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When Trump says win, he means win and he is winning again.

Would everyone have been better off if he had run around yelling we are all going to die?
Remember at one point we had a projection of 2 million dead In the US alone.
Should he have followed 44ā€˜s footsteps and stopped testing because ā€œwe know people are sickā€?
His administration had been in power for three years when Covid-19 struck, yet Trump's failure to prepare for an inevitable pandemic made effective testing impossible when it mattered most:

Trumpā€™s visit to the CDC shows why thereā€™s concern about his coronavirus response

"There have been three main problems with the US governmentā€™s coronavirus tests: the first batch, distributed in February, is believed to have had a faulty reagent leading to inconclusive results; once that issue was corrected, there was not enough CDC capacity to test the kits that had been sent out (leading the center to open up testing to state-level facilities), and there arenā€™t currently enough tests to go around."

Do you remember the lie Trump was telling Americans at that very moment?

"'As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], thatā€™s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect,'"
This person LIED to the American people as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us.

He MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath.
I take it you donā€™t understand first of all you do not just snap a finger and have a test for a new virus. The first tests were not even usable, but of course Trump was making them, no one else involved?
I guess you have trouble admitting Trump is a pathological liar?

Trumpā€™s visit to the CDC shows why thereā€™s concern about his coronavirus response

ā€œAs of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], thatā€™s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect..."

Trump told this lie last March.
Did you notice?
Can you answer with using the words "Hillary" or "Obama"
You mean when Pelosi had her hair done in a city where everyone knows that salons were mandated to be closed? Where she wondered around with out her mask covering her face?
What was Trump doing and saying about Covid-19 at the time Pelosi was having her hair done? Which politician's actions contributed most to where we are today?

"In late January, President Trump expressed
optimism. 'We have it totally under control. Itā€™s one
person coming in from China, and we have it under
control. Itā€™s going to be just fine
,' he said on CNBC."

"Just a week later, the director-general of the World Health
Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared
a public health emergency: 'The main reason for this
declaration is not because of what is happening in China,
but because of what is happening in other countries.'

The President vs. the Experts: How Trump Played Down the Coronavirus
You just have to love the crazy. We had the FBI investigating Trump because Hillary needed a win. Hillary used an illegal server and was given a pass because she was to stupid to know better. I mean really?
How much money was Hillary making from Russian oligarchs?
Did she have a campaign manager funneling information to a Russian intelligence agent?
Six revelations in Senate intel report on 2016 Russian interference

Manafort shared campaign info with Russian intelligence officer, Senate panel finds

"Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had deep ties to a Russian intelligence officer and secretly shared campaign information, according to a sweeping Senate Intelligence Committee report released Tuesday.

"The nearly 1,000-page report offers a detailed portrait of Manafort's connection to Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the Senate panel identifies as a Russian intelligence officer with potential ties to the hack of Democratic emails during the 2016 election."
You mean the millions funneled into the Clinton slush fund? That has suddenly dried up?
Shared Campaign information. Hell anyone is free to share any campaign information.
You mean when Pelosi had her hair done in a city where everyone knows that salons were mandated to be closed? Where she wondered around with out her mask covering her face?
What was Trump doing and saying about Covid-19 at the time Pelosi was having her hair done? Which politician's actions contributed most to where we are today?

"In late January, President Trump expressed
optimism. 'We have it totally under control. Itā€™s one
person coming in from China, and we have it under
control. Itā€™s going to be just fine
,' he said on CNBC."

"Just a week later, the director-general of the World Health
Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared
a public health emergency: 'The main reason for this
declaration is not because of what is happening in China,
but because of what is happening in other countries.'

The President vs. the Experts: How Trump Played Down the Coronavirus
Look I get it you donā€™t want to miss out on your cheap Chinese junk.
The fact is China and the WHO both put out false information. China deliberately allowed people to leave and move around the world.
Again what did you expect him to do? Yell we are all going to die? Stop testing because we know people are going to get sick? Go against states wishes and declaring marshal law?
would the outlook have been rosier if he had told you that we are going to have 300,000 dead? Would things have been brighter if he had told everyone the best we can hope for is millions dead before a vaccine.

We are a far cry from the two million that we were projected to have.
Look I get it you donā€™t care how much money is being put on the federal credit card. You donā€™t care that at some point we will make Greece look like a slacker. You donā€™t care that at some point just interest will take most of our taxes and we wonā€™t be able to afford anything else.
Consumer debt is a greater concern than public debt.
There is an inverse relationship between the two: the consumers' surplus requires a government deficit.


K-Shaped Recovery: Robust for Haves, Bust for Have-Nots ā€“ CFM Advocates

"The stock market has regained most of what it lost during the pandemic-induced lockdown, but that can be attributed at least in part to the $2.3 trillion the Federal Reserve Bank has pumped into the US economy, with even more fiscal stimulus possible.

"Low interest rates have fueled a rush to refinance mortgages and encourage new home purchases, which has buoyed home prices."
I take it you donā€™t understand first of all you do not just snap a finger and have a test for a new virus. The first tests were not even usable, but of course Trump was making them, no one else involved?
I guess you have trouble admitting Trump is a pathological liar?

Trumpā€™s visit to the CDC shows why thereā€™s concern about his coronavirus response

ā€œAs of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], thatā€™s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect..."

Trump told this lie last March.
Did you notice?
Can you answer with using the words "Hillary" or "Obama"
Again I get it, you wanted to be able to run down and have a test every hour. Every country in the world was trying to use the same things to make tests. Do you somehow believe that all those materials just magically show up? The more they are wanted the harder they are to obtain. Sure he could have said that we donā€™t have enough manufacturing, or materials to create enough tests for everyone to have one every hour or even everyday, but would the world have been a rosier place? Would it have been better to stop trying to test at all?
What exactly did you expect anyone to say? If he had said anything about tests being limited what in your mind do you think the out come would have been? I can tell you what, people would have panicked, we would have had people wanting tests for no other reason then they might not have got one.
Stop and think for one second about the ramifications of what is said.
Look I get it you donā€™t care how much money is being put on the federal credit card. You donā€™t care that at some point we will make Greece look like a slacker. You donā€™t care that at some point just interest will take most of our taxes and we wonā€™t be able to afford anything else.
Consumer debt is a greater concern than public debt.
There is an inverse relationship between the two: the consumers' surplus requires a government deficit.


K-Shaped Recovery: Robust for Haves, Bust for Have-Nots ā€“ CFM Advocates

"The stock market has regained most of what it lost during the pandemic-induced lockdown, but that can be attributed at least in part to the $2.3 trillion the Federal Reserve Bank has pumped into the US economy, with even more fiscal stimulus possible.

"Low interest rates have fueled a rush to refinance mortgages and encourage new home purchases, which has buoyed home prices."
Really? Let me just for one moment ask you do you have any idea how much interest the government Pays on loaned money? We canā€™t even begin to pay back what we owe now. Increasing that debt will only make it harder to pay interest. Eventually we are going to have to cut programs. Welfare, medicare will probably go first. Tell the people that rely on those that consumer debt is more important.
Besides how do you feel consumer debt affects the CDC?
Third where do you want to cut? Welfare, ACA give us all a good laugh and let us know your considerable opinion of where we should cut
I suggest we go after the freeloaders first.

Meet the Wall Street and Corporate Tax Dodgers that Ditched Over $128 Billion in Taxes ā€“ Global Exchange

"Many of the corporations and Wall Street banks represented by the Business Roundtable have:

  • "avoided more than $128 billion in taxes by setting up over 500 subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and other offshore tax havens since 2008;
  • received more than $6.5 billion in tax refunds from the IRS, after making billions in profits;
  • outsourced hundreds of thousands of American jobs to China and other low wage countries, forcing their workers to receive unemployment insurance and other federal benefits; and
  • received a total taxpayer bailout of more than $2.5 trillion from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department and nearly caused the economy to collapse over four years ago."
Third where do you want to cut? Welfare, ACA give us all a good laugh and let us know your considerable opinion of where we should cut
I suggest we go after the freeloaders first.

Meet the Wall Street and Corporate Tax Dodgers that Ditched Over $128 Billion in Taxes ā€“ Global Exchange

"Many of the corporations and Wall Street banks represented by the Business Roundtable have:

  • "avoided more than $128 billion in taxes by setting up over 500 subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and other offshore tax havens since 2008;
  • received more than $6.5 billion in tax refunds from the IRS, after making billions in profits;
  • outsourced hundreds of thousands of American jobs to China and other low wage countries, forcing their workers to receive unemployment insurance and other federal benefits; and
  • received a total taxpayer bailout of more than $2.5 trillion from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department and nearly caused the economy to collapse over four years ago."
I take it you still donā€™t understand. Last years interest was 378 Billion dollars. Guarantee it will be much higher next year thinks to stimulus. That does nothing to bring the debt down.
No matter what people want to claim those companies Legally keep that money because of tax loopholes that congress has written in over the years. And before you go off, yes both parties. They did it for two reasons. One is they were paid by companies and individuals to do so. Two they did it so they could keep more of their own money. Amazon had sky high profits last year and paid $0.00 , yes that is zero in taxes. And yes it was legal because of tax loopholes.

We have a major problem with career politicians.
yes moving things to China was a bad idea. You do realize that we can thank the favored nation idea for that. It was a very bad idea to give total control of most of the manufacturing over to a country that we are in at least an undeclared peace with.
I take it you still donā€™t understand. Last years interest was 378 Billion dollars. Guarantee it will be much higher next year thinks to stimulus. That does nothing to bring the debt down.

Who or what do we owe the principle and interest to?
Any government that issues its own currency can not be forced to default on debt issued in that currency.
Greece collapsed because it joined the EU and no longer possessed a sovereign currency.
The US not only has a sovereign currency it also possesses a global reserve currency.
Imho, government deficits and debt are not the problem.
Private individual and corporate debt are the problem

Government Debt and Deficits Are Not the Problem. Private Debt Is. | Michael Hudson

"Student loan debt, now the second largest debt in the US at around $1 trillion, is the one kind of debt that has been growing since 2008. It is depriving new graduates of the ability to start families and buy new homes.

"This debt is partly a byproduct of cutbacks in federal and local aid to the universities, and partly of turning them into profit centers ā€“ financializing education to squeeze out an economic surplus to invest in real estate and financial holdings, to pay much higher salaries to upper management (but not to professors, who are being replaced by part-time, un-tenured help), and especially to create a thriving high-profit, zero-risk, government guaranteed loan business for banks."
I donā€™t care who you are that there is funny. The last guy sat and drew how many lines in the sand? let guns be sold to drug cartels. Confiscated reporters emails and computers. I could continue but you wont bother.
I didn't vote for Obama or Trump, so I'm a little confused how someone can criticize one and support the other. Even so, no POTUS in my lifetime has ever lied as effortlessly and constantly as Trump. He has been a con man all his life; he's the corrupt crony capitalist who cut out the (political) middleman.

Trump's 2,000 Conflicts of Interest (and Counting) - CREW
Of course he has been in more litigations then any other president.
First off some of those were where his name was licensed that he had no control of the company. Second no other president has been involved in business to that extent, most have been career politicians
He's been sued more often than any other POTUS in history because he is a pathological liar and con man. Name another president that's ever been associated with a scam like

A $25 million settlement has been reached in a lawsuit against Trump University
This person LIED to the American people as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us.

He MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath.
I don't believe he ever expected to become POTUS.
Once in office he quickly became addicted to its power.
Now he knows without a second term he will likely be spending most of his time in courtrooms (and hopefully jail cells).
I strongly suspect those legal proceedings will reveal aspects of Trump's corruption that dwarf any we've seen so far.
May he die like Jeff:mad:
You mean the millions funneled into the Clinton slush fund? That has suddenly dried up?
Shared Campaign information. Hell anyone is free to share any campaign information.
If Manafort engaged in any "coordinated expenditures" with Trump's Russian fans, he broke federal campaign finance laws.

Trump Campaign in Legal Jeopardy Over Manafort's Sharing Data with Russian Agent - Just Security

"If the data Manafort shared with Kilimnik was used to materially guide spending by Russian nationals to influence the 2016 presidential election, then the Trump campaign seemingly received an 'in-kind contribution' from the Russian nationals in the form of 'coordinated expenditures' in violation of multiple federal campaign finance laws."
Everything Trump does lately to boost his support backfires on him. Polls that normally support him or lean his way now show a decline. Only his most hardcore base sees him as "winning". Fundamentally, America is disgusted with what they believe is a loser who can't and won't change.
So says the closed minded biased shill that tooted mass murderer Obamaā€™s horn when he was murdering women and children around the world in the Mideast not getting approval from congress to invade Syria which had done nothing to us ,even his fellow mass murderer friend bush at LEAST got approval from congress to invade Iraq, hethen expanded the illegal patriot act of bushā€™s allowing the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens,never ONE peep or complaint from you then over that Kenyon traiter mass murderer.

trump gets elected,does not start any new
Wars,comes out recently and tells the truth that no president had the balls to do that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit,and all we here from you is whining and trolling on how trump is this and that,itā€™s obvious what your agenda here is at this site shill.same as the op.
Your post, as usual, is full of misinformation and falsehoods.
Coming from a trump butthurt shill who lies constantly in the history section on fdr and never said one peep on mass murderer Obamas corrosion when he was killing women and children around the world and taking a crap on the constitution,your one to talk,nobody ever listens to your trolling posts around here.lol
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When the president was hit with the virus it first appeared that his opposition had scored a coup with a devastating talking point characterizing him as a foolish loose cannon ignoring the danger facing the nation by not wearing a mask. But hold on, that does not appear be what is happening. The president had just finished a debate managed by a partisan interviewer Chris Wallace, disguised as an unbiased moderator.

Trump is truly something special. He is a change agent unlike any other in history including Ronald Reagan, and he threatens power structures deeply embedded in the system that have used strategies against him usually reserved for foreign enemies. He has not just survived them; he has come out on top in nearly every case.

Covid-19 is just one more arrow aimed at him that has failed to take him down. Trump wins because he has truth as his sword and truth wins over lies. The haters are in for a surprise. Trump is winning again. His courage and intrepid refusal to fall on the battlefield makes him a leader that leads from the front, not from behind like his opposition.

Trump will be remembered in history as the president who saved the United States from the ugly creeping globalist cartels that used intelligence tactics to subvert his election by overturning the will of the people.

His supporters should relax; he is going to win again. We are going to win again.
It's nice to have a businessman in the White House, somebody who wants to get things done and is not very interested in playing politics or enhancing his image.
When the president was hit with the virus it first appeared that his opposition had scored a coup with a devastating talking point characterizing him as a foolish loose cannon ignoring the danger facing the nation by not wearing a mask. But hold on, that does not appear be what is happening. The president had just finished a debate managed by a partisan interviewer Chris Wallace, disguised as an unbiased moderator.

Trump is truly something special. He is a change agent unlike any other in history including Ronald Reagan, and he threatens power structures deeply embedded in the system that have used strategies against him usually reserved for foreign enemies. He has not just survived them; he has come out on top in nearly every case.

Covid-19 is just one more arrow aimed at him that has failed to take him down. Trump wins because he has truth as his sword and truth wins over lies. The haters are in for a surprise. Trump is winning again. His courage and intrepid refusal to fall on the battlefield makes him a leader that leads from the front, not from behind like his opposition.

Trump will be remembered in history as the president who saved the United States from the ugly creeping globalist cartels that used intelligence tactics to subvert his election by overturning the will of the people.

His supporters should relax; he is going to win again. We are going to win again.
He's going to win but Pelosi and the dems are then going to try to rule the races invalid by picking dem controlled precincts and having them say that they can't their numbers because of cheating or riots or the virus thusly allowing Pelosi to chose the leader.
I thought it was awesome when he put at risk the lives of his secret service personnel so he could go for a joy ride / photo op.

Now that's leadership.
Under American law, any physician has the power to keep any patient in the hospital if that patient is a danger to public health or safety. Trump's doctors let him out, didn't they? Do you get the message?

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