay, too lazy, and too stupid & fat to do anything but cry about losing and not getting a participation trophy.

Their parents are just as bad.

No, they won’t, drama queens. The vast and overwhelming majority of the time I see retards gassing on about another civil war it is coming from our more conservatives members here. Ya’ll are living in a fantasy world if you think people of my generation and younger are going to start killing each other for you silly partisans.
Well, you cannot deprive us of hope. I think though you knobs are killing yourselves with heroin, fentanyl and MS 13 at a fairly good rate. We just need you to up your game a bit. 50 Million babies aborted isn’t quite enough.
AIDS fissled out. We might need a Biblical Plague at this point.

No, they won’t, drama queens. The vast and overwhelming majority of the time I see retards gassing on about another civil war it is coming from our more conservatives members here. Ya’ll are living in a fantasy world if you think people of my generation and younger are going to start killing each other for you silly partisans.

The question is, when the inevitable happens and a left-wing government-sponsored suppression of gun and speech rights comes into effect how will targeted American citizens react? Some of them will surely put up a fight, but will the authorities; the police and military, commit to taking innocent lives? If they choose to disregard their orders, will they instead choose to protect those people? If they choose to follow through with their orders, will citizens mount an organized resistance? Big questions to consider.

I’ve been hearing about this inevitability for a couple decades now. It’s overly-dramatic claptrap for fools that get all excited at the thought of killing their fellow countrymen.
Millennials are too weak, too gay, too lazy, and too stupid & fat to do anything but cry about losing and not getting a participation trophy.

Their parents are just as bad.

No, they won’t, drama queens. The vast and overwhelming majority of the time I see retards gassing on about another civil war it is coming from our more conservatives members here. Ya’ll are living in a fantasy world if you think people of my generation and younger are going to start killing each other for you silly partisans.

Fat, pasty-white communist wannabes expect their black and brown allies to do all the fighting for them.
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.
What makes you so sure that donnie will win in 2020? Is the fix in?

Because your party has no platform to run on. "Hate Trump" is not a campaign slogan.

People are working, making money, times are good. People vote their pocketbooks. That's how Trump got elected. He described exactly what he meant by "great" when he said make American great again. And he is doing EXACTLY what he was voted in to do. What makes you think he won't be reelected? Hes been the most honest man to ever take that office. He makes it a PERSONAL goal to keep his campaign promises. Sure he likes to grab pussy and cheat on his wife, but the last president to do that was a democrat and he was reelected.

I'm going to be quite fucking honest with you. Nobody gives a rats ass about climate change. Only a few fringe libtards grab onto that shit and believe it. Nobody believes "Learjet liberals" who insist on flying around in private jets to tell me I have to drive golf carts to work and that cow farts are bad.

The further left you go the more of the country you'll alienate. But that's fine with me.
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.
After taking away healthcare and ruining the lives of millions of Americans including farmers and millions in the Trump base why would you think he would be a re elected?
I don’t believe the “fuk me over“ crowd is a real and reliable base of voters.
The only people talking about civil war are crazy Trumpers.

Republicans always seem right on the edge of violence.
I heard the same things during the Florida recounts in 2000
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.

I'm hoping it happens before that.
Trump being re-elected is not going to stop the inevitable.
Who are you fighting, tough guy?

Americans get a choice of candidates and are not under physical attack for their choice.

Thugs like you need a lesson in civics. The gun has no place in American politics.

Move to Belfast
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.

I'm hoping it happens before that.
Trump being re-elected is not going to stop the inevitable.
Who are you fighting, tough guy?

Americans get a choice of candidates and are not under physical attack for their choice.

Thugs like you need a lesson in civics. The gun has no place in American politics.

Move to Belfast

If you liberals are ready to surrender and let us put the country back together again, I'm fine with that.
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.

I'm hoping it happens before that.
Trump being re-elected is not going to stop the inevitable.
Who are you fighting, tough guy?

Americans get a choice of candidates and are not under physical attack for their choice.

Thugs like you need a lesson in civics. The gun has no place in American politics.

Move to Belfast

If you liberals are ready to surrender and let us put the country back together again, I'm fine with that.
You want one party rule. One idea. No dissent. No debate.

Simple rule for simple, unAmerican minds.

Try Saudi Arabia.
War ???

No way

This is men against women

And the men will win easily

A couple of liberal states like New York may try to rise up. But would be overwhelmed by the men of America

Men will now stop this harmful system because if not the crooked democrats would start world war 111 in order to cover up their crimes !!
It seems possible that if Trump wins in 2020, the Democrats will abandon all reason and God knows what they might do then.

The Democrats have become insane.

You know, as Obama's "legacy" fades away, so do riots. That's not a coincidence.

If they want to try and "Start a Civil War" after buying a gun and 1 box of shells. That's not smart.

A few loons may or may not do some wacky stuff, but no, I don't see Civil War.

If I did, it would give me a chubber. :eek:

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