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When Trump says win, he means win and he is winning again.

obviously not your demonrats--- Apr 12, 2020 · Most of the people wearing them on the streets — in Chinatown but also all over the city — were Asian immigrants, who probably already knew that it was safer to wear a mask ----huh---super spreader event--go figure
How do you know the Asians were immigrants and not Americans?

How San Francisco’s Chinatown got ahead of the coronavirus

"SAN FRANCISCO — On Jan. 24, the eve of the Chinese New Year, Dr. Jian Zhang, chief executive of San Francisco’s Chinese Hospital, saw an alarming photograph as she scrolled through her holiday greetings on WeChat.

"An old medical school colleague was about to join more than 100 other health care providers being rushed to Wuhan to help manage the coronavirus outbreak.

"Zhang immediately recognized the threat.

"'Twelve hours,” she recalled thinking. “We have direct flights from Wuhan to San Francisco, and it only takes 12 hours.'

"She knew those who were visiting family in China during the Lunar New Year would soon be back."

Have you ever considered the possibility your racism blinds you to reality?
Because only Rump is in that chair. Not for long though.
I can't understand how some conservatives (and others) can condemn political hacks like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, yet they believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth?

He is the most corrupt POTUS in US history

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."
Because only Rump is in that chair. Not for long though.
I can't understand how some conservatives (and others) can condemn political hacks like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, yet they believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth?

He is the most corrupt POTUS in US history

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."
your opinion is biased and useless here
No. It isn't. Just because there isn't a godvernment approved whatever doesn't mean its more anything- it's a strain of the flu- it will effect some worse than others and many not at all.

How many more Americans will Patient Zero kill before November 3rd?
Doctors have debunked your lies and bs.lol
I’m glad shill that you agree with me it’s funny that doctors have debunked your lies and bs.hee hee,comedy gold.
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Because only Rump is in that chair. Not for long though.
I can't understand how some conservatives (and others) can condemn political hacks like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, yet they believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth?

He is the most corrupt POTUS in US history

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."
your opinion is biased and useless here
Yeah he’s been Hanging around the op shill too long.lol
Everything Trump does lately to boost his support backfires on him. Polls that normally support him or lean his way now show a decline. Only his most hardcore base sees him as "winning". Fundamentally, America is disgusted with what they believe is a loser who can't and won't change.
So says the closed minded biased shill that tooted mass murderer Obama’s horn when he was murdering women and children around the world in the Mideast not getting approval from congress to invade Syria which had done nothing to us ,even his fellow mass murderer friend bush at LEAST got approval from congress to invade Iraq, hethen expanded the illegal patriot act of bush’s allowing the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens,never ONE peep or complaint from you then over that Kenyon traiter mass murderer.

trump gets elected,does not start any new
Wars,comes out recently and tells the truth that no president had the balls to do that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit,and all we here from you is whining and trolling on how trump is this and that,it’s obvious what your agenda here is at this site shill.same as the op.
That's exactly what the Dems said. Pelousy told everyone the virus was nothing and everyone should come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
When did Pelosi call Covid-19 a hoax?
She was NOT POTUS last January; Trump was.
It was his call to lie to Americans about a virus that would kill over 200,000 of his countrymen and women over the next nine months.
and it was the douchebags to invite you to--come and down and celebrate chinese new year, in february, ...chinese---what country does this douche work for?
Comedy gold this shill keeps parroting the lies and bs from the CIA controlled media there were over 200;000 deaths from Covid,this troll of course has no interest in facts that the CDC themselves even said the numbers are inflated or patriotic doctors have exposed hospitals are taking payoffs to call any death Covid from gunshot wounds to Fatal car accidents.lol waits for the shill to post a laughing smiley in his constant deflection of facts.lol
you cant tell the brain washed--brain dead demonrats anything that does not come out of their leaders mouths. thats what they are programmed for--to listen and obey their disgrace of a party. the facts can be right in front of them but damn it, its just not true. you traitors, did your parents teach you to be put on a leash and be led around by these evil sorry excuse for a political party? i think not...grow some balls and stand up to the idiots that have already started turning AMERICA into communism. 47 years in office, BEIJING joe, this idiot has done nothing to condemn racism, its hard when racism is TRUTH in their minds. they are the ones, through my days , that have eaten away at AMERICANS, to promote rascism and hatred. all of this started years ago, but 47 years. 80 years old and this is the best the demonrats have to offer you people? thats sad. geriatric abuse comes to my mind. and you dont see something wrong with that picture? wtf millions in the demonrat party and they pick an 80 year old geriatric, with a few issues health wise. wow. another idiot demonrat says it was set up when IT refused to wear a mask...sadly, you people will never learn---i would have to say i told ya so.....
That was an excellent post except for the 80 year part.47 was accurate but not 80.dont forget our last great president jfk was a democrat,that was more than 47 years ago so you are correct on that number.these trolls who think biden and the dems are so great are disgusting filth,I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true until recent years.ever sense facist pig Obama got in office,the country has been destroyed by democrat leaders,they have taken the trophy from the gop as the more corrupt part,it’s not a tie anymore as it was for years.

patriotic president jfk who was stepping on powerful toes in Washington which is why they offed him,is rolling over in his grave on how evil and corrupt the dem party has become sense he was alive.
When the president was hit with the virus it first appeared that his opposition had scored a coup with a devastating talking point characterizing him as a foolish loose cannon ignoring the danger facing the nation by not wearing a mask. But hold on, that does not appear be what is happening. The president had just finished a debate managed by a partisan interviewer Chris Wallace, disguised as an unbiased moderator.

Trump is truly something special. He is a change agent unlike any other in history including Ronald Reagan, and he threatens power structures deeply embedded in the system that have used strategies against him usually reserved for foreign enemies. He has not just survived them; he has come out on top in nearly every case.

Covid-19 is just one more arrow aimed at him that has failed to take him down. Trump wins because he has truth as his sword and truth wins over lies. The haters are in for a surprise. Trump is winning again. His courage and intrepid refusal to fall on the battlefield makes him a leader that leads from the front, not from behind like his opposition.

Trump will be remembered in history as the president who saved the United States from the ugly creeping globalist cartels that used intelligence tactics to subvert his election by overturning the will of the people.

His supporters should relax; he is going to win again. We are going to win again.
Delusions abound. SOS
Thank you for your confession.
Everything Trump does lately to boost his support backfires on him. Polls that normally support him or lean his way now show a decline. Only his most hardcore base sees him as "winning". Fundamentally, America is disgusted with what they believe is a loser who can't and won't change.
So says the closed minded biased shill that tooted mass murderer Obama’s horn when he was murdering women and children around the world in the Mideast not getting approval from congress to invade Syria which had done nothing to us ,even his fellow mass murderer friend bush at LEAST got approval from congress to invade Iraq, hethen expanded the illegal patriot act of bush’s allowing the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens,never ONE peep or complaint from you then over that Kenyon traiter mass murderer.

trump gets elected,does not start any new
Wars,comes out recently and tells the truth that no president had the balls to do that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit,and all we here from you is whining and trolling on how trump is this and that,it’s obvious what your agenda here is at this site shill.same as the op.
Your post, as usual, is full of misinformation and falsehoods.
Well at least you got the currupt part right.
So exactly what did you expect him to do? The states claimed he could not do everything he wanted. Congress had just finished with their circus impeachment.
Trump's well deserved impeachment probably distracted him from the lack of adequate testing for Covid-19 when it mattered most seven months ago:

Trump’s visit to the CDC shows why there’s concern about his coronavirus response

"'As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], that’s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect,' Trump said, seemingly referring to the White House transcript of his call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in which he requests an investigation into his political rivals."
You just have to love the crazy. We had the FBI investigating Trump because Hillary needed a win. Hillary used an illegal server and was given a pass because she was to stupid to know better. I mean really?
Trump never asked for quid pro quo. He never once during that conversation even hinted that anything was hooked to that.
So give Hillary a pass but use partisan politics against Trump. The crazy democrats when Billy was impeached yelled that an impeachment should never be partisan. Yet guess what they did? It showed that it was nothing but a circus when Democrats were calling for his impeachment before he had even one day in the White House.
I take it you don’t understand first of all you do not just snap a finger and have a test for a new virus. The first tests were not even usable, but of course Trump was making them, no one else involved?
Funny how everyone seems to conveniently forget that China and the WHO both told the world that the virus was not transferred human to human, that it was contained in Wuhan. China stopped flights in but still allowed travel out.
and it was the douchebags to invite you to--come and down and celebrate chinese new year, in february, ...chinese---what country does this douche work for?
Pelosi invited people to come to Chinatown in San Francisco to support American merchants in that community. She and other Democrats were wrong about Covid-19 then but they are wearing masks and avoiding "superspreader" events today. How about Don the Con?
You mean when Pelosi had her hair done in a city where everyone knows that salons were mandated to be closed? Where she wondered around with out her mask covering her face? You mean Biden whispering into another persons ear? You mean democrats allowing looting and rioting with no mitigation while keeping businesses with mitigation in place?
LMAO You seem to forget the Dems called it a hoax.
What does that have to do with the fact Trump lied to the American people about the threat posed by Covid-19 long after he knew how deadly it is?
Trump no more lied about the danger of covid than FDR lied about the danger of the Great Depression. It's not the president's job to run around like chicken little screaming the "the sky is falling". His job is to take the most effective steps available to protect the American people. Should FDR have told the American people after Pearl Harbor that they war was lost? Or after the first day of the Ardennes Offensive told the American people that Hitler had just won the war?
Calling it nothing to worry about equates to a hoax. Doesn't matter if she was POTUS or not. She's third in line if something happens to the POTUS and the VP. She would be POTUS and people pay attention to what she says.
She never cut the CDC budget in the midst of a once-a-century pandemic, did she?

Trump did, and it will cost him a second term (for starters)

View attachment 398018
https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2.26.20 DPCC Trump FY21 Coronavirus Budget Cuts.pdf

"In his FY21 budget, President Trump cut almost $100 million from crucial global health investments, including in global HIV/AIDS, global polio eradication, global immunization and the global public health capacity and development program.

"Furthermore, he cut funding crucial to combat Coronavirus, including:  $35 million cut to the Infectious Disease Rapid Response Reserve Fund (IDRRRF).

" $85 million cut to Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.  $25 million cut to the Public Health Preparedness and Response program."
Look I get it you don’t care how much money is being put on the federal credit card. You don’t care that at some point we will make Greece look like a slacker. You don’t care that at some point just interest will take most of our taxes and we won’t be able to afford anything else.

First of all no one Looked into a crystal ball and foresaw the virus.
Second of all There are those of us who actually carehow much the government over spends.
Third where do you want to cut? Welfare, ACA give us all a good laugh and let us know your considerable opinion of where we should cut
When the president was hit with the virus it first appeared that his opposition had scored a coup with a devastating talking point characterizing him as a foolish loose cannon ignoring the danger facing the nation by not wearing a mask. But hold on, that does not appear be what is happening. The president had just finished a debate managed by a partisan interviewer Chris Wallace, disguised as an unbiased moderator.

Trump is truly something special. He is a change agent unlike any other in history including Ronald Reagan, and he threatens power structures deeply embedded in the system that have used strategies against him usually reserved for foreign enemies. He has not just survived them; he has come out on top in nearly every case.

Covid-19 is just one more arrow aimed at him that has failed to take him down. Trump wins because he has truth as his sword and truth wins over lies. The haters are in for a surprise. Trump is winning again. His courage and intrepid refusal to fall on the battlefield makes him a leader that leads from the front, not from behind like his opposition.

Trump will be remembered in history as the president who saved the United States from the ugly creeping globalist cartels that used intelligence tactics to subvert his election by overturning the will of the people.

His supporters should relax; he is going to win again. We are going to win again.
Sounds like the faux bravado of a side that knows it's in deep $hit and is trying to delude itself and others that such is not the case after all. :p
It will be interesting to see whether President Biden decides to allow the DoJ to indict, prosecute and convict the Orange Baboon-God.

I wonder if The Creature can be taught to make license plates?
Because only Rump is in that chair. Not for long though.
I can't understand how some conservatives (and others) can condemn political hacks like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, yet they believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth?

He is the most corrupt POTUS in US history

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."
I don’t care who you are that there is funny. The last guy sat and drew how many lines in the sand? let guns be sold to drug cartels. Confiscated reporters emails and computers. I could continue but you wont bother.
Of course he has been in more litigations then any other president.
First off some of those were where his name was licensed that he had no control of the company. Second no other president has been involved in business to that extent, most have been career politicians
You just have to love the crazy. We had the FBI investigating Trump because Hillary needed a win. Hillary used an illegal server and was given a pass because she was to stupid to know better. I mean really?
How much money was Hillary making from Russian oligarchs?
Did she have a campaign manager funneling information to a Russian intelligence agent?
Six revelations in Senate intel report on 2016 Russian interference

Manafort shared campaign info with Russian intelligence officer, Senate panel finds

"Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had deep ties to a Russian intelligence officer and secretly shared campaign information, according to a sweeping Senate Intelligence Committee report released Tuesday.

"The nearly 1,000-page report offers a detailed portrait of Manafort's connection to Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the Senate panel identifies as a Russian intelligence officer with potential ties to the hack of Democratic emails during the 2016 election."

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