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When Trump says win, he means win and he is winning again.

Can you provide evidence that that is POTUS duty?
Representing all the people of the US should include protecting them from a once-a-century pandemic instead of allowing over 200,000 of his citizens to die on his watch.


"Finally, the President is chief citizen. This means the President should represent all of the people of the United States. Citizens expect the President to work for their interests and provide moral leadership."
Let’s see the Democrats have done their best to up the death count. Doesn’t that warrant some form of applause?
we had people calling xenophobic for restricting air travel. One even claimed he could have done better, but how if you did not stop air travel?
we had one wandering downtown asking everyone to come party.
Virus positive people were shoved into old folks homes.
People were told that it was safe to ride the subways then cars taken out of service to pack people closer together.
Fauci told everyone masks were not necessary, now even cloth works.
Pelosi got her hair cut when salons were mandated closed and did not wear a mask. Businesses were not allowed to open even with mitigation in place, but riots without mitigation were allowed.

Wonderful how the crazies claim that it was ok for 44 to stop testing because we knew that people were sick. But we want to crucify the next guy because he didn’t test enough. They want the president to tell them what and when to close, what to wear and where to go. But he suddenly is not allowed to tell states when and how to reopen.

Oh, Please. Just make it up as you go to attempt to cover up for your Orange Deities gross mistakes. Yah, he's winning alright. 14 points down as of this morning. Smell the Desperation.
So your trying to say that all that was made up but you don’t show where any of it was wrong. Yeah right.
once again--come celebrate chinese new year says the botox douche, thats in february, when it should have been AMERICA first. did you forget too?
Pelosi responded like the knee-jerk Democratic hack she is; how does her ignorance compare to Trump's current indifference to the suffering of millions of Americans? If you don't support Pelosi's handling of this pandemic, how can you back Trump?
Should we be concerned about drooling, delusional accusations coming from the "new and improved" democratic left? They are off the rails in anger that a president is not sick and dying. First they say he is too stupid to lead, then in the same breath they suggest that his virus battle was contrived as some kind of political genius ploy.

The democrats have lost it. They have lost all credibility in the arena of ideas and have nothing left but conspiracy theories of what they see as a Godzilla coming to town to expose them and take away control.

Trump did not oblige by falling into slobbering fits over a Chinese plague. They lost that battle and they will lose the war. These people are wicked.
Pelosi got her hair cut when salons were mandated closed and did not wear a mask. Businesses were not allowed to open even with mitigation in place, but riots without mitigation were allowed.
What does the behavior of corrupt Democrats have to do with Trump's incompetent handling of the MAGA virus?

Trump’s visit to the CDC shows why there’s concern about his coronavirus response
Well at least you got the currupt part right.
So exactly what did you expect him to do? The states claimed he could not do everything he wanted. Congress had just finished with their circus impeachment.
The democratic states were pretty much telling him that no matter what he did they were not going to follow. He tested more than 44 and did not just stop because as 44 put it we know people are sick. We had ventilators being made by a car company. Stimulis packages were added to the national debt. A hospital ship was sent in record time to New York City which had the worst out break and was not used for non virus cases.
Let’s see the Democrats have done their best to up the death count. Doesn’t that warrant some form of applause?
we had people calling xenophobic for restricting air travel. One even claimed he could have done better, but how if you did not stop air travel?
What did Trump know that Democrats did not know when he "shut down" air traffic from China last January? Trump continues to send conflicting messages on this pandemic. When he staged his latest campaign ploy by leaving the hospital against his doctor's advice and then removing his mask before entering the White House.
According to Fauci ( the guy that told everyone masses were not needed then claims he only said that to keep hospitals stocked. But somehow hospitals are not using homemade masks) Trump shut down air travel when he suggested it. Trump followed most of his suggestions.
Would everyone have been better off if he had run around yelling we are all going to die?
Remember at one point we had a projection of 2 million dead In the US alone.
Should he have followed 44‘s footsteps and stopped testing because “we know people are sick”?
I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
Medical McCarthyism is unbecoming and not helpful as we try to climb out of a hole not of the president's making. The democrats are trying to make hay out of distrust of fellow citizens. They want the government to declare their neighbors as "Typhoid Mary's" . But they allow massive protests that destroy businesses and cause havoc in cities. Vote appropriately.
once again--come celebrate chinese new year says the botox douche, thats in february, when it should have been AMERICA first. did you forget too?
Pelosi responded like the knee-jerk Democratic hack she is; how does her ignorance compare to Trump's current indifference to the suffering of millions of Americans? If you don't support Pelosi's handling of this pandemic, how can you back Trump?
real easy....TRUMP is trying to make sure your rights exist, demonrats want a communist government. douchebag is plain evil and does not give 2 shits about you or me.
I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
Medical McCarthyism is unbecoming and not helpful as we try to climb out of a hole not of the president's making. The democrats are trying to make hay out of distrust of fellow citizens. They want the government to declare their neighbors as "Typhoid Mary's" . But they allow massive protests that destroy businesses and cause havoc in cities. Vote appropriately.
The song one tin soldier seems apropos. Especially the part go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and hate your friend. There has been a big chasm that has been pushed even wider since Trump won.
There were democrats calling for impeachment before he had even had one day in the White House. They were marching against Trump Not for what he did or said but what they thought he might do.
The White House has become a voluntary COVID hot spot. And they're proud of it. This is the freakin' Twilight Zone.
How many more Republicans in the White House and Congress will Trump infect over the next four weeks (and beyond)?

I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
Medical McCarthyism is unbecoming and not helpful as we try to climb out of a hole not of the president's making. The democrats are trying to make hay out of distrust of fellow citizens. They want the government to declare their neighbors as "Typhoid Mary's" . But they allow massive protests that destroy businesses and cause havoc in cities. Vote appropriately.
The song one tin soldier seems apropos. Especially the part go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and hate your friend. There has been a big chasm that has been pushed even wider since Trump won.
There were democrats calling for impeachment before he had even had one day in the White House. They were marching against Trump Not for what he did or said but what they thought he might do.
Dude, that's a genius comparison. Thanks:

This one says it best:
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I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
Doctors are warning 32% of patients who take the same medications Trump is taking suffer from temporary mental problems, including delusions and confusion. Also, remember Herman Cain? He was reported to have the virus beat and had a sudden flair up after three weeks and died after 28 days.
I just watched Trump reassuring us that we do not need to be afraid of Coronavirus. There was something different about him. He actually looked and acted presidential. He was like Moses coming down off Mount Sinai. I think a crucial and decisive turning point has been reached.
Did he look winded to you after climbing a few stairs?
How many more members of his staff will he infect after removing his mask before entering the White House?

Donald Trump rebuked for removing mask after leaving hospital – US politics live
Doctors are warning 32% of patients who take the same medications Trump is taking suffer from temporary mental problems, including delusions and confusion. Also, remember Herman Cain? He was reported to have the virus beat and had a sudden flair up after three weeks and died after 28 days.

What do we know about Cain's medical history or that of his family? Some people have weakened immune systems from other illnesses or past actions that leave unseen wounds. People die from many things that add up over time.
LMAO You seem to forget the Dems called it a hoax.
What does that have to do with the fact Trump lied to the American people about the threat posed by Covid-19 long after he knew how deadly it is?

Trump didn't lie. The Dems sure did though.

Fauci already said Trump listened to everything he had to say very closely. Its just that no one knew anything about this virus or what it could do and the Chinese sure weren't talking.

You seem to think Americans are stupid. We all watched what was going on in China. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practiced distancing long before the CDC came out with those directions and you get bet millions of other Americans did the same.

Americans don't need a baby sitter or someone to tell them what to do. We all watch the news and aren't as stupid as you seem to think we are.
Well at least you got the currupt part right.
So exactly what did you expect him to do? The states claimed he could not do everything he wanted. Congress had just finished with their circus impeachment.
Trump's well deserved impeachment probably distracted him from the lack of adequate testing for Covid-19 when it mattered most seven months ago:

Trump’s visit to the CDC shows why there’s concern about his coronavirus response

"'As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], that’s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect,' Trump said, seemingly referring to the White House transcript of his call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in which he requests an investigation into his political rivals."

That's exactly what the Dems said. Pelousy told everyone the virus was nothing and everyone should come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

You Dem morons laughed at Trump and called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US

And for someone you said called it a hoax he sure got companies making masks, toilet paper when the run was on for that and ventilators to hospitals. He also got the hospital ship to New York City. Not bad for a guy you say called the virus a hoax.

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