When trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
Iran nuke deal 2015.png
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Trump is responsible for a whole host of problems.

For example, he killed everyone with Covid. Then he started killing people with global warming. And now this, he has single handedly armed Iran with Nukes. Trump also caused the immigration crisis by not supporting putting bracelts on the ankles of the 20 million immigrants coming across the border. Why without him, everything would have been Ok

Seems to me he should be on trial for these things, what gives? Is it all the White Christian Nationalists who are protecting him from being held accountable for these crimes against humanity?
If America supplied nuclear weapons to the Zionist regime, some other country may consider it fair game to supply Iran.

I still tend to believe that they don't really have them.
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Iran was broke because of Trumps tough sanctions ! now they are flushed with cash as the Briben admin stopped enforcing said sanctions .. thanks to Briben and the idiots that voted for him Iran has 10s of billions more in cash to invest in nukes and terror ..
Trump is responsible for a whole host of problems.

For example, he killed everyone with Covid. Then he started killing people with global warming. And now this, he has single handedly armed Iran with Nukes. Trump also caused the immigration crisis by not supporting putting bracelts on the ankles of the 20 million immigrants coming across the border. Why without him, everything would have been Ok

Seems to me he should be on trial for these things, what gives? Is it all the White Christian Nationalists who are protecting him from being held accountable for these crimes against humanity?
You suck at this. Give it a test.

clue: you're not even half as amusing or funny as you yourself believe. Living in a bubble will do that to ya.
Anyone who thinks that Iran lives up to any treaty or promise is a fool. Biden removed the sanctions, allowing Iran to reap billions and billions in new oil revenue. And that is why the situation in the Holy Land is what it is today.

Never take your eye off the ball.

I don't believe anyone was claiming such.

What are you going on about? Have a point?
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

You mean the one that Iran continued, just without allowing any oversight? The one that Biden funded when he got in office? That nuclear program? Oh gee, I forgot I was responding to Dainty.
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

NO ONE is buying this. Not even the other idiots in your party.

Trump is responsible for a whole host of problems.

For example, he killed everyone with Covid. Then he started killing people with global warming. And now this, he has single handedly armed Iran with Nukes. Trump also caused the immigration crisis by not supporting putting bracelts on the ankles of the 20 million immigrants coming across the border. Why without him, everything would have been Ok

Seems to me he should be on trial for these things, what gives? Is it all the White Christian Nationalists who are protecting him from being held accountable for these crimes against humanity?
That damn Trump caused my tire to get a nail in it and my windshield wipers to fly off.
JCPOA was a bad deal.
You suck at this. Give it a test.

clue: you're not even half as amusing or funny as you yourself believe. Living in a bubble will do that to ya.
I really shouldn't feed the trolls like yourself................really shoudn't................................................shouldn't........................................................

Good story. Trump was quick to start pointing the finger. Yet his action played a key role in what is happening now with his choice to abandon it.

His administration turned their back on the deal.

Trump also applied sanctions on Iran and Russia in 2017
2018 - Iranian hackers did some exploring of the US including some government agencies
Trumps whole 4 years was various agencies sanctioning the Iranians

which drove them to an alignment with Russia

Israel was also on board with it

After it was abandon, Iran restarted their nuclear program. closer ties with Russia, US has approached them under Biden but been given the cold shoulder. Really how can the Trust the US if it flips flop based on who is president

For the US to make a deal it will be costly

2019 US designated Iranian group as terrorists
2019- Trump imposes more sanctions on almost anything that floats in Iran
2020 Trump imposes more sanctions

Gee the link just points to so many sanctions

When Biden became president , he inherited the sanction fever

So the OP is right on. By pulling out Trump just kept government officials busy with sanctions against

So Now the conflict between Israel and Hamas is drawing in Iran

So thanks to DT

Middle east kids can understand this from ET -

We're all going to die and there never going to give me my license
Anyone who thinks that Iran lives up to any treaty or promise is a fool. Biden removed the sanctions, allowing Iran to reap billions and billions in new oil revenue. And that is why the situation in the Holy Land is what it is today.

Never take your eye off the ball.
They were being monitored with real inspectors.

So yeah, maga fuckups love the removal of them.

You may now kiss the ring for your post fuckup.
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Anyone remember this? Tough guy Trump and Iran?

On Jan. 3, 2020, a U.S. missile strike approved by Trump killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who the U.S. government said was planning attacks on Americans.

Days later, Iran hit back by striking a U.S. military base in Iraq. One contractor suffered a serious eye injury, and 110 troops suffered traumatic brain injuries while sheltering in place

Anyone remember this? Tough guy Trump and Iran?

On Jan. 3, 2020, a U.S. missile strike approved by Trump killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who the U.S. government said was planning attacks on Americans.

Days later, Iran hit back by striking a U.S. military base in Iraq. One contractor suffered a serious eye injury, and 110 troops suffered traumatic brain injuries while sheltering in place

Sorry fuck killed and wounded thousands before that.

Glad that POS got taken out.

Why do you always side with the ebemy tard?
Sorry fuck killed and wounded thousands before that.

Glad that POS got taken out.

Why do you always side with the ebemy tard?
Good. Guy was a monster. You're a t'tard. Didn't defend the monster. You suffer severe educational issues.

Now back to tough guy Trump. What did he do after all these Americans got seriously injured?

Days later, Iran hit back by striking a U.S. military base in Iraq. One contractor suffered a serious eye injury, and 110 troops suffered traumatic brain injuries while sheltering in place.


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